Talk:Circle of Death (5e Subclass)

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Revision as of 14:46, 26 January 2021 by MoDuckyMo (talk | contribs)
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Why do you have to keep remaking this page? It was just moved, everything else is still there. --SwankyPants (talk) 13:02, 26 December 2020 (MST)



Just a note on the features. Druids only gain subclass features at levels 2, 6, 10, and 14. In addition, no subclass gives extra spells above fifth level, with the single exception of the Warlock's Genie sub. Also, (SP) and (EX) are 3.5e terms


Someone404 (talk) 08:43, 27 December 2020 (MST)

External Links[edit]

I've noticed that you're using links to external sites in the spells section of the page. This is unnecessary, the wiki has tools to internally link pages, and in fact I spent a good amount of time converting all possible links into wiki-internal links the other day, which is why I'm a bit confused that you've reverted them to external links.

If you need help converting the links back to internal links, give me a shout. --Nuke The Earth (talk) 10:28, 27 December 2020 (MST)


First of all why i changed so often so many things, when we (my goupe and myself) testet the clase we found a few things that neaded to be balanced or we found some spelling mistakes. Im not a nativ speaker and thats the reason my I do some mistakes in my text and had problems with the links which I fixed.

I know that druids gain the abbileties at 2, 6, 10, and 14 level which is the reason why this subclas gets it's mainabelities at this levels and gets only upgreades for it on the difrent ones. I know that SP and EX are old terms from 3.5 but they make the overview better.

To the point that no subclass gives extra spells above fifth level. That is true but normaly you would get 2 additinal spells, which this sub class didnt get. So you lose the amount of choises at the lover level and get them on the higher ones (On top of that you although dont get always more spellslots when you gain more spells.)

The reason why I used external links was simple, I had problems with the links and thats how I fixed it


Hi-ho, just coming to do some janitorial work here, not trying to change anything. I'm just making it look a bit more pretty and easy on the eyes MoDuckyMo (talk) 13:46, 26 January 2021 (MST)

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