Mind Wipe (5e Spell)

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Mind Wipe
3rd-level enchantment
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet, Single target
Components: S
Duration: instantaneous

The caster wipes the target’s memory of the past 10 minutes on the target's unsuccessful Wisdom save. Targets whose minds are wiped will not know that you wiped their memory, and may not be hostile if they were in the time that was erased. On a successful save, the target's mind is not wiped and may realize what you did if they pass an additional Wisdom save. At this point they may turn hostile.

When this spell is cast at 4th level or higher the length of time forgotten increases. At level 4 the time is 1 hour. At level 5 the time is 3 hours. At level 6 the time is 1 day. At level 7 the time is 7 days. At level 8 the time is one month. At level nine the time is one year.

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