Everlasting Child (5e Race)

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Everlasting Child

"How old are you little one and what are you doing here in the woods?"


"I think you're 5 and got lost."

"No. I'm 458 and I'm currently hunting a half-gnome wereshark. Now pipe down and shoo before it realizes I'm onto it and tries to eat you for a midnight snack"

Physical Description

You look like any race of your choosing, but you are and always will be a child. Your hair and nails still grow, you can gain and lose muscles and weight, and any other physical trait unrelated to age can change as normal, but your hair doesn't gray with time, and your size and basic physiology stay the same.


There are a few rumors about children sharing the same appearance showing up throughout history, but these are considered fairy tales at best, and crazy conspiracy theories at worst. Because you are indistinguishable from any normal child, the achievements of your race are not that of an everlasting child, but that of the parent race the individual belonged to.


You are born in an ordinary family of your physical race and you are part of the society of your parent race. But you look and sound like a child so the part of society you are is probably that of an ordinary child, aside from in places where your true age is more widely spread.


Any name of your parent race.

Everlasting Child Traits

It looks like a child. It behaves like a child. It likes sweets. But it hasn't been a child for a good while.
Ability Score Increase. Give 1 point to an ability score of your choosing.
Age. No child cares about the age it is going to die, an Everlasting Child even less so, because it can't die from old age.
Alignment. Like all children, you tend towards chaos or neutrality.
Size. Your size is determined by your parent race and when you stopped aging (Refer to the subrace section).
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Childhood. People who don't know you further won't take you very seriously, and eventually may not let you partake in tactical or political discussions. How intense this is depends on when you stopped aging, with the age you stopped growing affecting others' perceptions of you less the older it is, and your behavior towards others.
Appearance. You look like a regular child of your parent race.
Genetics. You take on one racial ability of your parent race
Languages. You learn Common and a language from your parent race.
Subrace. Your "Subrace" is the physical age at which you stopped aging.


Ability Score Increase. Everyone likes little children. +2 to Charisma.
Unharmable. When hostile creatures of a neutral or good alignment meet you, you may force them to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Charisma attribute. Should they fail, they are charmed by you and will not harm you. Every time you hurt a creature, those charmed by this ability that are able to see you can reroll this save without using their reaction. When hostile creatures of the aforementioned alignments cause you to drop to 0 HP, they must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 10. Should they fail, they are stricken with grief, the intensity of which may vary, as they believe they've killed an innocent child.
Threatless. Most humanoid creatures with a conscience will underestimate you, likely not restraining you when captured, and may eventually let you run through their group as if you were one of their own.
Puppy Eyes. Who can stand the large eyes of a small child? You gain proficiency in the persuasion skill. You may double your proficiency bonus in rolls involving persuasion.
Size. Your size is one size smaller than that of your parent race. Despite your small stature you're fast-really fast. Add +10 to movement speed


Ability Score Increase. You got stuck in an age with a LOT of energy. +2 to Dexterity.
Hyper Energetic. You can barely stand still, giving you +2 to initiative and +5 ft. to your walking speed.
Children Hands. You can act really fast and quietly with your small child feet. You gain proficiency in the stealth and acrobatic's skills.
Size. Your size is one size smaller than that of your parent race.


Ability Score Increase. You became stronger in the last years of your growth. +2 to Strength.
Overestimation. You don't know your limits and overestimate your own strength, but this also lets you go beyond your limit. You gain proficiency in the athletics(strength) skill. You may also double your proficiency in athletics(strength) rolls.
Practice. You've practiced fighting with your brute strength. You gain proficiency in 2 weapons that deal bludgeoning damage of your choice.
Size. The difference in your size to that of your parent race is noticable, but not enough to change your size category. Your size is that of your parent race.


Ability Score Increase. You have more faith in your mind than your arms. +2 to Wisdom OR Intelligence.
Observer. (Only if you chose Wisdom) You often look at people and what they do. Sometimes you like dubbing conversations you can't hear. You gain expertise in the Wisdom (Insight) skill.
Thinker. (Only if you chose Intelligence) You often are sunk in your own thoughts and your books. You gain expertise in the Intelligence (Investigation) skill.
Magic Mind. Your intense mental prowess allows you choose two Cantrips from Mage Hand, Mending, Light and Dancing Lights. Your spellcasting ability for these is your chosen ability.
Size. Your size is that of your parent's race, although you're still a little shorter.

Random Height and Weight

2′ 3'' +2d4in 23 lb. × (2d10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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