SRD Talk:Ring of Invisibility

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Revision as of 14:05, 13 January 2011 by Badger (talk | contribs) (question: answered)
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My questions are thus:

1. Does the ring need to be activated again after attacking as would appear to be the case with invisibility dropping?

2. Does it cease just before the attack or afterward?

3. In the case of multiple attacks does it drop after the first one or after the last one?

4. Is activating the Ring a free, swift, or standard action?


Ok, I'll try to answer all of these:
1. Yes, once you attack the spell ends and you are once again visible
2. Just afterwards. You will have to talk with your DM if you become visible if you miss your attack (as I don't recall any ruling one way or the other).
3. After the first attack, regardless of the number of attacks you (try to) make.
4. Activating this ring requires a command word that is a standard action, but it doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity.
--Badger 13:05, 13 January 2011 (MST)
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