Beastial Beyond (5e Subclass)

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Beastial Beyond

Ranger Subclass

Your skill resides less in your arms, but those who have the natural skill to get by, you're just good with them.

Adventures Best Friend

Beginning at 3rd level, you gain a beast companion on your adventures. This beast can be up to size large or to CR rating of 1/2. Meaning you may have a Tiny - Medium beast 1/2 CR rating, or a large beast with A CR rating of 1/4. (Example: Constrictor Snake, (Large, 1/4) Black Bear (Medium, 1/2)) You add your Proficiency to this beast AC, attack rolls, as well as any saving throws, or skills it is proficient in. Your beasts HP is determined by their size, as shown in the chart below. Whenever you level up, your beast adds its hit dice + your proficiency to its HP. Your beast obeys your command to the best of its ability, however it acts on its own initiative. You can use your action to command your beast to attack a specific target, disengage, dash, dodge, or help, but it must wait until its turn to act on this command. Once targeted on something, your beast will continuously attack until commanded to stop. Your beast never needs your command to use its reaction. If traveling just with you in your favored terrain, you can move at normal pace and silently with your beast. If your beast dies you can spend 8 hours magically bonding with anew one of the same requirements. It is up to your DM whether your creature gains HP to the same level as the previous one, or must start again.

Tiny=1d4+your proficiency bonus

Small=1d6+your proficiency bonus

Medium=1d8+your proficiency bonus

Large=1d10+your proficiency bonus

Expert Bonding

Beginning at 7th level, you gain the ability to cast speak with animals at will, however only with your beast. Otherwise the spell still works as normal. The beast can inform you of sighted creatures, structures, traps, etc. additionally, your beasts mind cannot be read by anyone, and denies speaking to anyone but you. Also while within 60 feet of you, your beast has advantage on perception checks.


Beginning at 11th level, you can command your creature to fetch a target, one above their size or smaller. Or, that weighs a low enough weight that they can carry. If the target is a creature, that creature makes a grapple save and your beast makes a grapple check, your proficiency is added to this roll. If your beast wins this engagement, the target is brought to the nearest empty space 5 feet away from you. The time it takes to bring this target there is your beast speed. If the prosses of bringing the creature takes more than a turn, then the creature can make the grapple save on its turn as normal. If it passes, the creature is dropped, however, if it fails the prosses of bringing the creature there continues, and the target is left prone. your creature lets go.

Tag team

Beginning at the 15th level, You and your beast gain pack tactics with each other. Additionally, while you are within 5 feet of each other, and a creature targets one of you with an attack, the other may use their reaction to add your proficiency bonus to the AC of whoever is being attacked. Furthermore, If you are within 5 feet of your beast and take the grapple action, you may add your beasts Strength Modifier to the grapple as well. If you or your beast posses the grappler feat, this roll is also made with advantage.

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Apothose (talk) 12:40, 22 February 2019 (MST)

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