Shield Hero (5e Class)

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The Shield Hero

The Legendary Weapons are powerful weapons that can be summoned along with wielders potentially from other worlds, who are deemed, Legendary Heroes.

The Saint of the Shield

Based of the The Rising of the Shield Hero, the Shield Hero, one of the four cardinal hero's and bearer of the legendary cardinal shield, is a warrior that specializes in defending his allies in battle at the cost of his own well being. A Shield Hero embodies the true definition of perseverance and durability as the charge into battle wielding only a shield to fend off the many challenges ahead.

Creating a Shield Hero

Why were you chosen to become the Shield Hero? Were you chosen as a successor from a past hero or picked by the weapon itself? Do you fight to protect others for the sake of the world or just your companions? Do you plan out each of your maneuvers or charge into battle to overwhelm your opponents with your near impregnable defenses?

Quick Build

You can make a Shield Hero quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the Far Traveler background.

Class Features

As a Shield Hero you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Shield Hero level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Shield Hero level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
Weapons: None
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival, Intimidation, or Arcana.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • The Legendary Shield
  • (a) Common clothing or (b) Modern Day clothing(for characters who were called from another world)
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 400 gp in funds.

Table: The Shield Hero

Level Proficiency
SP Points Features Shield Defense Ki Points
1st +2 2 The Cardinal Weapons Abilities, Shield Defense, Change Shield +1 0
2nd +2 3 Basic Magic I +1 0
3rd +2 5 Curse Series +2 0
4th +2 6 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement +2 0
5th +3 8 Basic Magic II +3 0
6th +3 9 Shield of Rage II, Magic Empowered Attacks +3 0
7th +3 11 Tools Trainee +4 0
8th +3 12 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement +4 0
9th +4 14 Intermediate Magic I +5 0
10th +4 15 Ki Defense +5 2
11th +4 17 Shield of Rage III +5 2
12th +4 18 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement +6 4
13th +5 20 Intermediate Magic II +6 4
14th +5 21 Master of Tools +6 6
15th +5 23 Ki Defense Improvement +7 6
16th +5 24 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement +7 8
17th +6 26 Improved Rage Shield III +7 8
18th +6 27 Advanced Magic +8 10
19th +6 29 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Improvement +8 10
20th +6 30 Revelation +8 12

The Cardinal Weapons

At 1st level you gain one to the Legendary weapons. Each of the Legendary weapons comes with a certain set of rules and abilities that are enforced under all circumstances.

1. Legendary Weapons innately inhibit each other's experience gain when in close proximity, forcing heroes to adventure individually.

2. Restricted from using any other weapon for combat purposes or for the intent of causing bodily harm to another being. Attempting to do so will cause you to take 1d4 lightning damage and immediately drop the weapon.

3. The assigned weapon will teleport to the user if removed. However it can be moved around the body and can also be shrunk down to an inch width and length for comfort.

4. The Weapon is considered permanently attuned to the user. The attunement cannot be ended by any means short of a wish spell and if the target of said wish spell is unwilling they can make a Constitution Saving throw with a DC of 20, otherwise your attunement ends with the Legendary Weapon and any class levels in this class are removed from the character forever. If you choose to re-attune to the weapon you lose all progress you had previously made and must start again from level 1 of the class.

5. Verbal language is translated to the user into their primary language, and the user can vocalize into their recipient's primary language.

6. Weapons can absorb loot, items, and materials to unlock new variations of themselves. The user can access new transformations provided they reach the level requirement.

7. Weapons can transform into different variations that grant the user new equip bonuses, such as stats, skills and abilities. Variations can become mastered with enough experience, allowing the user to permanently retain the equip bonuses even if they switch transformations. Some bonuses remain exclusive.

8. Weapons have the ability to copy different variations of the same weapon they encounter.

Shield Defense

At 1st level your Shield gains the ability to grow more powerful as you level up. You start off with a bonus of +1 to your AC, which increases as you gain levels on this class, as shown in the Shield Defense column on the Shield Hero table.

Change Shield

At 1st level you gain the ability to alter the appearance and/or abilities of the legendary shield by manipulating the magic in the shield. By using 1 SP point and saying the words "Change Shield", you can take a bonus action to activate this ability which allows you to change your current shield to one to the shields you have obtained or use a shield ability from one of your mastered shields. You can gain different shields by allowing your shield to absorb various materials. Some examples include absorbing parts of a zombie would give access to the Inter Dimensional Zombie Shield, or absorbing lead ore will give you access to the Lead Shield. Coping shields follows a similar process except it doesn't require you to consume the original shield. See the full list of available shields you can use down bellow in the Shield List section.

