User:ZarHakkar/Weaponsmith (5e Class)

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Weaponsmiths are adept at creating and adapting weapons to the needs of themselves and others.

Creating a Weaponsmith

Quick Build

You can make a Weaponsmith quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength or Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. Next, choose the Guild Artisan background.

Class Features

As a Weaponsmith you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Weaponsmith level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Weaponsmith level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Choose one tool from Alchemist's supplies, Glassblower's tools, Smith's tools, Tinker's tools, or Woodcarver's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Acrobatics, History, Insight, Investigation and Perception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
  • (a) any martial melee weapon or (b) two simple weapons
  • (a) a martial weapon or (b) a longbow and 20 arrows
  • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

Table: The Weaponsmith

Level Proficiency
Features Activation Points Adept Weapons
1st +2 Weapons Engineering 2 1
2nd +2 Fighting Style 3 1
3rd +2 Weaponsmith Mark 4 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 2
5th +3 Extra Attack 6 2
6th +3 Weaponsmith Mark feature 7 3
7th +3 Improved Engineering 8 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 9 3
9th +4 Magical Smithing 10 4
10th +4 Weaponsmith Mark feature 11 4
11th +4 Improved Engineering 12 4
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 12 4
13th +5 Quick Activation 13 5
14th +5 Weaponsmith Mark feature 13 5
15th +5 Improved Engineering 14 5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 14 5
17th +6 Blacksmith signature 15 6
18th +6 Weaponsmith Mark feature 15 6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 15 6
20th +6 True Weaponsmith 16 8

Weapons Engineering

You are skilled in the design and engineering of weapons. Choose a type of weapon or ammunition for which you are adept at improving. Your Weaponsmith level determines the number of weapon or ammunition groups that you can improve, as shown in the Adept Weapons column of the Weaponsmith table. The properties of the chosen weapon types will dictate which improvements from the Weapon Improvements list can be applied.

Activating a weapon improvement requires a number of activation points listed for the improvement being activated. You cannot activate multiple improvements simultaneously during an action unless a class feature specifies otherwise. You also cannot activate an improvement on a weapon that currently has an active improvement effect unless a class feature specifies otherwise. Your Weaponsmith level determines the number of activation points you have, as shown in the Activation Points column of the Weaponsmith table. When you spend activation points, they are unavailable until you finish a long rest, at the end of which you regain all spent activation points.

Adept Weapon Type groups that you can choose from are:

Axes: Hand-axe, Battleaxe, Greataxe, War Pick

Blades, Heavy: Great-Sword, Long-Sword, Scimitar

Blades, Light: Dagger, Sickle, Rapier, Short-Sword

Bows: Shortbow, Longbow, Arrows

Crossbows: Light Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Bolts

Hammers, Light: Club, Light Hammer, Mace, Morning-star

Hammers, Heavy: Great-Club, Flail, Maul, War-hammer

Polearms: Quarterstaff, Glaive, Halberd

Spears: Spear, Javelin, Lance, Pike, Trident

Special: Any single weapon not listed above may be selected. If it is a ranged weapon, you can work with it and its ammunition.

Fighting Style

Starting at 2nd level, you adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.

You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.

When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Weaponsmith Mark

At 3rd level, you dedicate yourself to leaving a mark on the world. You can either leave a Mark of the Craftsman or a Mark of the Battlesmith. Your archetype choice grants you features at 3rd level and then again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.

Improved Engineering

At 7th level, you become more efficient at improving weapons. You can apply up to two improvements to a single weapon, provided they are not antirequisite or the same improvement. The improvements cannot be activated or active simultaneously unless a class feature specifies otherwise. At 11th level, the number of improvements each weapon can hold increases to three. At 15th level, the number increases to four.

Magical Smithing

At 9th level, you can improve magical weapons without losing any magical property. Additionally you can select one artisan's tool to gain advantage in checks involving this tool.

Quick Activation

At 13th level, you can make a single regular attack as a bonus action whenever you spend two or more activation points during your action that turn.

Blacksmith signature

At 17th level, the weaponsmith can put his signature or symbol in crafted or modified weapons. All weapons crafted/modified has +1 in damage and attack roll's.

Mark of the battlesmith add his inteligence modifier in persuasion and intimidation check's while holding these weapons.

Mark of the craftsman make theese weapons have a natural point of activation and can be regenerated one point per hour.

