Circle of the Blue Mage (5e Subclass)

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Circle of the Blue Mage

"Fight fire with fire." -Blue mage proverb

"Blue Mage" by Square Enix

These druids carefully guard the mysteries of blue magic, which is an energy that is said to contain the creation of life. Blue magic is malleable, intelligent, and curious, always seeking new experiences. Druids who expertise in this field gain only a whisper of this ultimate power, enhancing their shape changing abilities and expanding their minds to new realms.

Level Feature
2nd Blue Magic, Learning
6th Azure Insight
10th Shape Shifter
14th Blue Combo
20th Archdruid

Blue Magic

At 2nd level, you can manipulate the blue magic in your body to mimic creature abilities gained from your Learning subclass feature. As an Action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to use such an ability as you momentarily morph into the creature. Use the same statistics of the creature at the time you learned from it.

You can know up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) of abilities at a time.

Abilities with recharge restrictions such as a Red Dragon's Fire Breath will apply before you can use it again.

Blue magic stems from your soul’s connection to the natural world. As such, any artificial memories you have will not grant blue magic.

Expanded Spell List

You gain access to the Following Spells:

Level Spell
3rd Alter Self, Dragon's Breath
5th Gaseous Form
7th Death Ward, Banishment
11th Skill Empowerment


At 2nd level, immediately after a creature uses an ability that isn't a class feature or spell that affects you, you can use a Reaction to learn the ability to use with Blue Magic. This Reaction must be made after the damage and effects are applied. At the time of learning an ability you can forget an old ability to replace if needed. You can also choose not to learn the new ability instead. Once you successfully learn a creature's ability, you cannot learn another from it.

Azure Insight

At 6th level, your gain a new sense to detect blue magic, restricted by your current vision. A blue light is faintly seen on the following:

  • Any object you have never seen before. You have advantage on Intelligence checks (History, Arcana, Religion, Investigation) to determine something new about the object.
  • Any creature you have never seen before. You have advantage on Wisdom checks (Nature, Medicine, Perception, Insight) to determine something new about the creature.

After these experiences, the light fades away. Anything that is hidden from your perception will not receive a glow.

Shape Shifter

At 10th level, you gain an additional use of Wild Shape. In addition, you can add your proficiency bonus to damage rolls of the spells Primal Savagery or Alter Self.

Blue Combo

At 14th level, when you use a Blue Magic ability, you can make another Blue Magic ability as a bonus action. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Archdruid (Replaces Base Class Feature)

At 20th level, you can use your Wild Shape an unlimited number of times. However, your Blue Magic feature is limited to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 3) uses, replenishing after a long rest.

Additionally, you can ignore the verbal and somatic components of your druid spells, as well as any material components that lack a cost and aren't consumed by a spell. You gain this benefit in both your normal shape and your beast shape from Wild Shape.

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