Unmake Them All (3.5e Maneuver)

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3e Summary:

Unmake Them All

Your foes think you outnumbered, outmatched. Show them how wrong they are.

Heart of Darkness
Level: Crusader 8, Swordsage 8, Warblade 8
Type: Strike
Action: 1 standard action
Prerequisite: 3 Heart of Darkness maneuvers
Description: With zealous rage, you assault your numerous foes. As part of this maneuver, you may make three additional melee attacks at your highest base attack bonus -3. These attacks must all be made against different targets. For each attack that hits, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and +1d6 damage with all attacks (including those from this maneuver) you make before the start of your next turn. This maneuver may also be used as part of a full attack.

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