Kyuko (5e Race)

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Japanese Kitsune

Physical Description

Kitsune are the physical manifestations of fox spirits. They most often take the form large foxes with multiple tails.

Picture of a kitsune [1]


Kitsune are associated with Inari, the Shinto deity of rice. This association has reinforced the fox's supernatural significance. Originally, kitsune were Inari's messengers, but the line between the two is now blurred so that Inari Ōkami may be depicted as a fox. Likewise, entire shrines are dedicated to kitsune, where devotees can leave offerings. Fox spirits are said to be particularly fond of a fried sliced tofu called aburage, which is accordingly found in the noodle-based dishes kitsune udon and kitsune soba. Similarly, Inari-zushi is a type of sushi named for Inari Ōkami that consists of rice-filled pouches of fried tofu. There is speculation among folklorists as to whether another Shinto fox deity existed in the past. Foxes have long been worshipped as kami. Inari's kitsune are white, a color of good omen. They possess the power to ward off evil, and they sometimes serve as guardian spirits. In addition to protecting Inari shrines, they are petitioned to intervene on behalf of the locals and particularly to aid against troublesome nogitsune, those spirit foxes who do not serve Inari. Black foxes and nine-tailed foxes are likewise considered good omens. According to beliefs derived from fusui (feng shui), the fox's power over evil is such that a mere statue of a fox can dispel the evil kimon, or energy, that flows from the northeast. Many Inari shrines, such as the famous Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto, feature such statues, sometimes large numbers of them. Kitsune are connected to the Buddhist religion through the Dakiniten, goddesses conflated with Inari's female aspect. Dakiniten is depicted as a female boddhisattva wielding a sword and riding a flying white fox.


Japanese kitsune don't have a society because foxes don't have a society as well. It's very unusual for two Kitsune to meet, although some of them live in a humanoid township.

Kitsune Names

Male: Akihiko, Akihiro, Akio, Aoi, Daisuke, Hiroshi... Insert male Japanese name because originality is overrated.

Female: Ai, Asami, Chikako, Hideko, Izanami, Kiyomi... And again just use any normal Japanese name.

Kitsune Traits

The True, and pure kitsune lives longer, many are small or large, and is much more powerful than many variant versions of the kitsune.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
Age. Kitsune can live between 50 and 1400 years.
Alignment. kitsune tend to not stick to one alignment, so there have been kitsune with every alignment
Size. In legends they were small but others said they were large beasts and because I don't like to debate about religion I'll say they come in many different shapes and sizes.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet. +5 when crawling.
Vulpine form. You can take the form of a fox at will in which you use the physical stats of the fox and when you are the target of a spell like polymorph, you become a fox instead of what you were meant to turn into
Great Wisdom. Because of your extensive knowledge from being from the ancient days you have proficiency with Wisdom checks.
Fox Fire. By rubbing your two tails you can make a flame. You gain access to the produce flame cantrip, although all flames created are blue. Your spell casting ability is Charisma
Hoshi no Tama. A Kitsune keeps the Hoshi no Tama (an orb) in its mouth or carries it in its tail. Also, every time someone takes it, you will know, and every damage that Hoshi no Tama suffers will cause you to lose hit points, ki, sorcery points, aura or other points that grant you abilities, and when the damage is enough to make you unconscious, you die. In turn, if it separates for more than 32 hours from you, you die.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Sylvan, and another language of your choice.
Subrace. Yako, and Zenko.


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Master of Trickery. You have proficiency with Deception rolls.
Kitsune Trickery. you can cast the minor illusion cantrip
Disgrace of Inari. You cannot enter churches, temples, or shrines.


Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Master of Magic. You have proficiency with Arcana rolls.
Fox Spirit. You cannot become possessed, as you are a spirit.
Charm Maker. You can cast charm person once per long rest. Your spellcasting ability is Charisma

Random Height and Weight

Table: Kitsune Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4' if you're Small, 5' if you're Medium, 7' if you're Large. +2D10 60 lbs. if your Small, 135 lbs. if your Medium, 200 lbs. if Large × (1d10) lb.

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