Chronomancer (5e Subclass)

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School of Chronomancy

Wizard Subclass

Your magic has revealed to you the secrets of time itself. You have devoted your studies to better controlling and mastering time. Few are able to find this path and fewer still succeed in it. To master this school is to understand the fabric of the universe beyond that of the realms of magic.


Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you learn to accelerate time around yourself causing the world to appear slower in comparison. As a bonus action, you enter a state of Rush for 1 minute. You may end this effect at any time as a bonus action.
While Rush is active, your speed is increased by 20. You also gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and melee attacks, and attacks against you have disadvantage. You cannot use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

At 6th level, increase the duration to 2 minutes and your speed is increased by 30. At 10th level, the duration increases to 3 minutes and your speed is increased by 40. At 14th level, the duration increases to 4 minutes and your speed is increased by 50.


Starting at 2nd level, you have developed an innate sense of the flow of time around you. You always know the time, date and year of where you are located. As an action, you can detect any distortions in time within a 60-foot radius of where you are standing. This ability is not blocked by physical obstructions, though it cannot reach past magically created barriers such as a wall of force or a tiny hut.

At 6th level, the range of this ability increase to 120 feet. At 10th level, the range of this ability increase to 240 feet. At 14th level, the range of this ability increases to 1 mile.

Shelter of Time

Beginning at 6th level, the amount of time you need to rest is reduced by half (30 mins / 4 hours). This feature stacks with other sleep-related effects and features.

At 10th level, halve the time you need to rest again (15 mins / 2 hours). At 14th level, halve the time you need to rest again (8 mins / 1 hour).

Time Step

At 10th level, for your movement action or dash action you take a step out of time and move up to your remaining movement, then come back into the present (essentially teleporting). You may teleport into an unoccupied space up to your movement speed two times per short rest.

At 14th level, you may dash as a bonus action and teleport 4 times per short rest.

Time Weapon

Starting at 14th level, you make a weapon out of solidified time; it deals damage and ages your opponent. When you attack with this weapon, deal the normal damage for a weapon of its type plus 10 force damage. Roll a 1d10 upon a hit and your target ages that many years on a failed Constitution saving throw against your spell DC.

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