Stride of the Storm Dragon (3.5e Ki Techniques)

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Stride of the Storm Dragon[edit]

By spending 15 ki points, as a standard action, you replicate the haste spell except it lasts for a maximum of 10 rounds and, in addition to its normal effects, you gain effectively another action during your round (be it a swift, move or standard action, or another attack with flurry of blows, at the highest bonus). So you may take an additional action in any possible combination of actions during each round. You gain the effect of the Combat Reflexes feat for the duration or you gain a bonus attack of opportunity if you already have the feat. When moving you gain a 20% chance to evade any attacks. If you move two times in sequence, in the same round, you gain a 50% chance. This evasion chance lasts up to your next round.

You are dazed at the end of the effect, for a full round.

This counts as a supernatural ability.

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