Asgardian Sorcery (5e Subclass)

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Asgardian Sorcery

Sorcerous Origin

The children of Asgard, these scions wield the magic of the great Norse gods, inspiring might and valor in their companions. These Sorcerers are typically seen as a blessing to the families and communities that they're born into, but if they are borne of Odin, they are seen as powerful and blessed nuisances, as their charm and wiles will likely shake the world to its very core.

Aesir Tongue

Starting at 1st level, you gain access to the Bard and Sorcerer spell lists.

Child of Asgard

Starting at 1st level, your aesir blood manifests as a great source of power. You gain proficiency with light armor, simple weapons, and shields. Additionally, select which aesir you are borne of and gain the appropriate benefits.

  • Frea:

As a child of Frea, you gain the ability to close wounds with a loving touch. As an action, you may touch a creature and cause them to regain hit points equal to your Sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again. In addition you gain proficiency with maces and may use a mace as your arcane focus.

  • Hella:

As a child of Hella, you gain the ability to place a curse of ruin upon your foes. As an action, you may select a creature within 30 feet of you and curse them, dealing 2d6 necrotic damage to them. For 1 minute, this creature's movement speed is reduced by half to the nearest interval of 5. (rounded down) You may use this feature once before requiring a long or short rest to do so again. In addition, you gain proficiency with longswords and may use a longsword as your arcane focus.

  • Odin:

As a child of Odin, you gain the ability to twist the minds and hearts of those around you. As an action, you may select a creature within 30 feet of you that can see and/or hear you. This creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Sorcerer spell save dc or be charmed by you for 10 minutes. This creature sees you as a trusted acquaintance and will perform minor tasks for you provided they do not go against their moral alignment or their loyalties. Should you harm this creature or cast a spell on them, this effect ends early. You regain use of this ability once you complete a long or short rest. In addition, you gain proficiency with battleaxes and may use a battleaxe as your arcane focus.

  • Thor:

As a child of Thor, you gain the ability to conjure short bursts of valor and might within yourself. As an action, you release a surge of power, increasing your melee weapon attack and damage rolls by 1 for 1 minute. You regain use of this ability once you complete a long or short rest. In addition, you gain proficiency with warhammers and may use a warhammer as your arcane focus.

Asgardian Prowess

Starting at 6th level, when you use your action to make a weapon attack, you may attack twice rather than once. In addition, when you land a weapon attack, you may expend a sorcery point to create a magical effect base on your aesir lineage which you selected at 1st level.

  • Frea:

When you successfully make a weapon attack, you may expend 1 sorcery point to gain temporary hit points equal to your sorcerer level that are lost after 1 minute.

  • Hella:

When you successfully make a weapon attack, you may expend 1 sorcery point to deal an additional 1d10 necrotic damage to the target of your attack.

  • Odin:

When you successfully make a weapon attack, you may expend 1 sorcery point to increase your armor class by 2 until the beginning of your next turn.

  • Thor:

When you successfully make a weapon attack, you may expend 1 sorcery point to deal an additional 1d4 thunder damage to the target of your attack and every hostile creature within 5 feet of them.

Aesir Emergence

Starting at 14th level, your Aesir blood finally emerges to its apex. As an action, you may release a surge of Aesir magic. For 1 minute, you and every friendly creature within 20 feet of you gains the benefits of the bless spell and every hostile creature within 20 feet of you suffers the effects of the bane spell. You may use this feature once, gaining the ability to do so again upon completion of a long rest.

Highborn of Midgard

Starting at 18th level, your connections to Midgard finally show your true might. You're spiritual home is Midgard, and as such you may draw power from it. As an action, you anchor your spirit to Midgard, and become a monolith of power. For 1 minute, you regain 1 sorcery point at the beginning of each of your turns. You may use this power once before requiring long rest to do so again.

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