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Trouble with Tables[edit]

So you want to make a table. First things first, you have to decide what kind of table you need. If you are making a simple table of DCs for a variant skill you wrote, you'll want to use a simple table. If you are making a table to display the name, summary, and pre-reqs for various feats, you'll want to use a DPL table (dynamic page list table). If you're just curious, about tables in general, that's ok too.

Static Tables[edit]

Static tables are tables that don't change. You want to use a static table for things like class progressions, DCs, weapon stats, and other things that once entered, don't have to change often. I'm going to show three examples of tables, the first is single column table for lists. The second is a two column table (great for DCs and the like), and the third is a 2+ column table. While each of these tables is ostensibly the same thing, you can copy the raw code for the table that best fits your need and use it without much work.

Single Column Static Table[edit]

Raw Code:

{| class="{{d20}}"
! rowspan="2" | 1st Column Name
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|1st row
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|2nd row
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|3rd row
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|4th row


1st Column Name
1st row
2nd row
3rd row
4th row

If you need to add more rows to this chart, that's easy as pie. Just add |- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}" and then a new line that begins with a pipe ( "|" ), then the content of the new row. This can be done indefinitely.

Two Column Static Table[edit]

Raw Code:

{| class="{{d20}}"
! rowspan="2" | 1st Column Name
! rowspan="2" | 2nd Column Name
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R1||C2 R1
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R2||C2 R2
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R3||C2 R3
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R4||C2 R4


1st Column Name 2nd Column Name
C1 R1 C2 R1
C1 R2 C2 R2
C1 R3 C2 R3
C1 R4 C2 R4

Just as before, if you want to add a new line, first add this line: |- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}" then add this one: |Column 1 new row text || Column 2 new row text . Again, this can be done indefinitely.

Multi-Column Static Table[edit]

This table can be used for many different applications. However, as is the case with many multi-column tables, you may want to evaluate if you want a static or dynamic table. If you're pretty sure you want a static table, it's easy, just follow the steps below:

Raw Code: {| class="{{d20}}"
! rowspan="2" | 1st Column Name
! rowspan="2" | 2nd Column Name
! rowspan="2" | 3rd Column Name
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R1||C2 R1||C3 R1
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R2||C2 R2||C3 R2
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R3||C2 R3|| C3 R3
|- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}"
|C1 R4||C2 R4||C3 R4


1st Column Name 2nd Column Name 3rd Column Name
C1 R1 C2 R1 C3 R1
C1 R2 C2 R2 C3 R2
C1 R3 C2 R3 C3 R3
C1 R4 C2 R4 C3 R4

Just as before, if you want to add a new row, first add this line: |- class="{{Odd-Even|{{#var:odd}}}}" then add this one: |Column 1 new row text || Column 2 new row text || Column 3 new row text . Again, this can be done indefinitely. If you want to add a new column, there is another step that also has to happen. if you'll notice up top we added a new line of text:  ! rowspan="2" | 3rd Column Name . If you're adding another column you'll need to add another one of those, or your new column won't have a title.

Dynamic Lists[edit]

A dynamic list can change over time more easily than a static list can. If you are making a table to display every feat that falls into a certain category, (Aerial feats, for instance) you will want to use a dynamic list. The benefit is, whenever anyone adds a new aerial feat to the category, the list will automatically update to reflect the changes, so you don't have to go through and edit all the text by hand. This sort of table is a bit more complicated, but is worth the extra learning. Because of the nature of dynamic lists, adding a new column is as simple as thinking of a name, and you don't have to add new rows, because the list automatically updates.

The key with making a good dynamic list is to narrow down the categories. Because a list is generated by compiling everything in all the categories, you need to be specific. As you can see, in the example below I wanted only homebrew aerial feats. Therefore I included Category:User and Category:Aerial Feats to get only the intersection of those two categories. If I had left out Category:user I would have gotten SRD and OGL feats that were aerial feats. If I had left out Category:Aerial Feats I would have gotten a list of every single homebrew feat, not just the aerial ones. I left out Category:Feats because every aerial feat is also in category:feat, so this wouldn't narrow down my search any.

To include categories to search in, you need to type "category=<Name of category, ie Feats>. Once you've compiled the list of all the feats, you can decide what content you want on your list. In this instance I chose to include items from the template: 3.5e feat. I chose :prereqs and :summary. I could have chosen anything from that template, or any other template that was applied to all those pages. If there is a no information (for instance, no pre-reqs) the default leaves the cell blank. You can edit this list further to input something like "This feat has no pre-requisites", but that is far beyond the scope of this new user guide.Here's how a dynamic list gets things done:

Multi-column dynamic table[edit]

Raw Code:

{| class="d20" style="text-align: left;" {{#vardefine:odd|0}}
|+ Aerial Feats
|- style="text-align: center;"
! Name || [[Property:3e Prerequisite|Prerequisite(s)]] ||[[Property:3e Summary|Summary]]
|category=Aerial Feat
|include={3.5e Feat}:prereqs:summary
|format=,¦- class="²{Odd-Even¦²{var:odd}²}²"\n¦ [[%PAGE%¦²{#replace:%PAGE%¦(3.5e Feat)¦} ²]],\n,
|tablerow=¦¦ style="text-align: left;" ¦ %%, %%\n


Aerial Feats
Name Prerequisite(s) Summary
Advanced Aerial Combat Str 15, Dex 15 You have become so effective in combat that you have learned to control a greater area in the battlefield.
Advanced Aerobatics You are truly at home in the air. You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics nearly perfectly
Aerial Combat Str 15, Dex 15 You are trained to fight while in flight.
Aerobatics You are at home in the air. You understand the properties of wind resistance and aerodynamics and how to optimize your situation in the air.
Dive-Bomb Str 15+, Dex 15+, Aerial Combat You are trained to attack at speed from above.
Greater Aerial Combat Str 15, Dex 15, Fly speed 30ft (good), Aerial Combat, Advanced Aerial Combat You have learned to use air and gravity to your own benefit.
Greater Dive-Bomb Str 15+, Dex 15+, Fly speed 30ft (good)+, Aerial Combat, Greater Aerial Combat, Dive-Bomb, Improved Dive-Bomb You are trained to attack at speed from above, without your enemy having time to react.
Greater Maneuverability Improved Maneuverability, Dex 11 Your navigation skills of the air are further increased.
Improved Dive-Bomb Str 15+, Dex 15+, Aerial Combat, Dive-Bomb You have done Dive-Bombs some many times that you can now use them without losing sight of your enemy.
Improved Maneuverability Fly Speed You are better able to navigate the air.
Spawn of Pazuzu Fly speed, poor maneuverability, Vestigial Wings You have a hereditary link to the Prince of the Lower Aerial Kingdoms that causes your wings to grow much larger, giving you an increased fly speed.
Spin Attack Dex 13, fly speed, Medium size or larger Your wings can be used as weapons.
Spirited Dive Fly speed, Flyby Attack The creature can perform a terrifying dive-bomb attack.

Specific Tables[edit]

Some tables are pre-made, and you just have to fill in your ideas. These next few sections are devoted to helping you fill out pre-made tables.

3.5e Base and Prestige Class Tables[edit]

3.5e Creature Tables[edit]