Basic Magic I

As the shield hero you have a gift for support and utility type spells. At 2nd level you can cast the Cantrips Spare the dying, Resistance, and Guidance from the Cleric Spell list.

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your cleric spells. The power of your spells comes from the legendary shield. You use your Wisdom whenever a cleric spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a cleric spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

Curse Series

Through Intense rage whether it be the loss of a friend, or from someone who wronged you and got away with it, you unlock a dark power hidden within each of the Legendary Weapons called the Curse Series. At 3rd level you gain the ability to tap into this dark power called the Shield of Rage I. By using the change shield ability you can access this power to burn down anyone who may have wronged you. At the start of each round with the Shield of Rage I out, you must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to your Cleric spell save DC(The first time you activate the Shield of Rage you instantly fail this Check). If you fail you enter a state of unquenchable rage and will attack anything around you be it friend or foe.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Basic Magic II

Beginning at 5th level you gain access to a larger variety of lower tier magic. You gain the ability to cast both the Mending and Thaumaturgy Cleric cantrips as well as the 1st level Cleric spells Bless, Healing Word, and Shield of Faith. To cast a spell at 1st level spell or higher it consumes the amount of SP points of that equivalent level(i.e. Casting healing word at 1st level consumes 1 SP point while casting Healing word at 3rd level consumes 3 SP points). You also cannot cast a spell that is higher than 1/3 your shield hero level rounded up(i.e. If your current shield hero level is 10 you cannot cast the spell Healing Word over level 4).

Shield of Rage II

Through the intense anger of the enemies you have slain and absorbed into your Shield you have gained access to the Shield of Rage II. At 6th level, Your anger and emotions become stronger and transform your Shield of Rage I into the Shield of Rage II (Upon the first time using it you also instantly fail the first saving throw). Its damage increases as well as give you access to the formidable attack called Iron Maiden. When casting Iron Maiden you must have the Pipe Shield mastered in order to activate the prison shield ability. Then by using Change Shield you can call upon Iron Maiden by consuming your remaining SP points to deal 1d6 piercing damage per SP point consumed. More info on the Iron Maiden Ability can be found in the Shield List below.

Magic Empowered Attacks

Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes and Shield Ability's count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Tools Trainee

At 7th level, You can choose up to two different sets of tools to become proficient in.

Intermediate Magic I

Starting at 9th level, You unlock an even greater arsenal of spells to have at your disposal. You gain the ability to cast the first level Cleric spells Detect Magic and Purify Food and Drink. You also gain access to the 2nd level Cleric spells Aid, Lesser Restoration, and Protection from Poison.

Ki Defense

Though your rigorous training as the the Shield hero, you unlock your latent abilities to use Ki. Starting at 10th level, you gain 2 ki points and it increases by 2 every other level up to a max of 12 at level 20. You can spend these Ki points to use a variety of abilities by using a form of Martial arts called Hengen Musou.

1. Collect: By spending 1 Ki point you can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon or single target spell attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier + your Shield Hero level.

2. Ball: If you reduce the damage to 0 by using Collect, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the missile does the same amount of damage that was reduced, but this attack only has a range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.

3. Wall: By spending 1 Ki point you can use an action to form an invisible barrier of Ki around your body to give yourself a +1 to AC for 1 minute(requires concentration).

Shield of Rage III

Your anger grows even greater than before and transforms into the Shield of Rage III. At 11th level your anger and emotions have reached a new peak and transformed The Shield of Rage II into the Shield of Rage III(Like The others you fail the first saving throw when you activate it for the first time). You gain two new abilities with this Shield which are Wrath Fire and Blood Sacrifice. Wrath Fire allows you to use your reaction to absorb an incoming fire based spell and launch it back at your opponent in the form of a flaming dragon. Your opponent must make a constitution saving throw or take 5d10 fire damage or half on a success. In order to cast Blood Sacrifice, you consume all but 1 HP. The total damage of Blood Sacrifice is equal to 2 times the consumed HP. At the start of your next round you drop to 0 HP and are cursed. The curse reduces all of your current stats by 30% including HP(rounded up). The Curse can only be cured by wrapping it in holy water bandages for 1d10 days. More info on both Wrath Fire and Blood Sacrifice can be found in the Shield List below.

