Wraith Warrior (5e Class)
Wraith Warrior
Wraith Warriors are people who have made a pact with a wraith, gaining power from the wraith in exchange for a living body with which the wraith can roam the world and complete tasks that they didn't in life. Wraith Warriors are known for wielding melee weapons and dashing across battlefields with superhuman speed, their strikes powerful, fast, and accurate, their bodies tough, quick, and difficult to pin down. Wraith Warriors draw upon the experience of their wraiths to teach them how to fight, and upon the wraith's strength to achieve extra-ordinary feats.
When a Wraith Warrior fights, time to them seems to slow down, allowing them to dodge incoming attacks and strike back with incredible accuracy and power. The Wraith Warrior's might increases with their bond of trust with the wraith, driving them to move with ever-greater speed and ferocity. Wraith Warriors are blurs on the battlefield, dashing at, leaping over, and knocking aside obstacles on the battlefield to reach their target. Wraith Warriors are capable Assassins, Fighters, and Mages, each masters of battle.
The First Wraith Warrior
Though no one knows for sure the origin of the wraith warrior, rumor has it that the first appeared in a world called Middle Earth, in a land called Mordor. Legend tells of a warrior with unbeatable might who commanded legions of orcs and monsters in war with a dark lord of the realm. No one ever saw him suffer defeat, and his disappearance is a mystery lost to time. However, inspired by his example, other spirits followed suit, creating the legend that is the wraith warrior.
Creating a Wraith Warrior
A wraith warrior often involves a normal individual with little to no fighting ability, who chooses to make a pact with an undead spirit for power, in exchange for granting the spirit a living host. Think about what circumstances or want drove your character to make the pact. What kind of pact is it? Is it mutually beneficial? Does the wraith dictate your actions? What was the wraith's goal in making the pact? Work with the DM to create a personality for the wraith, and decide if you or the DM roleplays the wraith.
- Quick Build
You can make a Wraith Warrior quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Strength your primary ability if you wish to wear armor, or Dexterity if you wish to go unarmored and have stronger wraith powers; make Constitution your secondary ability score, or Charisma if you plan to become a Magus. Second, choose the Soldier background.
Class Features
As a Wraith Warrior you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Wraith Warrior level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Wraith Warrior level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: all armor, shields
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack
- (a) two martial weapons or (b) a martial weapon and a shield
- (a) chain mail or (b) scale mail, longbow, and 20 arrows
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10gp in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features |
1st | +2 | Living Dead, Wraith Combat |
2nd | +2 | Boundless Energy, Supernatural Movement |
3rd | +2 | Deflect Missiles, Combat Discipline |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, Slow Fall |
5th | +3 | Deftness, Extra Attack |
6th | +3 | Combat Discipline Feature, Wraith Sight |
7th | +3 | Dual Minds, Instinctive Speed |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | Resilient |
10th | +4 | Wraith Blood |
11th | +4 | Combat Discipline Feature |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement |
13th | +5 | Death Defiant |
14th | +5 | Stamina |
15th | +5 | Relentless |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | Combat Discipline Feature |
18th | +6 | Wraith Journey |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement |
20th | +6 | Undeath Incarnate |
Living Dead
You are a creature of both death and life, granting you traits unique to both. When you take necrotic damage, you can use your reaction to gain resistance to necrotic damage until the start of your next turn. If you have resistance to necrotic damage, and you take necrotic damage, you can use your reaction to gain immunity until the start of your next turn. However, doing so opens your wraith up to holy attacks. Whenever you gain resistance or immunity to necrotic damage using this feature, you also gain vulnerability to radiant damage until the start of your next turn. You gain darkvision out to 60 ft. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 60 ft. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.
Additionally, your Wraith empowers your physical form in various ways. This number is represented by your Wraith Bonus. Your Wraith Bonus is 2, and it increases by 1 at 5th level, and again at 11th level and 17th level. Various features will make use of your Wraith Bonus. While you are wearing armor or wielding a shield, your Wraith Bonus is halved.
- Note: this is a variant feature. Ask your DM before using it.
