Kopoll (5e Creature)

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medium fey, any chaotic alignment

Armor Class 14 (natural armour)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 5 (-3) 5 (-3) 5 (-3)

Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses passive Perception 7
Languages Communicates with laughs and cackles among each other, can speak and understand few words in Kingspeak (Common)
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Woodland Creature. Being made entirely out of wood and living in forested areas, the Kopoll can in essence 'travel through' wood. If any part of its body is in contact with wood, either alive or dead, it can grow into the wood. It simultaneously has to exit from the wood elsewhere. Kopoll generally use this for pranks or ambushes, and sometimes to travel faster. They have been observed to race through a thicket in this manner, laughing all the way. Additionally, a Kopoll can survive within a forest without needing food - only water.

Laughter of the Forest. When three or more Kopoll gather, their iconic laughter is echoed not only by each other and other nearby Kopoll, but by the forest as well. For nearby adventurers, it seems to come from everywhere and cannot be located by any non-magical means. Adventurers cannot rest for longer than four hours, and prolonged exposure to the laughter has shown to drive people mad. After an hour spent in the vicinity of the laughter of a group of Kopoll, an adventurer has to succeed a DC8 saving throw, with the DC increasing by 1 for every successive hour. On a failure the adventurer is compelled to echo their laughter, drawing them to their position.


Kopoll tend to use various tools for their pranking and attacking purposes, from their twig-like fingers to wooden clubs to stolen tools or weapons. Below are several example actions they can take.

Claw: The Kopoll slashes with its bramble-claws.

Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.

Thwack: The Kopoll thwacks with a wooden cudgel.

Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage

Sling: The Kopoll fires nuts or rocks from slings span between its fingers.

Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 30 ft., 1-3 pellets. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage per pellet

Aside from these actions, the Kopoll can wield weapons and tools it finds laying around. It does not receive a bonus when rolling to hit using these weapons, and rolls damage according to the weapon in question.

A taunting Kopoll (source: Trolls by Brian Froud)

The Kopoll are nature spirits, who came into existence as guardians of the forest. They are born from Kopo trees, ancients behemoths of the forest. A Kopoll grows from its branches much like a fruit would, and once its grown too heavy, it snaps off. Due to this, Kopoll do not have a universal size or build; some still have part of their umbilical branch attached to them, from the part where it broke off.

It is said that when a Kopoll is born and falls from the tree, the first thing it does is let out an iconic, shrill laughter. It is said that any Kopoll that can hear it, echoes the laugh, and runs towards the 'birthplace'.

The Kopoll are known as mischievous, yet protective at the same time. They attack anyone who enters their forest, either with pranks or with their branch-like claws. They steal random household objects like spoons and bowls, occasionally larger things such as doors or fences. They drive cattle wild, and there have even been reported cases of abductions. Whatever the Kopoll do with those they abduct, however, is unknown.

While not necessarily acting in groups, a group is where the Kopoll thrives. They have been observed to run or dance together, to toy with intruders together, all while laughing their iconic laugh and occasionally echoing words spoken. Individually, a Kopoll is not much of a threat but more a nuisance - only when they group up do they turn dangerous. Generally the size of such a group ranges from three to ten, though occasionally they have been observed. Such a group of Kopoll is, fittingly, called a Laughter of Kopoll.

The longer a Kopoll lives, the dryer its wooden body becomes. It turns more brittle, and lights much easier. A Kopoll that dies of old age essentially freezes in place as the life escapes the wood. The 'husk' is left behind, in whatever pose it had struck. Throughout forests with a Kopo tree at its heart, one can stumble upon such Kopoll husks standing or lying about. Though most such husks are gathered by other Kopoll to construct a maze of wood around the Kopo tree.

If a Kopoll is slain, it similarly freezes and turns into such a wooden husk. Occasionally they strike a pose when dying as such - comically clutching their chest before falling over, taunting, dancing one last dance, etcetera - or try to grab their foe before their limbs turn rigid.

Variant: Flametouched Kopoll

During the summer season, Kopoll from certain Kopo trees have shown to spontaneously combust. When this happens, their twig-mane is either aflame or smoldering, and the fire doesn't seem to hurt them. Flametouched Kopoll have a higher resistance to fire, and often use flaming twigs plucked straight from their mane as weapons. Its actions can be replaced with the following:

Flame whip: The Kopoll plucks a flaming twig from its mane and thwacks with it.
Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage + 2 (1d4) fire damage

Flametouched Kopoll have been seen lighting fire to crop fields, roofs of buildings, and sometimes even cattle's tails or people's clothes.

Variant: Dormant Kopoll

In the winter, Kopoll from certain Kopo trees return to their Kopo and latch on to its branches again, hanging from the tree not unlike unbirthed Kopoll. Such a dormant Kopoll becomes completely inactive during winter, so long as it isn't severed from the Kopo tree. Dormant Kopoll that don't make it to their Kopo in time latch on to other trees or roots in a similar fashion, though they do not survive this. A forest in which Dormant Kopoll reside can thus be identified by Kopoll husks hanging from random trees.

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