Additional Arcane Shot Options (5e Class Feature)

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Arcane Archer Arcane Arrow Effects

This is a list of additional Arcane Arrow effects for Arcane Archers (UA fighter Archetype) to use. Unless specified otherwise, extra damage caused by a specific arrow type is in addition to the extra Force damage all Arcane Arrows gain.

Evocation Arrows

Kinetic Arrow

You weave Evocation magic into this arrow, causing it to exert extreme magical force when it hits the target. This arrow deals 2d6 extra magical Bludgeoning damage. Also, the target is pushed up to 15 feet back and knocked prone on a hit.

Divination Arrows

Your arrow glows with light. Hit a creature with an arrow and roll as you normally would for damage. The creature does not take damage, but instead regains that amount of hit points. (At higher levels, use a damage-dealing arcane shot, other than banish or binding, and THAT damage is converted to hit points regained by the creature(s) shot.)

Scanning Arrow

You weave Divination magic into this arrow, revealing the physiology of the target. You learn the current hit points of the target, in addition to any damage or condition resistances or immunities and any effects affecting it such as spell effects or conditions.

Transmutation Arrows

Toxic Arrow

You weave Transmutation magic into this arrow, causing it to secrete magical poison. On a hit, the target is poisoned for 1 minute.

Potent Arrow

You weave Transmutation magic into this arrow, amplifying the potency of the magical energy. This arrow deals an extra 3d6 Force damage on a hit.

Duplicating Arrow

You weave Transmutation magic into this arrow, causing it to split into two. When you fire your Arcane Arrow, you may make an additional attack roll against an enemy within 10 feet of the original target. They take normal Arcane Arrow damage.

Conjuration Arrows

Utility Arrow, Rope

You shoot your arrow up to 100 feet away. The arrow sticks to the surface it lands on for one minute, so long as the surface is not a creature. A length of rope, up to 100 feet, extends from it, lasting for the one minute. (handy for climbing a cliff or high wall).

Utility Arrow, distraction

You fire an arrow. Whenever you choose, within ten minutes, the arrow snaps apart, creating a louder-than-normal clattering sound. (think firecracker, or a few firecrackers)

Tripping Arrow

Shoot two arrows to the ground/floor. They must be within 30 feet of each other. The notched ends of the arrows magically connect with a magical thread. Any creature that does not notice the thin thread, and walks or otherwise travels through it's space, must make a DC 18 Dex (acrobatics/athletics) save, or trip and fall prone. The "trip wire" lasts for one minute. ?

Guarding Arrow

You weave Conjuration magic into this arrow, causing the spell Cordon Of Arrows to be cast on a space of your choice within 5 feet of you. This does not require a spell slot, and the four arrows required are conjured.

Warping Arrow

You weave Conjuration magic into this arrow, tripling the short and long ranges by having the arrow teleport. You can shoot through glass or other objects you can see through (like a grate) as long as the target is not using it as cover.

Necromancy Arrows

Lethargic Arrow

You weave Necromancy magic into this arrow, causing it to halve the target's speed for 1 minute on a hit. The target also cannot take the Dash, Disengage or Dodge actions.

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