Sometimes, a wraith warrior is actually a corpse with a soul that has been reanimated by the wraith. If a revenant wraith warrior is separated from its wraith, the wraith warrior would begin to suffer from the original source of its death until the wraith warrior dies again, or it is rejoined with its wraith or a similar energy. Your creature type becomes undead, although you are immune to effects that turn undead (*Note: this means that certain spells and abilities, such as cure wounds and lay on hands, no longer work on you). However, spare the dying, and spells that raise the dead will still work on you, even if they normally would not work on undead. At the end of each of your turns, if you have less than half your maximum hit points remaining and are still alive, you regain 1 hit point. Additionally, you become immune to disease. You also no longer need to eat, drink, or sleep, and you can no longer have more than 5 levels of exhaustion.
Wraith Combat
Your wraith grants you superhuman speed and accuracy with weapons. While you are not wearing armor or using a shield, you may use your Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and weapon attacks. Additionally, while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield, you can treat your unarmored AC as being equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wraith Bonus, because your bond with the wraith grants you greater speed, making you harder to hit.
You may also cause your weapons to become partially ethereal. As a bonus action, for one minute, or until you let go of the weapon, one weapon you are holding or your unarmed strikes deal force damage instead of regular damage. If the weapon has the ammunition property, while the ammunition is loaded into the weapon, and during the attack, the ammunition is also considered partially ethereal. This effect ends on a piece of ammunition after the attack is made.
Finally, you are able to use the wraith to enhance your precision, power, and defenses. This is represented by your Wraith Bonus. Your Wraith Bonus is initially applied as a bonus to your attack rolls. The first time you take the Attack action on a turn, you may choose to subtract up to all of your Wraith bonus from your attack rolls, and instead distribute that amount as a bonus split as you choose between damage rolls, Strength and Dexterity checks, and/or to saving throws. You may choose how you distribute your bonus on the first attack, before you make the attack roll. When you gain a bonus to saving throws, that bonus applies to all saving throws. You retain this distribution until the start of your next turn.
Boundless Energy
Beginning at 2nd level, you can use your action to coalesce your wraith's power into small bursts that flow with your adrenaline. When you do so, you gain a number of energy dice equal to your Wraith Bonus. These dice last until the end of the encounter, until you gain dice again, until you are incapacitated, or, if you cannot see any enemies, until the end of your turn. An energy die is a d6. An energy die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level. These dice can be expended to fuel various features. You start knowing four such features: Ethereal Weapon, Evade, Spirit Leap, and Vicious Attack.
Ethereal Weapon. You can summon ethereal weapons to your hands. When you use your bonus action to make a weapon partially ethereal, you may instead spend an energy die to conjure a weapon in an open hand, and that weapon becomes partially ethereal. If the weapon ceases to be partially ethereal, it instead disappears. If the weapon has the ammunition property, it is conjured with one piece of ammunition, and you can expend energy dice to conjure additional ammunition when you take the Attack action.
Evade. You can use your energy to dodge incoming attacks. When either an attack roll would hit you, or you would fail a Dexterity saving throw, you can use your reaction to roll an energy die, and add the roll either to your AC against that attack, or to your Dexterity saving throw, possibly causing either the attack to miss, or the saving throw to succeed.
Spirit Leap. When you jump, you may use your reaction to expend an energy die and roll it to increase the height or distance you jump. If you are jumping for height, you may increase the height by a number of feet equal to the roll. If you are jumping for distance, you may increase the distance by a number of feet equal to twice the roll. All rules of jumping apply to this bonus.
Vicious Attack. When you hit an enemy with a weapon attack, you can expend an energy die to deal additional damage. Roll it, and add the roll to the damage. You can only spend one die per hit.
Supernatural Movement
Starting at 2nd level, you can Dash as a bonus action. When you Dash as an action, your base speed increases by 10 ft until the end of your turn. You do not benefit from this feature if you are wearing armor or wielding a shield.
Deflect Missiles
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wraith Warrior level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend one energy die to make a ranged attack with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, and the missile's damage die is the same as your energy die. The missile is treated as a thrown weapon (20, 60).
Combat Discipline
At 3rd level, your wraith was a master of a form of fighting, and passes it on to you: Shadow Stalker, Warrior, or Magus, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your discipline grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Slow Fall
Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your Wraith Warrior level.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Starting at 5th level, you can invoke your wraith's assistance even out of combat. You may redistribute your Wraith Bonus as a bonus action, instead of solely as an attack. You may do so twice, and regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest.
