Touch of Dissipation (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Touch of Dissipation[edit]

By spending 5 ki points, as a swift action, you may imbue your unarmed strike or natural weapons with harming energy.

You may imbue only one attack per round. Any enemy hit suffers 1d4 every two levels (up to 5d4 at 10th level).

You may spend two additional ki points to increase by 1d4 the damage (up to a maximum of 10d4) for each 2 points spent. This damage is untyped magical damage and overcomes any physical damage reduction, except for RD x/-.

You may use this technique as a touch attack without attacking with your unarmed strike. Creatures with natural armor must make a Fortitude save or suffer a -4 to their natural armor bonus for one round.

You may use this technique on objects to damage them. If you do it on armors or shield they must make the Fortitude save or suffer -3 to their AC bonus for three rounds (failing to hit the target but hitting its armor or shield may trigger this effect, at the DM's discretion).

This touch ignores hardness but not from adamantine or mithral objects. Any object subjected to the touch suffer 1d8 per ki user level (maximum 10d8). If augmented, you may add up to 5d8 to the maximum damage (15d8 total).

By spending 10 ki points you may replicate the spell restoration on the target or on yourself. Using this technique costs one full-round action.

This counts as a supernatural ability.

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