The Deep Creature (5e Subclass)

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Warlock Otherworldly Patron

A creature of the depths is a being that waits in the murky waters at the bottom of oceans. They are a horror that one can not imagine, and any creature that would look upon it in person would die or if lucky lose their mind. Warlocks that find themselves serving the creature of the depths mostly find themselves doing so against their own will. A creature of the depths normally forces other creatures into its service, by any means it can. The creature of the depths does this as it can normally not leave its home at the bottom of the Ocean, so its needs help from other creatures to carry out its will. In some cases the creature of the depth might even want help in freeing its self from its deep ocean "prison" by having the warlock collect the required materials to free it. (Note: The spell marked with * is taken from the Elemental Evil player's companion, which could be found for free at

Creature of the Depth Spell List

1st Level: Grease, Ray of Sickness
2nd Level: Water Walk, Detect Thoughts
3rd Level: Tidal wave*, Stinking Cloud
4th Level: Control Water, Phantasmal Killer
5th Level: Modify Memory, Contagion

Water Adaption

Starting at 1st level, You gain a natural swimming speed of 40 feet, and you can breathe underwater. You can also see clearly under water for 120 feet even when in total darkness. You have no problem doing any task under water, you can take long and short rest underwater. You also gain an innate ability to control all forms of ships gaining proficiency with Navigator’s tools and vehicles (water), but unless you gain proficiency with these tools by other means, you don't actually know what you're doing, you are simply taken in by your patrons power, and you hear its voice in your head telling you what to do every step of the way.

Deadly Hold

Starting at 6th level, You can summon Slime tentacles, Dead twisted humanoid hands or Shadow tendrils that erupt from a portal created within 30 feet.(The Portal is 5 by 5 feet and can not be entered.) The tentacles, hands or tendrils then twist up and attack a creature within 5 feet of the portal. Make a melee spell attack against the creature. If the target hits the creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage and is grappled. The creature can make a Strength Save against your warlock spell save at the start of its turn. On a fail the creature takes 2d6 acid, necrotic or cold damage(your choice) and is restrained until the start of its next turn. On a success the creature is freed and the portal closes. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1+Charisma Modifier(minimum of 1) before taking a long rest regaining all uses at the end of the long rest. You can only have 1 of these portals active at the time. At 11th level the features damage increases to 2d8 bludgeoning and 3d6 acid, necrotic or cold damage, and at 17th level the features damage increases to 3d8 bludgeoning and 4d6 acid, necrotic or cold damage.


Starting at 10th level, You gain immunity to Acid damage dealt by non-magical sources and resistance to acid damage from magical sources. In addition you can absorb or consume 1 gallon of acid. Doing so gives you 2 options either your body consumes it counting it as daily need for food and water or you store it in your skin making the next creature that hits you with a melee weapon attack or melee unarmed attack take 2d8+Your Charisma Modifier Acid damage.

Ocean Wrath

Starting at 14th level, You can effect a creature within 120 feet by a powerful magical effect. Bellow are you options:

Oceans Pressure

Your target must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Warlock Spell Save DC. On a fail the target is crushed by the force of of all the worlds oceans on its shoulders. The creature
falls prone, suffers disadvantage on all Strength saving throws, ability checks and attack using strength and takes 10d10 bludgeoning damage. On a save the target suffers half damage
and does not fall prone or suffer disadvantage. The creature repeats the saving throw with disadvantage on the start of its following turns ending the effect on a success.

Ocean Storm

Your target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Warlock Spell Save DC. On a fail the target is stuck by a lighting bolt as if a raging storm had gathered all its force into a single
point. On a fail The creature takes 10d10 lightning damage, add 2d10 if the target is wearing metal armor and the target suffers disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws, ability checks and attack
using dexterity. On a save the target suffers half damage, takes no additional damage from wearing armor and does not have disadvantage. The creature repeats the saving throw with
disadvantage on the start of its following turns ending the effect on a success.

Dark Ocean Waters

Your target feels as if dark slime ocean water if filling its body the creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Warlock Spell Save DC(even if it can breath in water). On a fail
the creature takes 5d10 Acid damage, suffers disadvantage on all Constitution saving throws and has its hip point maximum reduces by an amount equal to the damage taken.. If the damage
reduces the target hit point maximum to 0 the creature is killed. On a fail the target suffers half damage and does not have its hit point maximum reduced

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