Jaguar Warrior (5e Subclass)

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Jaguar Warrior

Barbarian Subclass

This is public domain

The Jaguar Warrior embraces the spiritual resilience of the Totem Warrior with the ferocious might of the Berserker. They are the elite guard of the Temple cities of the deep jungles and high mesas. They can be both disciplined and fight in organized formations but also know when to fly into a fearsome rage when in pitched battles. They embrace the deadly and mysterious jaguar as their Totem, utilizing it's discipline and stealth but also it's fearlessness and ferocity.

Jaguar Frenzy at 3rd level you can go into a Frenzy when you Rage, if you do so for the duration of your rage you can make a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on each of your turns after this one. When your rage you suffer one level of exhaustion.

Jaguar Skull Totem. at 6th level When Raging the Jaguar Warrior is Immune to psychic damage and all Charmed, Frightened, Dominated, Stunned, Unconscious or Paralyzed Conditions. It is impossible to read the Jaguar Warrior's mind when raging. When not raging This ability allows your character to use beast sense and speak with animals but only with felines (cats) and only as a ritual when not raging.

The Quetzalcoatl's Fangs and Scales. at level 10 Your weapon attacks score a critical on rolls of 18-20 when raging. All Versatile weapons can deal two handed damage when wielded one handed during your rage. When raging you also gain resistance to 2 elemental damage types of choice for that encounter, whether it is Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, Poison or Thunder

The Jaguar's Death Whistle. at 14th level when your raging mark one creature for that encounter. When that marked creature makes an attack you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature if it's in range. If creature dies your character can mark a new creature during encounter. All other creatures in 30 foot area around you must roll a Wisdom saving throw (Dc 8+ Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Charisma Modifier) or be frightened of your during your rage, they can reroll on subsequent turns.

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