Way of the Doppelgänger (5e Subclass)

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Way of the Doppelgänger

Monk Subclass

During their travels, many sorcerers, warlocks and wizards find themselves casting the spell Mirror Image, using it as a defensive measure as they cast other spells to destroy their enemies. However, Doppelgänger monks have taken this spell beyond its intended limits, using it both defensively and offensively as their Ki pushes these images beyond simple illusions…

Doppelgänger Technique

When you take this subclass at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast the Mirror Image spell at second level on yourself as an action by spending 2 ki points, but cannot be used again until the effects of the spell end. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, and recharges upon a short rest.

While under the effects of Mirror image, you also gain the following effects:

  • You gain +1 added to attack rolls and your AC. This increases to +2 at 6th level, +3 at 11th level, and +4 at 17th level.
  • Whenever one of your Mirror images is destroyed, you can make a single unarmed attack as a reaction against the attacker. This increases to 2 attacks at 11th level.
Doppel Strike

When you reach 6th level in this subclass you begin furthering your mastery over your images. Your Ki now grants physicality to your illusions, allowing them to strike alongside you when you perform your flurry of blows.

When you perform your flurry of blows while under the effects of Mirror Image, you can spend an additional Ki point to make a single unarmed attack with each of your remaining images. These attacks use your martial arts die and wisdom modifier for damage calculation.

The attack roll and AC bonus from Doppelgänger Technique also increases to +2, and your Mirror images can now affect creatures with blindsight and/or tremorsense.

Hall of Mirrors

When you reach 11th level in this subclass, you can use your Ki to break the limits of the original Mirror Image spell, gaining more direct control of your images, while also being able to summon beyond the intended amount of illusions.

When you cast the Mirror Image spell through the use of Doppelgänger Technique, you spend 2x Ki points up to your wisdom modifier to summon that many Mirror Clones, which act differently to the standard images, within 5 feet of you. They have the following traits:

  • Mirror Clones are destroyed in a single hit, have AC equal to 10 plus your Dexterity modifier, are immune to the effects Charm or Frightening, and can be seen with normal sight, tremorsense and blindsight, but can be seen through with Truesight.
  • Their attacks use your martial arts die and wisdom modifier, and grapple with your Athletics modifier.
  • These clones have a mental connection to you while you are on the same plane of existence, and can be commanded to either attack or grapple/restrain a target you can see, or become a normal mirror image if they are within 5 feet of you, and you do not already have 3 mirror images.
  • When commanded to attack or grapple a target, the clone will always take the path of least resistance towards said target, and ignores all other creatures, hostile or otherwise, even if attacked.
  • If the connection to your clone is severed in any way, or the clone is dismissed at your command, they are immediately destroyed.

The attack roll and AC bonus from Doppelgänger Technique also increases to +3, you can make 2 unarmed attacks instead of 1 whenever a mirror image is destroyed, and when you cast Mirror Image through Doppelgänger Technique the duration is indefinite until all summoned images/clones are dispelled or otherwise destroyed.

Army of One

When you reach 17th level in this subclass, you gain true mastery over your Mirror Images, and learn how to act as one with them, unlocking the spell's true untapped potential, and gaining the following features:

  • Whenever you roll initiative and are not surprised, you may perform the Doppelgänger Technique as a reaction before combat begins, without the need for verbal or somatic components.
  • Whenever you activate Doppel Strike on a target, you can also command any Mirror clones within 5 feet of the target to make an unarmed attack against them as a reaction, after which they will return to their previously given command.

The attack roll and AC bonus from Doppelgänger Technique also increases to +4, and your Mirror Images/Clones can now affect creatures with Truesight.

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