Wraith Sight
At 6th level, you gain the ability to look at things as they truly are. As an action, you gain truesight out to 60 ft for 1 minute. Whenever you use this feature again before taking a long rest, you must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion.
Dual Minds
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to have the wraith end one effect on you that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.
Instinctive Speed
At 7th level, you gain advantage on initiative rolls.
At 9th level, the wraith in your body allows you to brand a creature. When you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints you may brand them instead of kill them. They must be in melee range to do this and they make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Wraith Save DC(8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier). If they fail then they are branded and all their base health is restored. You may only have an amount of creatures branded equal to your Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus + half your level in this class(rounded down) at any given time. You may also instantly kill all creatures you have branded as a full-round action. You have disadvantage on all saving throws and attacks against you have advantage during the round you do this and an amount of rounds equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You may also command creatures branded by you to do things for you. the command must be no longer than 5 words + your Charisma Modifier. This includes fighting for you and defending you as well as delivering a message, spying for you, etc. They have disadvantage on all checks to deceive others and their intelligence is reduced by 2. When they speak they have an eerie monotone voice that gives them advantage on intimidation checks. When used on an animal they are also obedient to you and don't provide any disobedience. You can brand people an amount of times per long rest equal to your Wraith Bonus without Armor.
Wraith Blood
At 10th level, the wraith in your body makes you immune to disease and poison.
Death Defiant
At 13th level, your wraith's endless well of stamina can keep you going through damage that would normally render you unconscious. If you drop to 0 hit points and don't die outright, you can make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed, you drop to 1 hit point instead. Every time you use this feature after the first, the DC increases by 5. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets to 10.
Starting at 14th level, whenever you expend an energy die, roll a d6. On a 5-6, the die is not lost after you use it.
Beginning at 15th level, you can push yourself beyond your limits. As an action, you may expend a hit die, roll it, and regain hit points equal to the number rolled plus your Constitution modifier.
Wraith Journey
At 18th level, you've learned to use the wraith to travel across dimensions. You may cast Etherealness and Astral Projection once per long rest each, without requiring material components. However, you may only target yourself when you cast them using this feature.
Undeath Incarnate
At 20th level, you become one with the wraith. You are now immune to exhaustion, cold, you stop aging, no longer require food or water, and if you die, roll a d6. On a 4-6, you come back to life 24 hours later as if by the true resurrection spell.
Combat Disciplines
Wraith Warriors supplement their fighting prowess with specializations, depending on their wraith. Some wraiths were assassins in life, striking with a flurry of well-aimed blows before their target even knew they were there. Others are warriors, tough, reliable, and versatile in combat. Still others were spellcasters, and can impart magic onto their hosts.
Shadow Walker
Your wraith was an assassin in life, and they lend their expertise in the art of killing.
- Shadow Striker
Starting at 3rd level when you gain this feature, you can turn any advantage into a lethal strike. Whenever you make a weapon attack roll, if you have advantage on the attack roll, you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your Wraith Bonus. Additionally, you may now take the Hide action as a bonus action. Finally, whenever you take the Hide action as an action, you may redistribute your wraith bonus.
- Shadow Ambush
Starting at 6th level, your wraith allows you to step through shadows to surprise your foes. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. You then have advantage on the first melee attack you make before the end of your turn.
- Cloak of Shadows
At 11th level, your wraith grants you the ability to become one with the shadows. When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use your action to become invisible. You remain invisible until you make an attack, cast a spell, or are in an area of bright light.
- Shadow of Death
At 17th level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. Whenever you attack a creature who is surprised and use Viscious Attack, your energy dice count as having rolled maximum.
Your wraith was a fighter, tough, reliable, and strong. Their prowess is unrivaled.
- Defensive Prowess
You have a greater wealth of wraith energy in your system that you can quickly call forth in times of need. Once per encounter, you can coalesce your wraith's power as a bonus action instead of an action. Additionally, as a bonus action, you can expend an energy die, roll it, and gain temporary hit points equal to the amount rolled + your Wraith Bonus. Any effect that causes you to lose your energy dice causes you to lose these hit points.
