Round Dance of Fury (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Round Dance of Fury[edit]

By spending 15 ki points, as a full-round action, you may move up to double your land speed and make a Perform(dance) check. All of your movement must be along continuous, solid ground. You leave a trail of flames in your wake. These flames have no effect unless they form a closed area. In this case, a raging inferno erupts within that area. All creatures within the area take fire damage equal to your Perform(dance) check result + your ki user level, with a Reflex save for half damage. This fire damage is not reduced by fire resistance and creatures immune to fire still take half the damage.

The inferno erupts the first time you form a closed area. You cannot create multiple areas in one move.

You are immune to the fire damage dealt by a round dance of fury you initiated.

This counts as a supernatural ability.

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