Arcane Lobber (5e Class)

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Arcane Lobber

A unique ranged warrior who has learned to enchant their weapons to become vessels of arcane might which they use to annihilate their foes. You are no mere barbarian, but rather an intelligent fighter that can shape their weapons to suit a battle.

The Life of a Lobber

As an arcane lobber, you are not a typical sight. The art of enchanting a weapon may be commonplace or at least heard of, yes, but surely not with the express intent of turning someone into a pincushion.

Arcane lobbers are a strange crossbreed of a ranged fighter and an enchanter who only focuses on further buffing the weapons they have in order to make it hit with incredible force. Whether you focus on the heavy-hitting portion or the magical portion, the point of a lobber is using weapons outside of the typical bows and daggers. You don't just want to fill someone up with arrows; you want to utterly destroy them with spears or a greataxe able to combust into flame or call down lightning.

That or you want to be a fighter that can utilize their weapons before a great battle. You want to learn about your enemy's weaknesses so you may alter your weapons to suit your needs. It's about hitting hard enough that your enemy won't stand up after. Plus, you will be able to create your own unique weapon that will always manage to return to you.

You might not be the sturdiest fighter out there, nor the smartest scholar the world has ever seen. But you are a balanced force able to deliver some pointed damage when your party needs it. That's what matters.

Creating an Arcane Lobber


Mauve, Vielmond,

When creating an arcane lobber, what’s important to keep in mind is that these characters are not simple barbarians. They are intelligent fighters that utilize arcane enhancements combined with throwing weapons rather than simply bashing someone over the head or shooting from a bow. As such: How did you begin to uncover the secrets of these enchantments? What led you to look for them? Were you a fighter before you discovered these arcane arts? Or were you a scholar first? Did someone else teach or were you self taught? Do you continue still to look for more enchantments in order to better your weaponry? Are you trying to create the ultimate weapon to bind to yourself? What motivates you to fight and continue your research?

Quick Build

You can make a Lobber quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Intelligence. Second, choose the Sage or Outlander background.

Class Features

As a Arcane Lobber you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Arcane Lobber level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Arcane Lobber level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, Spears, Javelins, Tridents, Warhammers, Handaxes
Tools: Blacksmithing Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Intelligence
Skills: Pick 2 from Athletics, Arcana, Investigation, Insight, History, Perception.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A trident or (b) a spear or (c) a warhammer
  • (a) 4 javelins or (b) 2 handaxes
  • (a) explorer’s pack or (b) dungeoneer’s pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d6 x10 in funds.

Table: The Arcane Lobber

Level Proficiency
Returning Weapons Elemental Fury Dice Features
1st +2 0 0 Good Arm There, Enhanced Lob
2nd +2 1 0 Arcane Returning, Arcane Acceleration
3rd +2 1 1 Path of the Arcane Lobber, Runes of Elemental Fury
4th +2 1 1 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 2 2 Extra Attack
6th +3 2 2 Path Feature
7th +3 2 3 Penetrating Force
8th +3 3 3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 3 4 Line 'Em Up
10th +4 3 4 Path Feature
11th +4 4 4 Forceful Velocity
12th +4 4 5 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 4 5 Targets, Targets Everywhere
14th +5 5 5 Path Feature
15th +5 5 6 Arcane Interference
16th +5 5 6 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 6 6 Arcane Combustion
18th +6 6 7 Soul Bound Weapon
19th +6 6 7 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 6 7 Path Feature

Good Arm There

At 1st level, you are able to throw your weapons a far greater distance than most others would. The range description of your weapons is doubled (for example, when you throw a javelin it has a range of 60/240). In addition, you can throw other melee weapons that do not have the Heavy property. When you do so it has a range of 30/60 ft.

Enhanced Lob

At 1st level, your weapons are able to seek out targets that cower behind cover with ease. On your turn, you can negate the +2 bonus given to AC and Dexterity saving throws to a target behind half cover. This eventually affects three-quarters cover at level 10 and total cover at level 18. You can only use this feature once per turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses.

