Cosmic Elf (5e Subrace)

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Stub Logo.png This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Reason: A buffed version of the high elf: One cantrip->Innate spellcasting; High Elve Weapon Training->Gravefully Strikes(grammar?) with the Intelligence swapped for Wisdom. Lore is no different and makes little attempt to do so besides making them giants by comparison.

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Cosmic Elf

Cosmic elves are very ancient and mysterious, having eldritch-influenced origins forgotten from generations of lost history. As appearances go, they do not look much different than most normal elves, aside from being much taller and slimmer than most; however, few key differences emerge, such as their smoother, paler skin of varying faint hues. Their hair is short and of a black and silver color, and their eyes are black with silvery pupils. They quietly radiate strange energies, a weave signature that seems to shift between arcane, divine, and innate magics.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Magical Knowledge. You learn a cantrip from the wizard or cleric spell list, or the Eldritch Blast cantrip. At 3rd level, you learn a 1st level wizard, cleric, or warlock spell. Charisma is your spellcasting modifier for these, and they may be cast once between long rests without spending a spell slot, or regularly if you use any spell slots granted by your class.
Towering Stature. Your base height is 6'0 with a +(2d8) inch modifier, and your base weight is 75 lb. with a +(2d6) pound modifier.
Graceful Strikes. You add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to the damage rolls of any dexterity-based weapons.
Eldritch Roots. An innate connection to a patron entity of your choice (or a bolstered connection, if you have levels in the Warlock class) grants you subtle eldritch empowerment. You gain one Eldritch Invocation from the choices listed to the Warlock class, and may choose to exchange it for another each time you gain a character level. At 10th level, you may also select a Pact Boon from the options available to Warlocks, but are unable to change the selection after it is made.
Strange Signature. When a creature casts the Detect Evil and Good spell, regardless of your actual alignment, you appear as an unaligned or True Neutral creature, or do not register at all.

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