Evolved, Variant (3.5e Template)

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Evolved, Variant

This variant of the 'evolved' template represents the evolutionary stage a species would (most likely) reach after inhabiting (and surviving) the worse environmental conditions possible for millions of years, making it very powerful and adapted to its environment. As most species cannot survive long enough in such harsh conditions, this evolutionary stage is most commonly achieved through powerful magic or advanced genetic engineering, though it can also be achieved through natural evolution.

Creating an Evolved, Variant

Evolved is an inherited/acquired template that can be added to any living creature (not to undeads, elementals or constructs) (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An evolved creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Physical Description: The appearance of an evolved creature is usually very different than this of the base creature, though sometimes the change in the appearance is minimal or even nonexistent.

Size and Type: The creature’s type is unchanged unless the one of the choice evolutions changes it. It acquires the subtype augmented and any other it gains from its choice evolutions. Don't recalculate base attack bonus, save, or skill points. Size is unchanged, though some choice evolutions may affect the creature’s size.

Hit Dice: Increase all racial Hit Dice to by one level (d4 into d6, d6 into d8 and etc.).

Speed: Fourfold all the speeds of the base creature. If the base creature possess a flight speed, increase the maneuverability by one level.

Armor Class: The base creature’s natural armor bonus improves by +6.

Attack: It retains all the attacks of the base creature and may gain some from the choice evolutions.

Full Attack: As the base creature, adapted with its new attacks, if have.

Damage: Increase the damage dices by one level.

Special Attacks: An evolved creature retains all the special attacks of the base creature and may gain some from the choice evolutions.

Special Qualities: An evolved creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature, gains those described below, and may gain some from the choice evolutions.

Extended Longevity: Fourfold the life expectancy of the base creature, and slow down the rate of the aging process respectively (whether or not this applies before they reach physical maturity or not is dependent on the specific species).

Enhanced Senses: Blindsight out to 30 feet, Blindsense out to 120 feet, Enhanced Scent within 120 feet, Low-Light Vision (*4), Darkvision out to 120 feet, micro vision and telescopic vision up to distance of 1 mile (the latter can be given up, if it does not fit the specific creature). If the base creature already possesses one or more of these qualities, double their range instead.

Damage Reduction (Ex): Evolved creatures are naturally resistant to damage, though are still susceptible to injuries; they have damage reduction 10/epic (+6) or critical, and their natural weapons are treated as epic (+6) weapons for the purpose of overcoming DR. If the base creature already has damage reduction, double the value and add 'epic (+6)' to the passing requirements.

Accelerated Healing Factor (Ex): Evolved creatures restore 1 HP per 3 hours of activity, or 1 HP per an hour of rest, 1 point of ability damage per 3 hours, and 1 point of drained ability per 2 days. If the base creature already possesses enhanced healing factor, adjust the rate accordingly.

Resistances (Ex): Evolved creatures have resistance 10 to two of the elements (acid, cold, electricity and fire), and resistance 5 to the other two.

Abilities: Add +12 to all the physical ability scores and +4 to all the mental ability scores of the base creature (except the Intelligence score of an animal or a vermin, unless it has the choice evolution 'Sentient').

Skills: An evolved creature may acquire bonuses to skill checks from its choice evolution. Anyway, it has a +4 on all Spot and Listen checks, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +8, Ref +4, and Will +4

Feats: An evolved creature acquires Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative and Lightning Reflexes, even if the base creature isn't meets the prerequisites.

Environment: Any, occasionally the same as base creature, however always an environment which is hard to survive in. Some choice evolutions are based on environment.

Organization: As the base creature.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +2.

Treasure: The standard for the base creature.

Alignment: Any.

Advancement: By character class.

Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +4.

Choice Evolutions

An evolved creature may choose one or more of these evolutions, by its environment, social behavior or the common life forms in its environment.

Amphibious: The creature can live both on the land and underwater. Its respiratory system is duo-adapted and allows it to breathe both water and air, thus enabling it to survive unlimitedly both underwater and on land. It also has a +10 bonus on Swim checks, and can take 10 in Swim checks even if it is distracted or threatened. It has swimming speed equal to its land speed. Acquires the aquatic subtype.

Aquatic: The creature has adapted completely to living underwater. It can breathe water, cannot breathe air, had a +20 bonus on Swim checks, and can take 20 in Swim checks even if it is distracted or threatened. Its speeds are modified by one of two options: either its base land speed is halved, but is has swimming speed equal to eightfold its current base land speed, or its base land speed is untouched, but is has swimming speed equal to only twice its current base land speed. Acquires the aquatic subtype.

Arctic Inhabitant: The creature lives in an arctic environment, and is immune to cold damage.

Depth Inhabitant: The creature lives in lightless environment, and has perfect darkvision. However, it is also dazzled in bright sunlight or within the radius of a Daylight spell. Plants with this choice evolution are often chemosynthetic (chemical-based metabolism) or thermosynthetic (heat-based metabolism). Creatures with this choice evolution often require less oxygen (or whatever gas their system metabolizes) and sustenance than the average for creatures in their size.

Gigantic: The creature is noticeably bigger than its ancient ancestors were. Cannot be added to creatures at Colossal size. The creature's size increases by one category. The creature gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a -2 penalty to Dexterity, a +3 bonus to its natural armor and its damage hit dices increase by one level.

Height Inhabitant: The creature lives in an exceptionally high environment with low oxygen concentration, can hold its breath for number of rounds equal to tenfold its Con score, and can never suffer from Altitude Sickness regardless of how high it goes, even if it goes to lower altitudes for prolonged periods of time before returning to its native altitudes.

Miniature: The creature is noticeably smaller than its ancient ancestors were. Cannot be added to creatures at Fine size. The creature's size reduces by one category. The creature gains a +4 bonus to Dexterity, a -4 penalty to Strength and Constitution, a -2 penalty to its natural armor (minimum +0) and its damage hit dices reduce by one level.

Sentient: The creature is much smarter than its ancient ancestors were. Can be added only to an animal or to a vermin. It gains a +4 to its Int score, and its type changes into magical beast.

Swamp Inhabitant: The creature lives in an extremely poisoned and polluted environment. It is immune to diseases and toxins, and can hold its breath for number of rounds equal to fourfold its Con score.

Void Inhabitant: The creature lives in an extremely harsh environment with no gravity or atmosphere, which is a subject to constant temperature changes. It has no need to breathe, has flight speed equal to its land speed (maneuverability perfect) and is immune to both fire and cold damage.

Volcanic Inhabitant: The creature lives in a volcanic environment, and is immune to fire damage.

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