Arcane Returning

Losing a weapon is an annoyance that you can’t afford. So you have sought out a way to make sure it never happens again. At 2nd level, you have discovered through your studies how to enchant one weapon of your choice with the ability to always return to you after you throw it. You carve arcane runes into the weapon, binding it to you.

At this level, you can only enchant one weapon to magically return to you after making an attack. The number of weapons you may give this feature increases by one when you hit 5th level, 8th level, 11th level, 14th level, and 17th (to a maximum of six returning weapons).

If you have already enchanted your maximum amount of weapons and wish to enchant a different weapon, you must remove the enchantment from one of them.

In order to enchant a weapon, you must spend 3 hours working with it in order to make sure the runes are created correctly. You must take the same amount of time to disenchant a weapon in order to not break it.

Returning weapons count as magical but can still be broken or lost, and if so you can enchant a new one.

Arcane Acceleration

At 2nd level, the runes of your weapons allow your throws to be embedded with arcane power that allows your weapons to travel at greater speeds. Whenever you throw your enchanted weapon, it moves twice as fast as normal, thus dealing an extra 1 damage per 5 feet thrown. This increases to 2 damage at 6th level, 3 damage at 13th level, and 4 damage at 17th level.

Path of the Arcane Lobber

At 3rd level, you may choose whether to specialize as a Heavy Fire Lobber or an Arcane Ballista.

Runes of Elemental Fury

Through your studies to improve your weapons, you have discovered a way to infuse your enchanted weapons with another enchantment. This enchantment turns your weapon into a vessel for elemental damage that will surge out once it hits an enemy to deal additional damage.

Starting at 3rd level, you have the ability to infuse your returning weapon with an amount of charges equal to your Intelligence modifier. When you carve the runes into the weapon, you may choose it to do Fire, Cold, or Lightning damage. If you manage to hit a target, you do an additional amount of damage equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier. When your weapon runs out of charges, you must finish a Long Rest to replenish them.

For example, if you had a +3 Intelligence modifier, then you would get three charges with your weapon. You may choose before you roll for an attack whether or not the charge will expel on a hit.

As you level up the amount of damage you additionally do goes up by 1d6 at 5th level, 7th level, 9th level, 12 level, 15th level, and 18th level (to a maximum of 7d6 additional damage).

You can only enchant your returning weapons with this ability, and the process of infusing them with these elemental runes takes up to 2 hours to do. However, you can switch a weapon’s elemental damage by taking 4 hours to do so.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, whenever you use your Action to Attack, you may make a second attack.

Penetrating Force

You have refined your skills at throwing so much so that you know how to get the full force of your toss behind it. At 7th level, you have the ability to use one Action to throw your weapon with such force that it ignores 2 points of the AC of whatever creature you aim at. However, after your attack (whether it hits or not) any creature that attacks you does so with advantage until your next turn.

As you level, this attack ignores 3 point of AC at 11th level. 4 at 15, and 5 at 19th.

Line ‘Em Up

It is foolish to give you a clear shot; something your enemies will have to learn the hard way. At 9th level, any creature that ends its turn in a space that is a straight, perpendicular line from you without any obstructions or cover in the way may be attacked with advantage so long as they are within the range specified for your weapon.

If you move on your turn in order to put the creature in a straight line from you, this does not get the advantage. The creature must end its turn in a space that is in a straight, unobstructed line from you.

To elaborate, the enemy must end its turn in the same row/line of squares/hexagons that your character is on for you to gain advantage. You cannot benefit from this if the enemy is diagonal to you. (Simpler still, think of your character being the center of a + and if an enemy ends its turn straight above, to the side of, or below you on the map, you gain advantage so long as nothing is in the way)

Forceful Velocity

Through your studies, you have learned of yet another enhancement that can improve your weapons. At 11th level, you have the ability to carve yet another rune into your returning weapon that allows it to fly through the air with a higher velocity. The weapons you give this runic enchantment can now do an additional 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier of Force damage as they soar through the air to punch through your target. However, they can only do this once before requiring a Long Rest to regain the charge.

