Circle of the New Moon (5e Subclass)

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A Druidic Circle made up of those that people see as the dregs of society. Those individuals and races that are cast aside and ignored are taught the virtues of being able to blend into the shadows and stay out of the public eye. The circle shows how these and other more duplicitous abilities can be used to defend and preserve the balance of nature, forming its druids into nocturnal predators who use their wit and guile to infiltrate, sabotage, and assassinate.

Hidden Roots

After joining this Circle at level 2 you lose your proficiency in Medium Armor but gain proficiency in the Shortbow and two skills of your choice from Acrobatics, Deception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth. In addition you also gain proficiency in the Poisoner's Kit and you learn the Message cantrip, which for you counts as a Druid cantrip and does not count against your maximum number of cantrips known.

Shapes of the Night

Also at level 2 you find your new ability to Wild Shape is fundamentally different from most Druids. Unlike your brethren who can assume the form of any beast, you instead may only assume the shapes of creatures that stalk the night as you do. You are, however, no longer limited by the shape's ability to fly or swim, or how long you can stay in your Wild Shape. This list of nightly creatures includes various types of Owls, Rats, Ravens, Spiders, Wolves, Bats and/or other creatures of the DM’s choice. In addition, regardless of what form you are in, as long as you are in your Wild Shape you gain 60 feet of Darkvision for the duration of your transformation. All other features of the Wild Shape ability such as maximum CR and number of uses are left as they are normally.

Enhanced Spell List

Your connection to the darkness of the night has given you access to new magical spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th levels you gain access to these new Circle spells. Once you gain access to a Circle spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.

Level Spells
3rd Darkness, Invisibility
5th Bestow Curse, Lightning Arrow
7th Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility
9th Cloudkill, Mislead

Cloak and Claw

Once you reach level 6 you learn to take advantage of even a momentary lapse in your quarry's guard. Once per turn, you can roll an extra 2d8 damage for melee, ranged and spell attacks made when you have advantage on the target or if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. This additional damage goes up to 3d8 at level 10, 4d8 at level 14 and 5d8 at level 18.

Holly and Thistle

Upon reaching level 10 your body has become more nimble and you have mastered your preferred fighting style. You gain a bonus to your Armor Class equal to half of your Dexterity bonus, rounded up, and you choose one Fighting Style of your choice from a list of Archery, Dueling, Thrown Weapon Fighting, and Two-Weapon Fighting. Your weapon attacks are also now considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Blackened Flowers

At level 14 you have learned to imbue both your weapons and spells with a magical poison. Any creature that is damaged by your weapon attacks or spells must make a Constitution Saving Throw or become Poisoned and have their movement speed reduced by half for 1d4 rounds. A creature that is effected by the poison can repeat the Saving Throw again at the end of each of their turns to end the effect early. If successful, they gain immunity to the poison's effects for 24 hours. Undead and Constructs that are immune to the Poisoned condition instead take 2d8 Acid damage and are not slowed when they fail the Saving Throw as the poison corrodes their unnatural forms. They cannot gain immunity to this effect.

This poison cannot be harvested in any way.

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