Superhero (5e Class)

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The one thing uniting all super heroes are their strong moral convictions, their ability to inspire others and, of course, their incredible powers. These powers can come from a variety of backgrounds including supernatural encounters, scientific experiments, divine parentage, and even just being born lucky.

Each superhero character has a superhero identity and a civilian identity. While some heroes allow their civilian identities to be known, using their superhero identity for the symbolism it represents, others fiercely guard their civilian identities as a way of protecting them and their loved ones from the enemies their actions as heroes often make. When you choose this place, choose a name for both your civilian identity and your superhero identity. Choose the look and appearance of your superhero costume.

Due to the nature of their occupation, superheroes are always of a lawful alignment. Whether that lawfulness is good, evil, or neutral depends on your assessment of the superhero’s values and methods.

Creating a Superhero

Quick Build

You can make a Superhero quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma.

Class Features

As a you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per level after 1st


Armor: Medium Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: One set of artisan's tools or instrument of your choice
Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose 2 of the following: Arcana, Animal Handling, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of hand, Stealth, Medicine, Perception, Insight, Investigation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Costume
  • One set of artisan's tools or instrument of your choice
  • One simple weapon of your choice
  • Common Clothes

Table: The

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Super Powers, Dual Identities
2nd +2 Heroic Inspiration
3rd +2 Superhero Circle
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Heroic Stamina
5th +3 Superhero Circle Features
6th +3 Super Powers
7th +3 Superhero Circle Features
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Heroic Defense
9th +4
10th +4 Heroic Vigor
11th +4 Superhero Circle Features
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Super Powers
13th +5 Superhero Circle Features
14th +5 Super Powers
15th +5
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Superhero Circle Features
17th +6
18th +6 Super Powers
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Legendary Powers

Super Powers

When you choose this class, you may choose one super power from the following list. You may choose another at level 6, 12, 14, and 18. These abilities are innate, and are therefore not affected by “dispel magic” or other anti-magic effects. No spell cast using super powers requires verbal, semantic, or material components.

-Super Strength: add 4 to your strength score. In addition, you may treat any roll of 5 or lower on a strength check or saving throw as a 5. You gain expertise in athletics.

-Force Field: as a reaction you may activate your force field to temporarily add 5 to your AC. You may use this feature 2 times per short rest. This goes up to 3 times per short rest at level 10 and 4 times per short rest at level 17.

-Invulnerability: your unarmored AC is 18. This increases to 20 at lvl 10 and 22 at lvl 16. At level 8, you gain resistance to bludgeoning damage and you gain resistance to piercing damage at level 13.

-Element Breath: You may cast “Dragon’s Breath” once per short rest. This goes up to 4 uses at lvl 5 and 8 uses at lvl 10. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell. The casting level of this spell is 1st lvl. This goes up to 2nd lvl when you reach lvl 10 and 3rd lvl when you reach lvl 15.

-Flight: you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed. If you already have a flying speed, increase it by 30ft.

-Super speed: your walking speed is 70ft. This goes up to 100ft at lvl 6, 150 at lvl 12, and 200 at lvl 20. Your AC increases by your dexterity modifier whenever you take the dodge action on your turn. You may Dash as a bonus action.

-Telepathy: you may cast “detect thoughts” at will without requiring any material components. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

-Regeneration: during combat, you may regain 1d6 hp per round. This goes up to 1d10 at lvl 6, 1d12 at lvl 10, 1d20 lvl 14, and 2d20 at level 18

-Light Blasts: You may cast “Light”, targeting only a part of your body, at will. You also can cast “Deafness/Blindness” once per short rest, but you can only choose the “blindness” option. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

-Super Intelligence: add 4 to your intelligence score. In addition, you may learn to replicate one magic item you have seen before if you have proficiency in the requisite tools to do so (DM’s discretion). Gain expertise in your choice of either investigation or Insight.

-Mind control: you may cast “charm person” at will. At level 15, you may also cast “dominate person” once per long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

-Shapeshifting: you may cast the spell “disguise self” at will. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

-Animal Enhancements: you may cast “primal savagery” and “speak with animals” at will. Additionally, at level 13, you may cast “dominate beast” once per long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

-Aqua: you can cast “shape water” at will. At level 6, you can also cast “control water” once per short rest. You also gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and the ability to breathe underwater.

-Storm caller: you can cast “lightning bolt” and “thunderclap” at will. Starting at level 12, you can also cast “Chain lightning” once per short rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Dual Identities

Your superhero costume could be just as elaborate or mundane as you’d like, but it must be distinctive. It could be simply an ornate mask, or a full suit of hand-made body armor complete with jewels and other flourishes. Your superhero costume effectively IS your superhero identity, and people will recognize and identify you by it. So put some thought into this appearance, as this will affect the way people respond to your superheroics.

Your superhero costume and identity represent your particular brand of justice. People rally behind your cause and will treat you with either respect or fear when hearing your superhero name or seeing you in costume. While interacting with common folk in your superhero identity, they will be more likely be open to speaking with you and will be more likely to speak honestly. You also gain advantage on persuasion and intimidation checks while wearing your superhero costume.

