False Origin (5e Subclass)

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False Origin


Whether out of a desire for fame and recognition, or in the hopes of accessing forbidden arcane knowledge, you have laid claim to a sorcerous bloodline which which you do not have ancestry in or which does not exist in the first place. You've learnt to support this claim, either through study, otherworldly patronage, or some other form of magic, but at the end of the day, you don't have the same wellspring of power that others do. Choosing this subclass will limit you greatly, but perhaps one day you will find a way to rise above your lineage (or lack thereof).

Bloodless Ancestry

Beginning at 1st, you use some other means to empower what appears to be innate spellcasting. Choose another class; instead of the sorcerer spell list, use that class's spell list. You cannot change this class after choosing it. At least one of the spell of each level you have access to must not appear on the sorcerer spell list. Additionally, you have half as many sorcery points as you otherwise would for your level, rounded up.

Forged Pedigree

Also starting at 1st level, you are prepared to trick others about the authenticity of your family's past. Gain proficiency in the Deception and History skills; if you already have proficiency, it is doubled.

Quick Learner

Starting at 6th, whenever a creature within 30 ft. that you can see casts a spell on the sorcerer spell list, you can make a Arcana check with a DC of 10 + the spell's level. If you succeed, for 1 hour, you learn that spell; which doesn't count towards your known spell limit. When you cast a spell you have learnt using this feature, you choose the direction, target, and range (if any) and use your spellcasting modifier, ability scores, and an appropriate spell slot; otherwise, you cast it in the exact same way as the creature that cast it originally, replicating the appearance and effect(s) they used. You can learn multiple spells this way, but can only learn one "version" of each spell at a time.

Learning the Basics

Starting at 14th level, mimicking simple sorcery spells is becoming surprisingly easy. You learn a 1st-level spell from the sorcerer spell list, which doesn't count towards your known spell limit. Additionally, you are no longer required to have spells which do not appear on the sorcerer spell list.

First Heir

By 18th, you have made fiction into fact and forged a sorcerous bloodline of your own. You have as many sorcery points as is normal for your level and gain 5 metamagic options. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Your maximum for this score is now 22.

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