Echoing Ode to Boldness (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Echoing Ode to Boldness[edit]

By spending 5 ki points, as a standard action, you may remove the effects of fear in yourself or others with a Perform(sing) or Perform(recitation) check. Your target may make a save again to overcome its fear but it uses your Perform check result in place of its save. In addition, the target gains your Charisma modifier as bonus sonic damage to its weapon damage, for one round. You may spend additional points to increase the extra damage duration by one round per ki point spent and, separately, decrease the time necessary to perform the technique from a standard action to a move action or to a swift action, spending 2 additional ki points for a move action and 4 points for a swift action.

This counts as a supernatural ability.

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