True Weaponsmith

At 20th level, the Weaponsmith can improve a weapon with an insane speed.

You can add an improvement to any weapon spending all the needed materials and an action to give a weapon an improvement for one hour, you can use this feat a number of times equal your intelligence modifier (minimum 1)

Mark of the Craftsman regain an activation point whenever he use this feat and can share these points with allies by share the talent.

Mark of the Battlesmith regain an activation point whenever he kill's a creature with an weapon improved by this feat.

Weaponsmith Mark

Mark of the Craftsman

Craftsman Expertise

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with two Artisan's tools of your choice. If you are already proficient with a tool that you select, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check made with that tool. At 10th level and again at 14th level, you can choose two more Artisan's tools.

Efficient Workmanship

At 3rd level, when you attempt an improvement using a tool you are proficient with and successfully pass the ability check, the time and cost needed to complete the improvement is reduced by 1/2. On a critical success, the time and cost is reduced to 1/4.

Share the Talent

At 6th level, as an action or a bonus action, you can gift one improved weapon to a friendly creature within 5 feet of you along with a number of activation points equal to half your Weaponsmith level, rounded up. If they are proficient with the weapon type, they can activate the weapon improvement on their turn by spending activation points given to them. Any activation points given to a friendly creature expire during your next long rest. At 10th level, for every two activation points you gift, you only deduct one from your pool.

No Mistakes

At 10th level, once per day when you fail an ability check using an Artisan's tool with which you are proficient, you can choose to succeed instead.

Flawless Craftmanship

At 14th level, any weapons you craft or improve gain a permanent +1 nonmagical bonus to attack and damage rolls. On a critical success ability check when making or improving a weapon, the weapon instead has a permanent +2 nonmagical bonus. At 18th level, this bonus increases to +2 for a regular success and a +3 for a critical success. The bonuses are not applied retroactively. A weapon's passive bonus to attack and damage rolls cannot exceed +3 in this way.

Quartermaster Officer

At 18th level, you have double the number of activation points and regain spent activation points on a short rest. In addition, Share the Talent becomes a free action and the range is extended to 15 feet.

Mark of the Battlesmith

Battlesmith Expertise

At 3rd level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and one Artisan's tool of your choice. If you are already proficient with the tool that you select, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check made with that tool.

Favored Weapon

At 3rd level, you can select one weapon of a type that you're adept at improving. This weapon is favored and can receive one additional improvement. At 10th level and again at 14th level, you can select an additional favored weapon. If a favored weapon is lost or destroyed, you may select another favored weapon.

Dual Activation

At 6th level, you can activate two improvements simultaneously during the same action or attack provided they are not antirequisite and have the same action cost to activate. Alternatively, you can activate a second improvement on a weapon that already has one improvement effect active. In either case, doing so doubles the number of activation points required to activate the second improvement. At 14th level, activating a second improvement can be done for the regular activation point cost.


At 10th level, you can draw/stow/switch up to two weapons or load a ranged weapon with the loading property as a free action on your turn.

Free Activation

At 14th level, improvements of 3rd level or lower do not cost activation points to activate. At 18th level, improvements of 5th level or lower do not cost activation points to activate.

Relentless Mechanics

At 18th level, you can activate up to three improvements simultaneously, each for the regular activation point cost.

Weapon Improvements

With your Weapons Engineering feature, you can apply the improvements listed in this section to any number of weapons or ammunition of a type that you are adept at improving, provided the prerequisites are satisfied and your Weaponsmith level is not less than the improvement level. Each weapon or ammunition can only have one improvement implemented at a time unless a class feature specifies otherwise or the improvement requires the existing one. If the improvement requires a tool to complete, an ability check using that tool must be made against a DC equal to twice the improvement level. This ability check is made half-way through the time spent working on the improvement. If the improvement requires multiple tools, an ability check must be made for each tool. If any ability checks are failed, the improvement is not completed but half the cost is recovered. The DC for an improvement is halved for every past successful or unsuccessful attempt at making the improvement. Any weapon improvements that do not expire can be removed during a long rest, unless otherwise stated. All ammunition improvements are permanent.

When activated, some improvements require your target to make a saving throw to resist the effect. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Effect save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

The Weaponsmith is all about creativity and customization. Your DM might allow other weapon improvements that are not listed here, provided they are fair.

