Mass Murder by the Daitengu (4e Power)

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Mass Murder by the Daitengu Tsuku-Master Attack 29
With all of the previous skills you have learned, none go quite as far reaching and epic as this power does. From the skies come the colossal forms of the daitengus, a group of yokai gods, who are more than ready to use their massive swords and hammers to slash at, and then take hold of every foe in sight.
Daily Star.gif Divine, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 25
Target: Each enemy in burst.
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is counted as being restrained until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Oni-Obake: If you hit a target marked by your tsuku-aura with this attack, then that target is instead stunned (save ends)/ Noppera-Obake: If you hit a target marked by your tsuku-aura with this attack, then you may choose to teleport to an unoccupied square up to 5 spaces away as a free action this turn.

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