At 15th level this damage increases to 2d10, and to 3d10 at 20th level.

It takes 2 hours to carve the runes into a weapon, and 2 hours to remove them without breaking it.

Target, Targets Everywhere

It’s so kind of these large creatures to provide such a big surface area to work with. At 13th level, any creature that is 1 size or more larger than your own may be hit with advantage.

Arcane Interference

Your enchanted weapons have become so infused with arcane energy now that they can disrupt the magical flow of spell casters you hit. At 15th level when you strike a spell caster with a weapon still containing a magical charge, that spell caster must make a Constitution saving throw of 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier. If they fail, they have disadvantage on all their spell attacks until their next turn. If they succeed, they are able to cast normally. However, if they are concentrating on a spell (regardless of the first Constitution saving throw to determine whether or not they cast with disadvantage after) they must make the save to concentrate with disadvantage.

This only works if the weapon you attack them with still has an arcane charge.

Arcane Combustion

Sometimes an enemy requires more force than what you can throw at it. As such, in dire situations you can cause one of your enchanted weapons to combust upon a hit. At 17th level, should you hit a target, you can choose to destroy your weapon and have it deal an additional 5d10 Force Damage, as well as 4d6 of the main elemental damage you enchanted it with.

Once you do this, the weapon is completely destroyed and can never be recovered.

Soul Bound Weapon

Through your tireless research, you have discovered yet another enchantment you may bestow upon your weapon. However, this enchantment can only be used on one item, for to do this you must bind a piece of your soul to it. At 18th level, you can create a Soul Bound Weapon out of one of your returning weapons.

Doing so doubles the amount of charges your weapon can expend before running out. In addition, the damage dice you use for your elemental damage changes to d10’s. Your range with this weapon also doubles yet again (meaning, for instance, a Javelin that would have 60/240 due to your “Good Arm There” feature would now be 120/480) and creatures up close can be hit with no penalty.

Lastly, should you choose to destroy this weapon through Arcane Combustion it now does 10d10 Force Damage and 7d6 of the elemental damage you enchanted it with. However, doing so damages you as well. If you destroy this weapon you receive 11d10 Psychic damage and are considered paralyzed for the rest of your turn.

If your Soul Bound Weapon is ever destroyed in another way, you also take 11d10 Psychic damage.

Once you create a Soul Bound Weapon, you cannot create another. This weapon is a permanent returning weapon and cannot be edited after.

It takes 12 hours to create a Soul Bound Weapon.

Heavy Fire Lobber

While some Lobbers worry more about the enchantments they place on their weapons, you worry more about the weapons themselves. You focus more on getting every bit of damage you can out of the weapon itself, and rely more on your strength than anything.

Heavy Weapon Throwing

As the name implies, you now have the ability to lob Heavy weapons. At 3rd level, you become proficient with Martial Melee Weapons and can now throw them a distance of 30/60ft if they do not have a displayed range. These weapons can also be enchanted so that they return to you or deal elemental damage as displayed in the main Arcane Lobber Feature list.

Double the Force

The sheer power you put behind your throws makes your opponents feel it twice as hard. At 6th level, as an action you roll one additional damage die according to what weapon you use (for example, a Glaive that does 1d10 Slashing damage now does 2d10 or a maul would 4d6 instead of 2d6). You gain another additional damage die when you reach 15th level. Must complete a long rest to use again.

Cover Free

If they aren’t smart enough to find good cover, they’re asking for it. At 10th level, as a bonus action, you may move 10ft to line up with an enemy in a straight line. If you only move 10ft, you may still benefit from the advantage of “Line ‘Em Up.” Any more than that, and you lose the advantage to your attack. Complete a short or long rest to regain this ability.

At 15th level you may move 15ft and still gain this benefit. At 20th level you may move 20ft and still gain this benefit.