Masterful Honing: 1st Level
You diligently sharpen your blade in a way that is perfectly tailored to your fighting technique. You can spend 30 minutes during a short or long rest to dutifully care for a blade. For the next 24 hours, if a creature is hit with this weapon, you must spend one activation point. You then add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll in addition to other damage modifiers. If you have no remaining activation points, the attack becomes a regular attack.

Prerequisites: A whetstone, oil, and a melee weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage, provided it can be sharpened.

Counterweight: 1st Level
You understand the mechanics behind accelerating large masses quickly and accurately. You can spend 1d4 + 1 hours and 10 gp during a long or a short rest perfectly balancing a heavy weapon or a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage. When making an attack with a balanced weapon, you can choose to spend one activation point to attempt to knock the target prone. If the attack hits, the target must make a successful Strength saving throw against your effect DC or be knocked prone, taking an extra 1d4 bludgeoning damage.

Prerequisites: Counterweight material such as lead, a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage or that has the heavy property.

Barrel Tapered Arrow: 1st Level
You can spend 10 minutes during a short or a long rest carving an arrow or wooden bolt shaft into a barrelled shape with a taper towards the arrowhead, improving the spine strength and aerodynamics. When making a ranged attack with a barrel tapered arrow, you must spend one activation point. The effective range of the weapon increases by 25% for that attack. If the attack hits, you add your Intelligence modifier to the damage roll in addition to other damage modifiers.

Prerequisites: A knife and one arrow/bolt ammunition.

Balanced Flight: 2nd Level
You understand how subtleties in the balance of a thrown weapon can affect its flight. You can spend 2d4 + 2 hours near a blacksmith's furnace and 18 gp carefully reshaping a weapon specifically for throwing. The throwing range of the improved weapon is doubled. When making a ranged attack with this weapon, you must spend one activation point and then add your Intelligence modifier to the attack roll. If the improved weapon is used for a melee attack, it does not require an activation point but inflicts half the damage the normal weapon would cause.

Prerequisites: Blacksmith's tools and a weapon with the thrown property.

Hilt Blade: 3rd Level
You can spend 3d4 + 3 hours and 31 gp constructing a hidden blade in the hilt or handle of your weapon. When a creature in range of your weapon misses a melee attack against you or when a creature within 5 feet of you attacks an ally, you can spend one activation point and use your reaction to attack the creature. This reaction attack uses the same ability modifier as the primary weapon for the attack roll but deals 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier in damage. At 7th level and again at 15th level, damage dice increases by 1d4.

Prerequisites: Tinker's tools, a dagger, and a melee weapon with a hilt or handle that does not have the light property.

Bow Stabilizer: 4th Level
You can spend 4d4 + 4 hours and 50 gp attaching a stabilizer to your bow and calibrating it. When making an attack with the stabilized bow, you can choose to spend one activation point to double the proficiency bonus added to that attack roll.

Prerequisites: Woodcarver's tools and one of longbow, shortbow, crossbow, or hand crossbow.

Flaming Weapon: 5th Level
You develop a highly flammable oil that can coat a weapon made of metal. You can spend 5 minutes coating a weapon in flammable oil that lasts for 24 hours. Alternatively, you can spend 5d4 + 5 hours and 77 gp constructing a scabbard designed to keep a blade oiled. As an action, you can choose to spend two activation points to ignite the oiled weapon. If a target is hit by an attack made with the weapon while it is ignited, it takes an additional 1d6 fire damage. The weapon is extinguished after 1 minute or by using a bonus action. While the weapon is ignited you cannot sheath it and the improvement is considered active. Once the oil has burned out, the weapon cannot be ignited again until it is polished and more oil is applied. At 11th level and again at 17th level, you make your concoction burn hotter, increasing the additional fire damage by 1d6.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies, oil, a cloth, flint, and a melee weapon, provided it is constructed of metal.
Antirequisites: Cold Weapon, Anticoagulant Solution

Napalm Shot: 5th Level
You develop a highly flammable oil that is placed in a special glass arrowhead with a flint impact trigger. By spending 5 hours and 7 gp near a glassblower's furnace, you can construct three napalm arrows/bolts. When making a ranged attack with a napalm arrow/bolt, you must spend one activation point. The effective range of the weapon decreases by 1/2 for that attack. If the attack hits, the target takes an additional 1d6 fire damage and must make a successful Constitution saving throw against your effect DC at the beginning of its next turn or take an additional 1d4 fire damage. This ammunition is nonrecoverable. At 13th level and again at 20th level, the number of additional damage dice doubles.

