Were Fang Covers, Cold Iron (3.5e Equipment)

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A combat type of Were Fang Covers that smart Lycanthrope's use when facing fey creatures and the like...

These Fang Covers will make the Lycanthrope's bite attack work like a weapon made of Cold Iron...

A Lycanthrope can't use Fang Covers unless they are aware that they suffer from Lycanthropy, When changing involuntary they must pass a DC 20 Reflex save to put the Fang Covers on in time, if the transform is voluntary they automatically pass the Reflex save, while in hybrid form they may take the Fang Covers on and off as a Standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, they can't take the Fang Covers on or off while in animal form...

Due to the Fang Covers being made of Cold Iron the Lycanthrope's bite attack will bypass the Damage Reduction/Cold Iron...

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