Wanderlust (3.5e Cleric Domain)

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Wanderlust Domain

The Wanderlust domain represents one's drive to explore and experience everything the world has to offer.

Granted Powers

Add Listen and Spot to your list of class skills.

Wanderlust Domain Spells

  1. Surefooted StrideSpC: You can move over rubble as easily as you can over open ground.
  2. Ethereal MountSpC: You conjure a swift mount from the Ethereal Plane.
  3. Dimension Door: Teleports you a short distance.
  4. Find the Path: Shows most direct way to location.
  5. Shadow Walk: Step into shadow to travel rapidly.
  6. Mage's Magnificent Mansion: Door leads to extradimensional mansion.
  7. Plane Shift, GreaterSpC: Plane shift accurately to your desired destination.
  8. Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature or object.
  9. UnbindingSpC: Frees everyone in range from spells that constrain or bind.

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