Intermediate Magic II

Your prowess in magic has advanced once again and you now have access to even greater spells. Starting at 13th level you can now cast the 2nd level Cleric spells Enhance Ability and Continual Flame. As well as gain access to the 3rd level Cleric spells Mass Healing Word, Protection from Energy, and Beacon of Hope.

Master of Tools

At 14th level people have labeled you a master of your craft and you have the skill to back it up. You gain mastery in all current tools sets you are currently proficient in. As well as you pick another 2 tools sets to become proficient in as well (You do not have mastery in these).

Ki Defense Improvement

Through hard work and dedication you have trained your Ki abilities to the max. Starting at 15th level your Ki defense skills are improved to new heights.

1. Collect: Improves to 2d10 + your Wisdom modifier + your Shield Hero level.

2. Ball: Range increases to 40ft and a long range of 120ft.

3. Wall: Gives a +2 AC for 2 minutes(requires concentration).

Improved Rage Shield III

Through countless hours of training, you have truly mastered the Curse Series and gained great strength because of it. Starting at 17th level, Iron Maidens damage die increases from a d6 to a d8. Blood Sacrifice also increases from 2 times your remaining HP to 3 times your remaining HP.

Advanced Magic

You master you have maximized your magical abilities to their fullest and achieved a mastery level in your use of support magic. Starting at 18th level, You gain access to the 3rd level Cleric spells Dispel Magic and Clairvoyance. You also gain access to the 4th level Cleric spells Death Ward, Freedom of Movement, and the 5th level Cleric spell Mass Cure Wounds.


Through your journey's throughout the land you have become the worlds greatest Hero and have achieved complete Mastery over your abilities as the Shield Hero. Starting at level 20 you can now call upon the Power of Revelation the strongest ability the heroes can achieve. By combining your Shield, Ki, and Magic together you achieve the ultimate skill called Revelation. By consuming 5 Ki points, 5 SP points, and a Magic spell you know of your choice, you can transform that spell into the 9th level variant of it(i.e. casting Mass healing Word with Revelation. You can only do this once per long rest.

Shield List

The Shield list provided is only a starting guide for characters as each creature that you collect in D&D should give their own shield. It is encouraged to discuss possible new shields with your DM for monsters that you and your party might defeat later down the line. As the current list will only cover the shields shown throughout the original series.


Small Shield

The original form of the legendary shield. It is a Heater type made out of a silver colored metal with a green crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained by gaining your first level in the Shield Hero Class

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: You gain a +2 to AC while the shield is equipped

Orange Small Shield

A round shield made of a hard orange and red shell with an orange crystal in the center.

Accessibility: Obtained by absorbing the carapace of a Giant Fire Beetle.

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: You gain a +1 to AC while the shield is equipped.

Yellow Small Shield

A round shield made from hide and pale yellow and orange fur with a yellow crystal in the center.

Accessibility: Obtained by absorbing some hide and fur from a Jackal.

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: You gain a +1 to AC while the shield is equipped.

Leaf Shield

A green shield that takes the shape of a scalloped Leaf with a dark green crystal in near the top.

Accessibility: Obtained by absorbing some leaves from 5 different plants.

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: While the shield in equipped you improve the quality of plants you may find. This increase doubles the GP value of the plants.

Fish Shield

A round shield that has casting mechanism on the front of the shield with a blue crystal above it.

Accessibility: Obtained by absorbing a fishing rod.

Class Level Requirement: 1st level

Equip Bonus: When this shield is equipped, you gain a +2 to survival checks that involve fishing.

Shield Skill: This shield can be used as a fishing rod. While being used as a fishing rod, you gain a +2 to survival checks that involve fishing.

Red Small Shield

A kite like shield the resembles the shape of a beak with red feathers etched into the design. There is a red crystal in the center of the shield.

Accessibility: Obtained by absorbing the beak and feathers of a blood hawk.

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: You gain a +2 to AC with this shield equipped.