Prerequisites: Glassblower's tools, oil, flint, three empty vials, three arrows/bolts.
Antirequisites: Serrated Shot, Cryo Shot, Lightning Shot

Concussive Slam: 6th Level
You begin dabbling in explosive powders and develop a method for attaching packets of explosives onto bludgeoning weapons to increase their concussive effects. By spending 2 hours and 4 gp, you attach an impact-triggered explosive to the head of a weapon. If a target is hit by a melee attack with this weapon, you must spend two activation points. The target then takes an additional 1d8 bludgeoning damage. In addition, each creature within 5 feet of the impact, including the target, must make a Constitution saving throw against your effect DC. On a failed save, the creature suffers 2d8 thunder damage, and is deafened for 1 minute. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and is not deafened. You must also make a Constitution saving throw with advantage against your spell effect DC. The explosion destroys the weapon. At 12th level and again at 18th level, the additional thunder damage is doubled and the effect range is increased by 5 feet.

Prerequisites: Tinker's tools, sulfur, charcoal, saltpeter, and a melee weapon that deals bludgeoning damage.
Antirequisites: Advanced Concussive Slam

Serrated Edge: 6th Level
You develop a specialized serrated pattern that causes bleeding upon hitting the target. By spending 6 hours and 10 gp near a furnace, you can construct three serrated arrows/bolts or for 6d4 +6 hours and 115 gp, improve one melee weapon. When making an attack with a serrated edge, you must spend one activation point. If the attack hits, and the creature has blood, the creature must make a successful Constitution saving throw against your effect DC or it takes 1d4 bleed damage at the start of each of the its turns. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If the creature receives any healing or successfully makes the saving throw, the bleed effect is ended. Any bleed damage inflicted in this way can compound. At 10th level and again at 14th, 18th, and 20th level, the bleed damage die increases by one increment up to 1d12 at 20th level.

Prerequisites: Blacksmith's tools and three arrows/bolts or a melee weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage.
Antirequisites: Napalm Shot, Cryo Shot

Compound Cams: 7th Level
You can spend 7d4 + 7 hours near a furnace and 170 gp constructing a compound bow or compound crossbow. Compound cams achieve more efficient torque so that the resulting weapon is permanently improved and is considered a +1 nonmagical ranged weapon. Any magical properties that the weapon previously had are destroyed by this improvement. As an action, you can choose to spend two activation points to make a powerful Line Shot attack by triggering a special mechanism built into the compound cams. The attack targets all creatures in a line originating from you within the range of the weapon. A separate attack roll is made for each creature. The first creature in the line that is hit takes an additional 2d4 piercing damage, the second creature in the line that is hit takes an additional 1d4 piercing damage, the third creature in the line that is hit takes no additional damage. The attack automatically misses all creatures behind the third creature that is hit. The mechanism cannot be used again until it is reset. Reseting the mechanism takes 1 minute or a bonus action by spending one activation point. Any improvements activated simultaneously with the Line Shot attack only apply their additional effect to the first creature hit.

Prerequisites: Woodcarver's and Blacksmith's tools, steel ingot, reenforced bowstring, one of regular longbow or crossbow.
Antirequisites: Advanced Compound Cams

Cold Weapon: 7th Level
You can spend 7d4 + 7 hours and 170 gp constructing a cryostatic scabbard that refrigerates a weapon to extremely cold temperatures. Using a bonus action, you can spend two activation points to draw the cold weapon from the scabbard. If a target is hit by an attack made with the cold weapon, it takes an additional 1d6 cold damage. The weapon thermalizes after 1 minute. While the weapon is drawn and cold, the improvement is considered active. At 13th level and again at 19th level, the additional cold damage increases by 1d6.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies and Tinker's tools, one melee weapon constructed of metal.
Antirequisites: Flaming Weapon, Anticoagulant Solution

