Ormr Elf (5e Subrace)

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Ormr Elf

Physical Description

Artist: Ania Kaźmierczak

Ormr Elves are an embodiment of Viking/Nordic-like features and culture. Many have a muscular build. Some of them also alter their appearance to show off draconic features such as scales or leathery skin, reptilian eyes, fangs, sharp claws, and on extremely rare occasions their tail.

Ormr Elf Origins

The Dragon Elves were once a race of Wood Elves in Versona who lived to serve golden dragons, treating them as their gods. These elves worshiped golden dragons and in kind the gold dragons used the Ormr Elves to accomplish tasks involving security, hunting or raising and protecting their young while the dragon goes on a journey. The origin of the first Ormr Elf is unknown but some say that they were born between gold dragons and the wood elf worshipers or that having been around the dragons long enough their latent magics infused with each new generation of elf until the cultivation of magics became apparent. Others say that they were born from an ancient pact that caused the two species to fuse, existing as one. Whatever the cause may be, Ormr Elves have come a long way from how they were in ancient times. Once slaves to these dragons, they are now a proud race with unbeatable respect towards one another and live in harmony with their surroundings and the dragons they once served. In recent times however, the adult Golden Dragons sacrificed themselves in the war against the Blackscale Legion, leaving only their young for the Ormr Elves to raise; which to this day remain well protected in the capital of Versona, Gromsfel.


The society of Ormr Elves is much like that of the ancient vikings. What is known about them is that they typically do not get along with other Elves from different bloodlines, especially Wood Elves, who were the aboriginal race of Averene. Similarly to Ormr Elves, Wood Elves prefer isolation and that lead the Ormr Elves to make reservations seperated by wood elf tribes. They love to hoard treasures and are more arrogant than the Wood Elves. Compared to the Wood Elves, Ormr Elves are rarely seen traveling or living with other races, while some tribes of Wood Elves often have adopted Centaurs and Satyrs into their tribes. Ormr Elves are much more commonly seen on the roads or in towns, some selling valuable goods found only in the less explored reaches of their territories. Though Wood Elves are much more social and enjoy the company of other races with the exception of Ormr Elves and thus, will avoid Ormr Elf towns unless in need of coin and trade.

Kingdom and Culture

Ormr Elves commonly live with other Ormr Elves, and proudly serve the Kingdom of Gromsfel. They also live among young gold dragons and avoid living in multicultural societies. To an Ormr Elf, their kin's safety is more valuable than life itself. Unlike their ancestors who devoted their lives to the dragons, the generations of Ormr Elves after the ‘big change’ have come to co-exist with dragons, protecting and respecting each other. One of the oldest traditions within the Ormr Elf culture is the Alye'varahk. The Alye’varahk is a tradition where each newborn Ormr Elf is given a wyrmling to raise and grow up with. As the two grow, they will have to work together to get through struggles and challenges with the help of the other Ormr Elves and dragons but once they reach adulthood, they are usually made to travel. Since Dragon Elves are so long-lived, their individual clans usually have them leave while in early stages of adulthood to explore and discover the world around them. Through this experience, the Ormr Elves will learn new ways of fending for themselves by exercising their martial prowess or gaining greater control over their innate magical powers. Some may join parties of other adventurers on their journey, and might even become champions of a land.

Ormr Elf Names

At birth, Ormr Elves are named by the high lord of their clan. The name could be something ordinary, or complex, but will always have their clan name in it. For example, a highly noted Ormr Elf is known by the name, Drakkon Vael (pronounced Vay'eel) which holds the name of their clan, 'Drakkon' in addition to his birth name, 'Vael'.

Elf Subrace

Your Ormr Elf has the following traits in addition to the base racial traits of the elf.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score or Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Where normally elves can live to be 750 years or older no accounts of the average lifespan of the Ormr elves has ever been recorded.
Draconic Slumber. Unlike other elves, Ormr elves need only to spend 2 hours in meditation to regain the same amount of health as a human sleeping eight.
Draconic Resistance. You have resistance to one damage type of your choosing from: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison.
Elf Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the longsword, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.
Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write Draconic.

Original Content of this Page can be found here:

[1], Simply replaced the  Draconic Empathy trait and renamed the race.

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