Mush Shield

A round shield resembeling the top of a brown mushroom with a green crystal in the center of the shield

Accessibility: Obtained by absorbing any 5 kinds of fungus

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: When this shield is equiped you can identify poisonous plants from edible plants allowing you to forage for twice as much food. Aditionaly you get a +1 bonus to survival checks when foraging for food

Blue Mush Shield

A raound shield with a shade of blue resembeling the top of a mushroom and a green crystal in the center of the shield

Accessibility: Obtained by researching wild plants and herbs

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: When using the herbalism kit you can make products in half time and with double the usualy amount

Green Mush Shield

A small green target shield with a green crystal in the corner. This shield has the resembelance of a small set of herbalist tools with all the tools attached to the shield through unknown means

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing a herbalism kit

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: this shield can be used as a substitute to a herbalism kit with the added benefit of being able to store up to 100 pounds of materials used for making produce with the herbalism kit. These materials are stored in two metalic pouches attacked to the top of the shield

Small Poison Shield

A dark green Heater shield with a symbol of a bottle with a green substance in the midle of it while a brown crystal was presented as the cap of the bottle

Accessibility: obtained after absorbing some mildly poisonous plants or expired medicine

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you have half resistance to poison damage

Small Medicine Shield

A white heater shield with a symbol of a bottle with a red substance in the midle of it while a blue crystal acts as the cap of the bottle

Accessibility: obtained after absorbing a healing potion

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped any healing potions or produce with healing propreties will have a 1d6 added to the amount of hitpoints raised

Egg Shield

A round white shield with a metal pot, knives, forks, a stirring spoon, and a ladle attacked to it through unknow means. the utensils can be detached and atached back to the shield.

Accessibility: obtained after absorbing cooks utensils

Class Level Requirement: 1st level

Equip Bonus: This shield can be used as a substitude to the cooks utensils with the added benefit of doubling the amount of food made with this shield

Blue Egg Shield

A blue buckler with a transparent crystal in the middle

Accessibility: Obtained after absoring rotten or spoiled food

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: While this shield is equiped it can be used to identify the quality of food and drinks with the gem changing colour acordingly to the produces state (ranges from black to white with white being incredibly saturating and black being rotten to the point of needing an illusion spell to hide it)

Sky Egg Shield

This shiled looks like a target shield with a cookbook attacked to it

Accessibility: obtained after absoring cooking ingredients

Class Level Requirement: 1st Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped it allows you to make more nourishing meals which in term doubles their GP walue

Calorie Shield

A orange buckler resembling a swirl effect with a lime crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing a potion of climbing

Class Level Requirement: 2nd level

Equip Bonus: While this shield is equiped you gain climbing spped equal to your movement speed

Energy Shield

A neon blue target shield with a white crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing medicine used to enhance ones physical capabilities

Class Level Requirement: 2nd Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you will regain 1 SP every hour

Potential Energy Shield

A white buckler with a symblol resembeling yellow sparks with a gray crystal in the midle

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing a potion of speed

Class Level Requirement: 2nd level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you can use your bonus action as an action 5 times betwen long rests

UsaLeather Shield

A round leather shield with a red crystal in the middle

Accessibility: obtained after absoring hide from an rabbit

Class Level Requirement: 2nd Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped your dexterity score is raised by 1

UsaMeat Shield

A round shield made to look like raw meat with a blood red crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing raw meat from a freshly skined animal

Class Level Requirement: 2nd Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you will become more adept at using your knifes and blades when skining animals and seprating their meat from their skin and bones allowing you to get a better price when selling them.

Whetstone Shield

A huge heater shield made completly out of whetstone with a patern of slots of all shapes and sizes around it allowing you to sotre all kinds of blades in the shield

Accessibility: Obtained after absoring a whetstone.

Class Level Requirement: 2nd level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you gain a +2 bonus to AC.

Special Effect: While this shield is equiped you will be able to store any bladed weapon in its many slots up to a maximum of 8. While these weapons are stored a repairing proces will start with rusted weapons taking 8 hours to repair completly and slightly damaged weapons will take 1 hour. Additionaly if a weapon is fully repaired it will gain a +1 bonus to its attack roll and damage. This shield uses up he users SP at a rate of 1 SP per hour for each weapon

Pickaxe Shield

a black buckler shield with a green crystal in the center with two handles coming out from the center of the shield to its sides and both ending with what seems to be the head of a pickaxes curving around the shield

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing a pickaxe

Class Level Requirement: 2nd Level

Equip Bonus: You have an inate ability to hit the perfect spot when mining ores allowing you to gather twice as much materials when mining

Rope Shield

A small round shield that looks like rope sprouting from the center green crystal in a circular patern while being held together through unknown means

Accessibility: Obtained after absorinbg rope.