While wearing any other clothing, you go by your civilian identity. Your civilian identity does not command the same clout and respect that your superhero identity does. However, it has the benefit of being disassociated from your actions as a superhero. Enemies you have made as a superhero will not pursue you in your civilian clothes unless they know your identity. Allies you have made in your superhero identity will treat you as a stranger when you are assuming your civilian identity. Additionally, you gain advantage on deception checks to protect or disassociate yourself from your superhero identity while wearing any clothes that are not your superhero costume.

While wearing your superhero costume, creatures can make a investigation check to determine your true identity if they have seen you in other clothes before. The DC for this check is equal to your Charisma Score. If they determine your civilian identity, they may attribute actions done under that identity to your superhero identity or the reverse. They may also spread the word about your identity, depending on their opinion of both your identities.

Superhero Circle

At level 3, you choose a brand of superheroics you wish to embody, all described at the end of this class. You may choose from the circle of Vigilantes or Paragons. You gain additional features at levels 5, 7, 11, 13, and 16.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Heroic Inspiration

Whenever you roll for initiative, you and all non-hostile creatures within 60ft of you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. As long as you are conscious and within 60ft of them, all creatures that have temporary hit points have advantage on saving throws to avoid being frightened.

Heroic Stamina

At level 4, you gain the stamina and fortitude to rebound from the toughest of hits. Whenever you drop below half your maximum Hit Points, you may choose to gain temporary hit points equal your constitution modifier. You may choose to use this feature once per short rest. At level 7, the number of uses goes up to twice per short rest at level 13 and three times per short rest at level 15.

Heroic Defense

At level 8, whenever a non-hostile creature with temporary hit points within 5 feet of you is dealt damage, you may make an attack with one of your superpowers as a reaction. At level 12, if you hit with an attack using this feature, you regain all uses of your super powers.

Heroic Vigor

When you reach level 10 in this class, you may take an additional action on each of your turns. At level 15, you may take an additional reaction as well.

Legendary Powers

At level 20, you may choose one of the following legendary powers.

-Time control: As a reaction, you can stop time for 6 seconds (you can move, attack, etc as usual during this pause, but all other creatures around you are frozen in time while this is active) or rewind it up to 6 seconds once per long rest.

-Laser Blast: twice per long rest, you may cast “sunbeam” without any material components. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

-Superior Invulnerability: you gain resistance to all damage types.

Circle of Vigilantes

You are an outlaw, taking justice into your own hands in a way that aggravates the powers that be. You will always be at odds with local rulers and soldiers/law enforcement. In fact, authority figures will become openly hostile to you if they discover who you are. You gain proficiency in intimidation and stealth. Your brutality makes you feared and respected amongst the criminal underworld. This reputation gives you advantage on intimidation checks performed against those who know have heard about you as a superhero.

At higher levels, you gain the following features

Vicious Reputation

At level 5, if you have temporary hit points or within 30ft of a non-hostile creature with temporary hit points, you may make an intimidation check as a bonus action. If your Intimidation check is higher than an adversary's maximum hit points, that adversary becomes frightened of you. At the beginning of each of that adversary's turns, it can make a DC12 Wisdom saving throw to end this effect.

Intimidating Brutality

At level 7, whenever you defeat a significant enemy (DM’s discretion), you may make an intimidation check as a bonus action. If you do, one hostile creature with the lowest hp becomes frightened of you if your intimidation check was higher than its current HP. At the beginning of that creatures turn, it may make a Wisdom saving throw to end this effect. The DC for this saving throw is equal to your Charisma score.

Psychological Warfare

At level 11, creatures that are frightened of you take psychic damage equal to your charisma modifier at the end of each of their turns if they are within 40ft of you.

Make an Example

At level 13, whenever you score a critical hit on an attack, you may choose 2 target creatures who can see you as a bonus action. Both of these creatures must make a wisdom saving throw where the DC is equal to your charisma ability score. They become frightened of you on a failed save.


At level 16, attack damage rolls against enemies that are frightened of you deal an additional amount of damage equal to your charisma modifier.

Circle of Paragons

You are an inspiring force for your cause. You gain proficiency in persuasion and insight when you choose this circle. If you are in a crowd or another group of 5 or more, you may apply a persuasion check being performed against one creature to include all creatures within earshot who understand the language you are speaking. You can use this feature twice per long rest.

At higher levels, you gain the following features:

Invulnerable Spirit

At level 5, you have resistance to bludgeoning damage so long as you or a non-hostile creature within 20ft of you has temporary hit points.

Exemplary Strike

At level 7, you may add your charisma modifier to your attack rolls (in addition to other applicable bonuses) if you or a non-hostile creature within 30ft of you has temporary hit points.

Inspired Strike

At level 11, whenever you or an ally within 30ft of you hits on an attack roll, if they have temporary hit points, they may add your charisma modifier to the damage roll.

Enhanced Heroic Inspiration

At level 13, the number of temporary hit points granted your heroic inspiration becomes equal to your charisma modifier plus your proficiency bonus.

Heroic Endurance

At level 16, if damage would reduce you to 0 hit points, it instead reduces you to 1 hit point if a non-hostile creature within 60ft of you has at least one temporary hit point. You may only make use of this feature once per short rest.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Superhero class, you must meet these prerequisites: CON 13, CHA 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Superhero class, you gain the following proficiencies: Persuasion and Intimidation.

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