- Offensive Prowess
Starting at 6th level, you can charge a hand with wraith energy and use it to overwhelm a creature's senses. As an action, you can expend an energy die, roll it, and pick a creature within melee range. That creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned on a failure. The DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + the number rolled on the die. Each time a creature fails the saving throw, including the initial roll, the DC decreases by 1. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The creature also repeats the saving throw each time it takes damage.
- Martial Prowess
Beginning at 11th level, you may take an additional action each turn. This action may only be used to take the Attack action, and can only be used to make 1 attack. Once you take this action a number of times equal to your Wraith Bonus, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
- Predatory Prowess
At 17th level, your stamina feature now regains the use of an energy die on a roll of 3-6.
Your wraith either used or had a predisposition to magic in their life. You are able to tap into this magic to devastating effect.
- Wraith Magic
Starting at 3rd level, the wraith can be used to generate power, which fuels your spells. See chapter 10 of the Players' Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for the sorcerer spell list.
Cantrips. At 3rd level, you know two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn an additional warlock cantrip of your choice at 11th level in this class.
Wraith Magic. Your wraith generates power, fueling magical effects. You can cast any of the spells you know at any spell slot level you are capable of using. Starting at level 3, you do not have access to spell slots higher than 1st level. Starting at 7th level, you gain access to 2nd level spell slots. At 13th level, you may use 3rd level spell slots, and at level 19, you may use 4th level spell slots. You cannot use Wraith Magic to cast any spells you gain from features other than Wraith Magic, nor can you cast any spells you know from Wraith Magic using any other spellcasting feature. You cannot use Wraith Magic to fuel any features you gain from other classes that expend spell slots, such as the paladin's divine smite or a sorcerer's font of magic: flexible casting. You cannot use Wraith Magic to cast any spell that restores hit points or cures a target of a condition. Additionally, if the target succeeds on the saving throw against one of you Wraith Magic spells, the target automatically succeeds on all saving throws against subsequent casts of that Wraith Magic spell until you complete a long rest. You may use an action to cause a Wraith Magic spell you cast to end early.
Fatigue Points. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st level or higher using this feature, you gain a number of fatigue points equal to 3 + the level of spell slot used. While you have any fatigue points, you cannot use any Wraith Magic, including cantrips. At the start of each of your turns, you lose one fatigue point. You do not lose a fatigue point if you are incapacitated, or you currently have a Wraith Magic spell active. If a spell is capable of being cast at higher level, and you are able to use a spell slot of a higher level than the spell's base level, you can cast the spell at that higher level, gaining additional fatigue points as though you'd used a higher level spell slot. For example, if you are a 7th level Wraith Warrior, you could cast bane at 2nd level, gaining 5 fatigue points instead of 4.
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher. You know a number of 1st-level or higher spells equal to 1 + 1/2 your Wraith Warrior Level (round down; i.e., you know 2 spells at 3rd level, and learn an additional spell at 4th level, an additional spell at 6th level, an additional spell at 8th level, etc...) from the warlock spell list. Whenever you learn additional spells, you must choose them from the warlock spell list. Spells you know must be of a level that you can cast using Wraith Magic. For example, when you reach 8th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the warlock spells you know with another spell of your choice from the warlock spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Wraith Magic Ability. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your Wraith Warrior, since the power of your spells is based upon the bond you have with your wraith. You use Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Wraith Magic spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Spellcasting Focus. You can use a partially ethereal weapon as a spellcasting focus for your Wraith Magic.
- Eldritch Might
Your Wraith Magic is far more powerful against a creature with whom you have physical contact. When you cast a spell using Wraith Magic, you can reduce the range to Touch to make the initial spell attack roll with advantage or cause the target to make its initial saving throw with disadvantage. However, doing so provokes attacks of opportunity from all targets capable of making one against you, including the target of the spell. These attacks are made before the spell takes effect. Any ranged attack rolls become melee attack rolls.
- Eldritch Magic
Beginning at 6th level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.
- Eldritch Smite
At 11th level, when you cast a spell or cantrip using Wraith Magic, you can add your Charisma modifier to the damage roll for the spell.
- Eldritch Mastery
Starting at 17th level, when you use your action to cast a spell, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Wraith Warrior class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity 13.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Wraith Warrior, you gain the following proficiencies: Simple and Martial weapons.
I do not own any rights to Shadow of Mordor or Shadow of War. I only sought to use them as inspiration.
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