Cryo Shot: 8th Level
You develop a cryogenic fluid that is placed in a special glass arrowhead that shatters upon impact, rapidly cooling the target area. You can spend 8 hours near a glassblower's furnace and 19 gp constructing three cryogenic arrows/bolts. When making a ranged attack with a cryogenic arrow or bolt, you must spend one activation point. The effective range of the weapon decreases by 1/2 for that attack. If the attack hits, the target creature takes an additional 1d8 cold damage and must make a successful Constitution saving throw against your effect DC at the beginning of its next turn or immediately suffer one temporary level of exhaustion. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the beginning of each of its turns. Temporary levels of exhaustion can compound causing the same effects as regular exhaustion with the exception that 6 levels of exhaustion cause the creature to fall to zero hit points. One temporary level of exhaustion is removed if the affected creature successfully makes the saving throw, receives any healing, or 1 minute passes. This ammunition is nonrecoverable. At 13th level the additional cold damage increases to 2d8.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies and Glassblower's tools, three empty vials, three arrows or bolts.
Antirequisites: Napalm Shot, Anticoagulant Solution, Lightning Shot

Anticoagulant Solution: 8th Level
You develop a solution that causes blood to thin rapidly. By spending 8 hours and 19 gp, you can coat three arrows/bolts or one melee weapon with this solution. Alternatively, by spending 8d4 + 8 hours and 246 gp, you can construct a scabbard/quiver that keeps ammunition or a weapon coated in this way. When making an attack with ammunition coated in this way, you must spend one activation point and the coating is lost. If a creature is hit by a melee weapon coated with this solution, you must spend one activation point and the coating is lost. If hit, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your effect DC. On a failure, any damage the creature takes from a bleed effect is doubled for the next 10 minutes. This effect cannot be applied more than once.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies, a cloth, and three arrows/bolts or a melee weapon that deals slashing or piercing damage.
Antirequisites: Napalm Shot, Cryo Shot, Flaming Weapon, Cold Weapon

Advanced Concussive Slam: 9th Level
You develop a way to more accurately control the impact explosion and quickly reset the mechanism of a Concussive Slam improved weapon. By spending 9d4 + 9 hours and 351 gp, you can improve a bludgeoning weapon made of metal that has the Concussive Slam improvement. Whenever a target is hit with the improved weapon, a focused explosion causes an additional +2 thunder damage. In addition, when an attack hits, you can choose to spend two activation points to trigger the Concussive Slam effect without destroying the weapon. However, the mechanism cannot be used again until it is reset. Reseting the mechanism takes 1 minute or a bonus action by spending one activation point.

Prerequisites: Blacksmith's tools and Tinker's tools, sulfur, charcoal, saltpeter, and a metal melee weapon that has the Concussive Slam improvement.

Archery Sight: 9th Level
By spending 9d4+9 hours near a glassblower's furnace and 351 gp, you can construct a sight to attach to a bow or a crossbow, permanently increasing the weapon's range by 25%. In addition, when you make an attack using this weapon, you can choose to spend one activation point to add your Intelligence modifier to the attack roll.

Prerequisites: Blacksmith's tools and Tinker's tools, a bow or crossbow.
Antirequisites: Archery Scope

Alloy Forging: 10th Level
You dabble in metallurgy and experiment with forging various alloys. By spending 5d8+10 hours near a blacksmith's furnace and 494 gp, you can reforge one melee weapon constructed primarily of metal. Any reforged weapon loses all magical properties it had. The resulting weapon is considered a +1 nonmagical melee weapon. In addition, you can add or remove one property of the original weapon, provided the new properties do not conflict. For example, Light cannot be added if the weapon is Heavy and Versatile cannot be added if the weapon is Two-handed. When the Versatile property is added, it takes the damage die from the base weapon damage to one increment higher up to a maximum of d12. When the Thrown property is added, the range is 20/60. Special properties cannot be removed or added.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies and Blacksmith's tools, one melee weapon construct primarily of metal.

Repeating Crossbow: 11th Level
You design a mechanism that feeds bolts to a crossbow. By spending 5d8 + 10 hours in a workshop and 494 gp, you can improve a crossbow. The improved crossbow does not have the loading property. When wielding this crossbow, as an action you can choose to spend two activation points to activate a special mechanism that allows you to make three attacks with the weapon. The weapon improvement is considered active for these three attacks. The mechanism cannot be used again until it is reset. Reseting the mechanism takes 1 minute or a bonus action by spending one activation point.

Prerequisites: Tinker's tools and Woodcarver's tools, steel ingot, one crossbow.

