Tranquil Journey (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Tranquil Journey[edit]

By spending 1 ki point, as a standard action, you gain the effect of the spell endure elements, for yourself, and the trackless step feature, for one hour. You also gain a +4 to check to resist being fatigued or exhausted from physical extertion and may go for one hour without needing water, even if you would need it.

By spending 3 ki points, this technique let also the user forgo the need for food for one hour, half the time needed for sleep for the day and it may resist being fatigued for one hour (only fatigue from physical activity is prevented).

By spending 6 ki points the user may replicate endure elements for the entire day, gain immunity to fatigue and exhaustion from physical exertion, may forgo eating, drinking and sleeping (and any consequences of these activities) for the day. It replicates all the previous effects, if not in contrast.

For each 3 additional ki points spent on this technique you may affect another individual with the same effects. You may spend this additional points when you first use the technique or at any point during its duration.

This counts as a supernatural ability.

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