Angelica Domain (5e Subclass)

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Angelica Domain

Rejoice! You have been chosen by your deity of choice to wield a great power few have access to, the power to summon the servants of the gods themselves; the power to summon angels. Those who have been blessed to take this path will be able to punish the wicked with divine retribution and angelic aid. These cleric's closeness to their deity also allows them to easily entreat them and ask for their help and guidance. Those who have been granted this gift should think about how they were offered this rare gift and the consequences of it. Great power can be both a blessing and a curse.

Angelica Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st bless, feather fall
3rd augury, spiritual weapon
5th beacon of hope, spirit guardians
7th divination, guardian of faith
9th commune, planar binding
Bonus Language
These clerics have the power to summon the angels themselves.

When you choose this domain at the 1st level, you learn the ability to speak Celestial if you do not already know it.

Channel Divinty: Summon Angel

Starting at the 2nd level, your deity bestows unto to you your very own guardian angel to aid you and your allies. Your angel can take any form you desire; taking into consideration your deity; except it must be medium size and it also comes with a halo that floats above/behind its head and glows with a dim light. Your angel has the same alignment as you. It has the ability to speak any language that you do.

When creating your angel, you assign its ability scores as if creating a character, either by using a standard array, the point buy system or by rolling dice. You may increase any ability score of your angel whenever you gain the ability score improvement class feature from the Cleric class. In effect, you angel gets the “Ability Score Improvement” feature at the same levels as you, with the same restrictions.

At the 1st level your angel has 10 Hit Points, plus its constitution modifier, and gains a number of hit points each time you level up equal to 5 plus its constitution modifier. Your angel uses your proficiency bonus, your skill and saving throw proficiencies. Its base Armor Class is your Armor Class.

You can use your Channel Divinity to summon your angel in a ritual that takes one action and you can dismiss it as a bonus action. It remains in your service for 10 minutes. You can use your action or bonus action to have your angel make one action as well as move up to its full speed. It also has one reaction. Your angel is summoned with a number of Hit Points equal to its Hit Point Total the last time it was dismissed, unless you have taken a long rest, in which case, the angel is at its maximum Hit Points. If your angel’s Hit Points is reduced to 0, it is immediately banished, and cannot be summoned again until you have taken a long rest.

Your angel comes with certain features:

• Your angel can fly by magic (with or without wings). Its fly speed is the same as its walking speed.

• Your angel is immune to being charmed and any effects that end when self-harmed will also end when the angel is commanded to harm you.

• Your angel can attune to up to 3 magical items.

Starting Statistics:

Size: Medium

Speed: 30 ft


Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Armor: None (Cannont Wear)


Your angel starts with the following equipment:

(a) one simple weapon, or (b) a shortbow and 20 arrows


Also at the 2nd level, your angel can use its reaction in different ways. When you summon your angel, choose a stance:

Just Stance: Your angel can use its reaction to make oppurtinuty attacks whenever a creature enters your angel's reach.

Grace Stance: If you or an ally would be attacked within 5 feet your angel, it can use its reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

Divine Covenant

Starting at the 6th level, your stronger bond with your angel allows you to channel through it. If you are within 30ft of your angel, you can cast spells as though you were in your angel's space, but you must use your own senses.

Blessed Retribution

Starting at the 8th level, your angel’s attacks radiate with divine power and are now considered magical. You also gain the ability to infuse your angel’s strikes with divine energy. Once, on each of your turns when your angel hits a creature with an Attack, you can cause the Attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Angelic Perfect Fusion

Starting at the 17th level, as an action, you can touch your angel and fuse forms. You use all of your angel’s ability scores and weapons; you no longer have access to your gear for the duration. While fused in this way, you are protected from harm and cannot be the target of spells or effects. All effects and spells currently targeting you end.

You can direct all of your angel’s actions while fused, can perceive through its senses, and can speak through its voice. You can also cast spells while fused with your angel (any material components used for these spells are taken from your gear, otherwise they are inaccessible; you keep your spellcasting ability modifier, spell attack bonus and spell save dc).

You can end this effect at any time as a bonus action. The effect also ends if your angel is unsummoned in any way (HP reduced to 0, banishment etc…). When you emerge from this state, you emerge in a square adjacent to your angel if able.

Works Cited: Some aspects of this domain was inspired by the Spatial Summoner class [1]. Thank You!

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