Talk:Cross-Class Learning (3.5e Feat)

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Revision as of 08:42, 1 April 2010 by (talk) (→‎Neat!)
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This feat would come in handy for a fighter that wants to use magic devices. --Aarnott 14:08, 6 May 2008 (MDT)

It would, but the feat Able Learner makes all skills cost one point per rank. Much better than an additional two in my opinion.

Does Able Learner also get rid of the cap for cross-class bonuses? That would mean that it just allows the points to be spent elsewhere, rather than effectively making all skills class skills. -
It doesn't actually, it just makes all skills worth one point, but doesn't make them all class skills. -- 08:42, 1 April 2010 (UTC)