Additional Velocity

It’s not just the enchantments doing the work. At 14th level, whenever you use your “Forceful Velocity” ability, you throw the weapon with enough force to add an additional 1d10 + your Strength modifier of Force damage to the damage already inflicted by the enchantment. Use only as an action. 1 Use per long rest

Titan Strike

The strength of your arm and the force put behind your attacks would make even a Giant hesitate. At 20th level, once during combat, you are able to perform a Titan Strike. You wind up your arm and throw it with such force that it can rip off a Giant’s limb. If you manage to hit a target, you do an additional 6d10 + your Strength modifier of Force damage. In addition, the target must make a Strength saving throw of 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Strength modifier. If it fails, you manage to permanently disable one of its limbs while pushing it back 10 ft.

Once used, you must exit combat to be able to use it again.

Arcane Ballista

Some Lobbers may value the strength of their arms to deliver punishment, but you are more interested in what arcane forces can boost the magical damage you might inflict. Though you are no pushover, your focus lies with magically destroying a target rather than turning them into a simple pincushion.

Arcane Might

Your dedication to improving the mystical, arcane nature of your weapons has led to them dealing a more potent punch when they hit. As an action during battle 3 times per day, You trade the d6’s your returning weapons do for d8’s instead, and improve them by d8’s in accordance with the Feature in the Main Arcane Lobber Feature List. Must complete a long rest to recover.

Unlocked Arcana

After much studying and testing, you’ve finally learned how to spice up the damage your weapons can do. At 6th level, you may also learn to enchant your weapons to do Acid, Poison, Necrotic, or Force damage in addition to Fire, Cold, and Lightning. Also, it takes you only half as long to enchant or disenchant weapons.

Magical Splicing

Why limit yourself to just one form of magical damage? At 10th level, after long hours of studying and careful workmanship, you have discovered a way to infuse an additional element into your weapon. This second enchantment only does 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier worth of damage, in comparison to your main enchantment.

The damage it deals increases to 2d6 at 15th level, and 3d6 at 20th level.

If the weapon you are using is turned into a Soul Bound Weapon, the second arcane enchantment uses d8’s instead of d6’s.

It takes 2 more hours to enchant a weapon with a second enchantment, and the same amount of time to disenchant it.


You have discovered a way for your weapons to unleash all their charges into one devastating attack. At 14th level, before you make an attack you may choose to Overcharge your weapon. If it manages to hit a target, you take the typical elemental damage die your weapon would do (for example, at 14th level your weapon would do 5d8 amounts of elemental damage) and times it by the amount of charges you had (for example, a person with an Intelligence modifier of +3 would have 3 charges on each weapon) for that weapon.

To give an example, a character with a +3 to Intelligence at level 14 (meaning they do 5d8 elemental damage on a hit, plus the additional 1d6 for the second enchantment) would calculate the total damage as = (5d8 x 3) + (1d6 x 3) + their weapon’s typical damage dice.

Once you Overcharge a weapon, it has no more charges and you must finish a Long Rest before it replenishes them. Weapons that already have charges that you didn't make refer to those items stats for result of losing the charges. Only weapons you make enchanted won't break or disappear etc. May only use this ability once per battle, once per short rest. If you state you Overcharged your weapon and miss on the attack, then it still uses up its charges and requires a Long Rest despite not hitting anything.

The Might of a Soul

The magical essence of your Soul Bound Weapon can now draw energy from the piece of your soul instilled within it. At 20th level, once per combat encounter, you may perform a Soul Strike as an Action. With this attack, you will always hit your target as it is guided by your soul. However, the target must make an Intelligence saving throw of 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier. Upon a failure, the target takes double the amount of damage die your primary and secondary enchantment would do (So at 20th level where you roll 7d10 and 3d8 for elemental damage with your Soul Bound Weapon, you now roll 14d10 and 6d8 damage). Upon a success, the target takes half damage.

When you do a Soul Strike, you also have to make an Intelligence saving throw against 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier or take 10d8 Psychic damage as the enchantments draw strength from the part of your soul infused into the weapon.

Once you use this ability, you must exit combat before using it again. A Soul Strike does not use a charge, as it draws power from your soul more so than the enchantments.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Arcane Lobber class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 or higher Strength, 13 or higher Intelligence

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