Order of the Oracle (5e Subclass)

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Revision as of 08:52, 5 November 2020 by Snowleo (talk | contribs) (Added an aditional ability to Oracle's Insight to give the subclass a bit more options outside of combat.)
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Order of the Oracle

"Her prophecies amaze her even as she speaks them." Art by Dallas Williams.

"The king conspired to assassinate the oracle, not because her visions were wrong, but because they were right."

Oracles lead troubled lives, burdened by knowledge no mortal should have; knowledge of the future. They can see the strands and threads of fate and see the pattern they weave, predicting the future with ominous accuracy. The powerful search for them, the common folk put their hope in them; but knowledge can be dangerous ... and deadly, and every oracle knows this well.

Bonus Disciplines

At 1st level, you learn two additional psionic disciplines of your choice. They must be chosen from among the Awakened disciplines.


Starting at the 1st level, you can sense danger before it happens. You can’t be surprised while you are conscious and other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being hidden. You also have a +5 bonus to your passive perception.


Starting at the 3rd level, you gain the ability to foretell the near future. As a bonus action, choose a discipline you could use, spending the amount of psi points necessary, then roll a d4. The chosen discipline takes effect at the beginning of the turn corresponding to the result of the roll. (For example, if a 1 is rolled, the discipline takes effect at the beginning of your next turn. If a 2 is rolled then it takes effect at the beginning of the turn after that).

Once a revelation is active, you must wait for that revelation to take effect before using this feature again.

Glimpse of the Future

Starting at the 6th level, your foresight enables you the ability to peak into future events:

• If an attack you see within 30ft of you would hit, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on that roll, possibly causing the attack to miss.

• If an attack you see within 30ft of you would miss, you can use your reaction to impose advantage on that roll, possibly causing the attack to hit.

• If a creature would make an ability check, you can have them roll with advatage or disadvantage.

You can use this feature once per short rest.

Oracle's Insight

Starting at the 14th level, you are able to see and interpret the threads of fate and destiny. If you or an ally you see within 60ft of you would fail a saving throw, you can use your reaction to have you or them succeed instead. Alternatively, if an enemy you can see within 60ft of you would make their saving throw, you can use your reaction to have them fail instead. You can use the feature once per long rest.

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