Desert Elf (5e Subrace)

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Desert Elf Subrace

As a desert elf, you have a natural resilience and a keen instinct. Your light steps carry you quickly through your native dunes and your variation of trance helps you travel long distances without issue. Desert elves' skin tends to range from dusky pale or a caramel brown, sometimes with traces of sandy yellow. Their hair tends toward dark browns and fair yellows, but it is occasionally black or platinum-colored. Their eyes are yellow, brown, or hazel and their features are more angular and deeply etched.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Desert Dweller. Your body is naturally adjusted to the harsh temperatures and tough terrain of the desert. You’re naturally adapted to extreme heat, as described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide
and you ignore any drawbacks caused by desert environments such as difficult terrain or hazards.
Desert Trance. Elves are known for their ability to enter their trance-like state, remaining semi-conscious, however, the desert elves take this a step further. After traveling for an hour or more, you can enter your Trance, but continue traveling at a normal pace in the direction you were facing. This state allows you to travel for a number of days equal your Constitution modifier without being exhausted, and needing food or drink. Once you've exited your Desert Trance, you cannot use this trait again until you've completed a long rest and you have consumed at least a day's worth of food and drink.
Alternative ability: Mirage Magic. In tune with the essence of the desert, you can summon forth a fraction of its power even far from its drifting sands. If anyone feels that the Desert Trance travel ability is too strong for their campaign(s), you can instead cast the 2nd-level spell blur once between long rests, without expending a spell slot.
Survivalist. The desert sands are harsh and unforgiving to many. To grow and thrive in these lands you must know how to survive in a seemingly endless expanse where so many have fallen.
You are proficient in the Survival skill.

Random Height and Weight

Table: Desert Elf Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
4′ 8″ +2d10 90 lb. × (1d4) lb.

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