Sidonan (5e Race)

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We are star children, born of the great expanse of space beyond the sky, arriving to this world by the great gate of Sidonis. Nothing can separate us, for we are all united under the stars, our ancestral home to which we will all return one day.
—Sidonan Proverb

Alien, Yet Beautiful

A typical Sidonan, drawn by me, Absintheangel, or VGuardianV on Deviant Art

Sidonans are a beautiful and complex people of stellar origin, living in the world but not entirely part of it. They live in subterranean areas with easy access to the night sky, often dreaming of returning to their home among the stars. These caves are often located in forests with many groves, those which the Sidonans rest in and stargaze. Sidonans love nature and are curious about the world, desiring to learn how it works and ways they can manipulate and harness it. Although not spiritual in the sense of idolizing god-like figures, Sidonans are very cognizant of their spiritual wellbeing, seeking to evolve mentally, physically, and metaphysically in tandem.

With their unearthly grace and striking features, Sidonans appear astounding and fascinating to members of many races. Sidonans are humanoid with a vague resemblance to amphibians, as demonstrated by the tiny scales present on their faces and bodies. The resemblance stops here, though, as the crustacean like sensory organs and shell-like indentations on their head give them a more arthropodic look. These shell-like indentations on the sides of every Sidonan amplify sound and accentuate pressure change, while the sensory organs protruding from the sides of their head allow them to perceive even the slightest change in temperature and wind intensity/direction.

Sidonans are slightly taller than humans on average, ranging from 5'5 feet tall to just over 7 feet. They are more slender than humans, weighing only 100 to 145 pounds. Males and females are about the same height and look very similar, though female Sidonans tend to be slimmer and have less pronounced facial features compared to the males. In addition, the cranial tendrils of females are slim while the males' tendrils are thicker. The skin color of a Sidonan ranges from a deep violet to a light turquoise, while their irises are varied like the stars they hail from; their sclera, however, stays completely black. In addition, all Sidonans are bald, lacking any facial or body hair.

A Timeless Perspective

Sidonans can live well to a millennium, giving them a broad perspective on concepts that the shorter-lived races fail to understand. They are more often amused than excited, and more likely to be curious than greedy. They tend to remain aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance. When pursuing a goal, however, whether adventuring on a mission or learning a new skill or working on a project, Sidonans can be focused and relentless. They are slow to make friends and enemies, and even slower to forget them. They reply to petty insults with disdain and to serious insults with vengeance.

Like the brilliance of the stars themselves, Sidonans are serene, yet enthusiastic, peaceful, yet steadfast. Although they value diplomacy and compromise to resolve differences, they will not hesitate to take action and result to violence if they must. They do not shy away from conflict, seeing it as a problem to be dissected and figured out. They are confident tacticians and logical thinkers, and will utilize seemingly simple methods as a means to outwit their foe. Sidonans value diversity and well-roundedness, demonstrating skill with both magic and combat.

Sanctuary Underground

All Sidonans dwell in cities hidden in caves. Sidonans live off of the fauna of the caverns in which they dwell, and their skill and magic allow them to support themselves without the need for living off of above ground food. They are talented scholars, researching and mastering various disciplines to grow themselves and their society. Their contact with outsiders is usually limited, though a few Sidonans dare to tread above ground and integrate into society through means of physical disguise to learn more about other races..

Sidonans encountered outside their own lands are commonly traveling warriors, mages, or engineers. Most races do not see Sidonans much, if at all, ergo their prowess in their given fields shock them.

Exploration and Adventure

Sidonans take up adventuring out of wanderlust. Since they are so long-lived, they can enjoy centuries of exploration and discovery. Due to their isolation from most other races, they normally explore the world under a disguise to test the waters of society before they reveal themselves, even going so much as to shift their physical being to take on another race's visage, though not all Sidonans choose to do this. Sidonans also enjoy exercising their martial and magical prowess, along with growing intellectually and metaphysically, and adventuring allows them to do so. Some might join adventuring parties to explore the world at large, while others might carve their own path and set themselves apart from others in this way.

Sidonan Names

Sidonan naming conventions are unique in that they do not have what would be traditionally called first and last names. Their whole name is one phrase broken up into two parts by an apostrophe, with the first and last portions having unique meanings. These portions are not regarded as separate entities to be used as nicknames, however, and regarding them as such is not only incorrect, but demeaning and frowned upon. As a full phrase, these names are phonetically similar to common mineral names, such as iron, amethyst, amber, etc. Names are not given right away at birth, and are given based off of the perceived personality of the child during the beginning stages of their infancy.

Male: Kol'turak, Ai'yorn, Mai'kah, Ko'piir, Jyep'suum, Az'rait, Braz'tyak

Female: Am'thiist, Um'buur, Kal'omiil, Eos'phor, Hal'ait, Jaa'daviin, Oa'pahl

Sidonan Traits

{{5e Racial Traits |summary=Your Sidonan has a variety of exceptional traits, stemming from their astral origin. Although astounding, they can be as advantageous as they can be debilitating.

Random Height and Weight

5′ 5'' ++2d12 100 lbs. lb. × (4d8 lbs.) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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