Path of the Norse Gods (5e Subclass)

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Path of the Norse Gods

A path for those Barbarians that follow the Norse Gods and gain their favor and powers.

Odin: King of the Norse Gods, God of poetry, battle, and death. Chief god of the Aesir. Also known as the “all-father”, the “terrible one”, “one-eyed” and “father of battle”.

Thor: God of Sky, thunder, and fertility. Associated with law and order in Asgard and guardian of the Norse gods. Son of Odin and Earth, and husband of Sif. Also known as the “thunder god” and “charioteer”.

Hela: The goddess of death and ruler of Helheim, the realm of the dead.

Norse God's Path

At 3rd level when you choose this path, choose a god to follow and gain their powers.

Odin: When raging, the might and aggresion of Odin surrounds you. You gain +2 to hit and damage rolls. This bonus gains a +1 if you use reckless attack.

Thor: While raging, the tempestuous magic of Thor surrounds you. Enemies that are 5ft of you take lightning damage equal to 1 + your strength modifier when they start or end their turn.

Hela: While raging, you become eager to consume life forces with the surrounding of Hela's magic. Your Weapon attacks deal additional necrotic damage equal to your constitution modifier, on a Critical hit, you gain temporary hit points equal to three times that extra necrotic damage.

Norse God's Favor

At 6th level, you gain the benefits of your chosen god.

Odin: When you are raging, the battle superiority of Odin enchances you. You gain +1 to your ac, if you are not wearing heavy armor you gain +2 to your ac instead.

Thor: When you are raging, the lightning of Thor protects you. When a creature hits you with a melee Weapon attack the creature takes lightning damage equal to 1d6+ your constitution modifier.

Hela: While you are raging, the dark power of Hela over death surrounds you. You automatically succeed on death saving throws, if you take damage that normally kills you instantly while raging, you fall unconscious for 8 hours instead. Any attack that reduces you to 0 hit points will deal necrotic damage to the attacker equal to 1d10 plus your barbarian level.

Norse God's Blessing

At 10th level, you gain the benefits of your chosen god.

Odin: While raging, Odin grants you his divine power. You gain resistance to fire damage also you gain temporary hit points equal to 2+ your constitution modifier at the start of your turn.

Thor: While raging, Thor grants you his divine power. You have resistance to thunder and lightning damage. Once per turn your Weapon attack deals extra thunder damage equal to three times your rage damage and knocks the target prone if your athletics check exceeds your targets athletics check.

Hela: While you are raging, Hela grants you her divine power. You gain resistance to poison and necrotic damage. Also, you gain advantage against saving throws that are forced by undead and fiends.

Norse God's Power

At 14th level, you gain your god's final favor and power.

Odin: While raging, Odin infuses you with godly might. At the start of your turn, you have advantage on your first attack roll, strength and dexterity saving throws. At the start of the enemies turn that you choose has disadvantage on his first attack roll.

Thor: While raging, Thor infuses you with tempestuous might. You have flying speed equal to your walking speed. You gain advantage on your first attack roll when you drop on your enemy with flying.

Hela: While raging, Hela infuses you with the dark power of the damned magic. You are immune to necrotic and poison damage and poisoned condition. Your first attack will cause the enemy to make a Constitution saving throw (Dc=8+your strength modifier+ your proficiency bonus) or be will be poisoned until your next turn.

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