The Light Lord (5e Subclass)

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The Light Lord

Fighter Subclass

A young man charges from an alley as he spins and unsheathes his great-sword, swinging and swiftly decapitating two thugs. The young man pulls out a bounty poster as he confirms the identity of the two slain thugs. He bends down and picks up the rolling heads as he kneels and puts them in his back pack. From behind two bandits approach as they make a ruckus. Swinging their swords wildly as they aim to take the man down while his back is turned. Suddenly a bright transparent circle like shield appears around the young man. The thugs weapons bounce off the shield as it shimmers with a bright glow. The young mans body glows yellow as suddenly two identical light constructs ooze from his very being. The left construct with the short sword blitzes one of the thugs as it takes a wide swing...slashing him across the chest killing him instantly. The right construct dashes past the remaining thug as it takes a giant swing with its great-sword, chopping the thug in half. Shortly afterwards the constructs glow brightly as they turn into a yellow mist and reabsorb into the young mans body. He stands up and walks off back into the darkness of the alley..bloody wanted poster in hand.

Light Lords Shining Embrace

3rd Level: you gain the ability to dawn your weapon in the Light Lords holy grace. Anytime you draw or ready your weapon it glows with a bright white light. You gain an extra 1d4 radiant damage on all melee attacks. You also gain 3 Light Points as a numerical value that you can use to further the development of your future abilities. All Light Points replenish after a short or long rest.

Light Lords Devoted Embrace

5th Level: You have proven you are a true follower of the Light Lord. As a bonus action you gain the ability to manifest a Lesser ethereal light construct of yourself. This ethereal construct can move up to 15 feet away from your current location and melee attack an enemy with its light short-sword for 1d6 Radiant/Piercing damage. This light construct does not take opportunity attacks , this light construct if flanking an enemy doesn't gain advantage, and this light construct can move through inorganic and organic objects. You can expend 1 Light Point to add an extra 1d4 damage to light constructs attack.

Light Lords Divine Shield

6th Level: you gain an extra 2 Light Points. When being attacked as a reaction you can expend 1 Light Point to create a transparent, white light constructed circle around yourself to protect you from damage. You gain 16 temporary health for the duration of the attack. You can only use this ability again once all temporary hit points have been depleted.

Light Lords Devoted Embrace

7th Level: You gain an extra 3 Light Points. You can also expend an extra 2 Light Points to create a second Greater ethereal light construct of yourself. This ethereal construct can move up to 15 feet away from your current location and melee attack an enemy with its light Great-Sword for 2d5 Radiant/Slashing damage. This light construct does not take opportunity attacks , this light construct if flanking an enemy doesn't gain advantage, and this light construct can move through inorganic and organic objects. You can expend 1 Light Point to add an extra 1d8 damage to light constructs attack.

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