Lightning Weapons: 11th Level
You can harness the power of chemical potential and focus it into two weapons to deal massive damage to a single enemy. By spending 5d8 + 10 hours near a furnace and 494 gp, you manage to convert two weapons into electrodes by attaching them to a rudimentary battery. When either weapon hits a target, the target takes an additional +2 lightning damage. Also, when wielding both weapons and you successfully hit one target with both weapons in the same turn, you can choose to spend two activation points to unleash the full current. When done, the target takes an additional 5d8 lightning damage. If the target is a creature, it must make a Constitution saving throw against your effect DC or be stunned for its next turn. If both weapon attacks were critical hits, the number of additional lightning damage dice doubles. The improvement cannot be used again until it is reset. Resetting the improvement takes 1 minute or a bonus action by spending one activation point. At 20th level, the additional damage dice increases to 10d8.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies and Blacksmith's tools, copper wire, rubber gloves, two metal melee slashing/piercing weapons with the light property.

Lightning Shot: 12th Level
You build special ammunition that splits into two projectiles when fired, dealing damage to a single enemy when both hit. By spending 11 hours and 48 gp, you can construct three of these specialized arrows/bolts. When making an attack with one of these shots, you must spend one activation point. You can then make two attack rolls against the target. If both attack rolls are successful, the target takes regular weapon damage plus an additional 2d8 lightning damage. If only one attack roll is successful, the target takes regular weapon damage. This ammunition is nonrecoverable. At 17th level, the additional damage increases to 3d8.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies and Blacksmith's tools, copper wire, three arrows/bolts.
Antirequisites: Napalm Shot, Cryo Shot

Polearm Extension: 12th Level
You develop a mechanism that can suddenly extend and counterbalance the reach of a polearm in battle. By spending 5d8 + 11 hours and 690 gp, you can improve a polearm to have a permanent reach of 15 feet and a permanent +1 nonmagical bonus to attack and damage rolls. In addition, while wielding this weapon, as an action you can choose to spend two activation points to trigger a sweeping attack that targets all creatures within 10 feet. Each creature must make a successful Dexterity saving throw against your effect DC or take 5d12 slashing damage and be knocked prone. On a success, the creature takes half as much damage but is knocked back 5 feet. The improvement cannot be used again until it is reset. Resetting the improvement takes 1 minute or a bonus action by spending one activation point.

Prerequisites: Tinker's tools and Woodcarver's tools, a polearm.

Advanced Compound Cams: 13th Level
You can spend 6d8 + 13 hours and 1308 gp improving the cams on a compound bow or compound crossbow. Each creature hit by the Line Shot attack takes an additional 1d4 piercing damage. In addition, the attack can hit a fourth creature in the line, which takes no additional damage. This improvement replaces the Compound Cams improvement.

Prerequisites: Tinker's tools and Blacksmith's tools, one of compound bow or compound crossbow.

Archery Scope: 15th Level
Your expertise extends into the realm of fine optics as you become able to craft scopes. By spending 7d8+15 hours near a glassblower's furnace and 2407 gp, you can construct a scope to replace the sight attached to a bow or a crossbow, permanently increasing the weapon's range bonus from 25% to 50%. When wielding this weapon, you have advantage on perception checks relying on sight. In addition, when you make an attack using this weapon, you can choose to spend one activation point to add your Intelligence modifier to the attack roll. This improvement replaces Archery Sight improvement.

Prerequisites: Glassblower's tools and Tinker's tools, optical glass, one bow or crossbow that has the Archery Scope improvement.

Advanced Alloy Forging: 17th Level
You master the skills and knowledge required to forge various alloys and perfectly control metallic proportions for the benefit of your craft. By spending 8d8+17 hours near a blacksmith's furnace and 4321 gp, you can reforge one melee weapon constructed primarily of metal. Any reforged weapon loses all magical properties it had. The resulting weapon is considered a +2 nonmagical melee weapon. In addition, you can add or remove up to two properties of the original weapon, provided the new properties do not conflict. For example, Heavy must be removed before Light can be added and Two-handed must be removed before Versatile can be added. When the Versatile property is added, it takes one of the damage dice from the base weapon damage to one increment higher up to a maximum of d12. When the Thrown property is added, the range is 20/60. Special properties cannot be removed or added.

Prerequisites: Alchemist's supplies and Blacksmith's tools, one melee weapon construct primarily of metal.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Weaponsmith class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity, and a Intelligence of 13 or higher.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Weaponmaster class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, medium armor, shields, all simple and martial weapons. You also gain proficiency in one Artesian Tool from Alchemist's supplies, Glassblower's tools, Smith's tools, Tinker's tools, or Woodcarver's tools.

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