Class Level Requirement: 2nd Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you will be abble to chant the words "Air strike shield" which will conjure up a transparent green heater shield with a symbol of wings. This shield will can be conjured up to a distacne of 30 feet and there can only be 2 present at the same time. This shield can be used to block of paths as an action or used as a reaction to deffend an ally or yourself by raising your AC by 2. This shield can remain suspended in the air and used as a platform and lasts for 1 minutes or until the creator dissmises it. Aditionaly the shield has an AC of 11 and 25 HP.

Special Effect:You can coonjure up a rope that comes from the crystal in the center of the shield. A maximum amount of rope that can be expended is 60 feet and the rope cant be detached from the shield once it reaches this limit.

Two Headed Black Dog Shield

A black heater shield with a steel outline and two Death dog heads next to the black crystal in the midle

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing Death Dog remenants

Class Level Requirement: 3rd Level

Equip Bonus: While this shield is equiped you will become aware of hostile creatures within 30 feet of you.

Special Effect: While this shield is equiped if you are attacked with a mele weapon and the attacker is within 5 feet of you, you can use you'r reaction to animate the dog heads and make them attack the provoker with a bite attack. This attack has a 2 minute colldown Bite: Meele weapon attack: +6 Hit: 3d4 piercing damage

Light Metal Shield

A celtic shield made out of an alloy of steel and bronze with a white crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing steel and bronze (if one is absorbed seperatley without the other the shield will not be unlocked until the other component is absorbed)

Class Level Requirement: 4th Level

Equip Bonus: While this shield is equiped you get a +2 to AC and you add your proficiency bonus when making saves against spell attacks

Wood Shield

A round buckler made entierly out of wood with a circular branch as the outline and an oak brown crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing a branch, plank, stikc, log ect.

Class Level Requirement: 2 Level

Equip Bonus: while this shiled is equiped you are effectively an above average lumberjack with the skill to cut down a tree with ease. You cut down trees twice as fast

Butterfly Shield

A round shield with the look of a centipede twisting into a spiral with a yellow crystal in the center

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing the remenants of a giant centipede

Class Level Requirement: 3rd Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped you gain advantage against saveing throws against getting poisoned or paralyzed

Pipe Shield

A smaller version of a war-door shield that has the look of many pipes conecting and leading to the green crystal in the center of the shield

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing pipes

Class Level Requirement: 4th Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped as an action or a reaction you are able to chant the words "Shield prison" which will conjure up a sphere of shields held together by chains and other unknown means. This sphere can have a diamater betwen 10 to 15 feet has and AC of 14 and 45 HP and can be conjured within the range of 30 feet

Animal Needle Shield

A semingly regular shield with a red crystal in the center until its ability is activated

Accessibility: Obtained after absorbing the spikes from a tail of a manticore

Class Level Requirement: 4th Level

Equip Bonus: while this shield is equiped your unarmed strike will deal an extra +1 to damage

Specia Effect: While this shield is equiped it looks like a more or less average shield, but when you are attacked by someone withing range of 15 feet you can use your reaction to cause the shield to eject a series of spikes at the attacker dealing 2d4 piercing damage and reduce the movment speed of that person by 5 feet

Inter-Dimensional Locust Shield


Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Inter-Dimensional Lower Bee Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Inter-Dimensional Zombie Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Bee Needle Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Chimera Meat Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Chimera Bone Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Chimera Leather Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Chimera Viper Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Monster User Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Monster Egg Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Monster User Shield II



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

White Usapil Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Dark Porcupine Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Usapil Bone Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Porcupine Bone Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Voice Gengar (bat form) Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Voice Gengar (rat form) Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Crystal Ore Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Book Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Torrent Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Blue Torrent Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Black Torrent Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Anti-Poison Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Gurihosato Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Medicine Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Plant Fire Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Killer Insect Alpha Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Iron Ore Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Copper Ore Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Silver Ore Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Lead Ore Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

BioPlant Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Mandragora Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Bee needle Shield II



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Shadow Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Soul Eater Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Blue Shark Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Shark Bite Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Dragon Hourglass Sand Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Skin Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Meat Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Bone Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Eye Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Magic Core Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Ether Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Energy Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Whale Magic Core Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Spirit Tortoise Heart Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Beginner's Small Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Beginner's Small White Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Nue Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

White Tiger Clone Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

White Tiger Pelt Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

White Tiger Fang Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Demon Dragon Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Spirit Tortoise Carapace Shield



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Shield of Rage I



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Shield of Rage II



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Shield of Rage III



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:

Improved Shield of Rage III



Class Level Requirement:

Equip Bonus:


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Shield Hero class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Con and 11 Wis

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Shield Hero class, you gain the following proficiencies: Shields

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