Arcane Artist (5e Subclass)

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Arcane Artist

Artificer Subclass

I wrote up this homebrew subclass for a friend who wanted to play a character like this that didn't exist in the universe yet, but fair warning we haven't had a chance to playtest it yet so it still might have some flaws!

Tool proficiencies

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with painter’s tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice. Additionally, you gain proficiency in the performance skill if you don’t already have it, and you automatically learn either minor illusion or prestidigitation.

Artist’s spells

Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Artist’s Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.

  • 3rd Level: Faerie fire, unseen servant
  • 5th Level: Phantasmal force, cloud of daggers
  • 9th Level: Phantom steed, elemental weapon
  • 13th Level: Conjure woodland beings, dimension door
  • 17th Level Passwall, teleportation circle

Master fabricator

Starting at 3rd level you can cast create food and water once per short rest without using any material components.

Improved arcane focus

Starting when you pick this class at 3rd level, your painter’s tools can be used as your spellcasting focus. Additionally, when they’re being used as your focus, they take on the qualities of an enhanced version of Marvelous Pigments. When they exist in that state, your paints allow you to create three-dimensional objects by painting them in two dimensions. Your painter’s tools, which automatically generate new paint each time you take a long rest, are sufficient to cover 500 square feet of a surface. Using them lets you create inanimate objects or terrain features—such as a door, a pit, flowers, trees, cells, rooms, or weapons— that are up to 5,000 cubic feet. You can cover up to 5 square feet as an action, or take 10 minutes to cover up to 100 square feet. When you complete the painting, the object or terrain feature depicted becomes a real, non magical object. Thus, painting a door on a wall creates an actual door that can be opened to whatever is beyond. Painting a pit on a floor creates a real pit, and its depth counts against the total area of objects you create. Nothing created by the pigments can have a value greater than 50 gp, although that amount changes to 100 gp at 10th level and again to 250 gp at 15th level.

Enhanced artistic practices

Starting at 5th level, you can pick one artistic school that enhances your paintings. You pick a second artistic practice at 10th level, and a third at 15th.

  • Artistic trickster: You can imbue a number of your paintings at a time equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum one) per long rest with the ability for harm by expending spell slots as a bonus action while creating a painting. Any creature that touches your enhanced painting makes a constitution saving throw and takes 1d12 psychic damage for each spell slot expended on a failed save, or half that on a successful save. This effect lasts for one hour plus one additional hour per spell slot expended or until dismissed.
  • Restorative paintings: When you choose this discipline as an art style you can imbue one painting of your choosing with a soothing air as a bonus action. Its effect lasts until the end of your next turn, and it restores 1d8+1 hit points per spell slot expended to any creature in a 60 feett range that spends an action looking at it. You can use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your intelligence modifier.
  • Quickened infusions: With this discipline you can infuse an object you create with your paints with one of your infusions as a bonus action on your turn, instead of over the course of a long rest. You can choose to have this object not count against your number of objects infused, in which case it takes 1d20+1 days before this feature can be used again.
  • Charming paintings: This discipline lets you charm people with your paintings, inspiring either fear or awe in their hearts at your artistic talent. When you choose this discipline you can choose a number of paintings equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum one) to grant this property to per long rest. When enhanced with this property, if a creature that can be charmed looks directly at it, your painting forces them to make a charisma saving throw. On a failed save that creature is either charmed or frightened by you for one minute or until the effect is dismissed. Additionally, you can choose to expend one spell slot per additional person to have the subject of your charm be scared or charmed by one additional creature of your choice.

Life of luxury

Starting at 7th level you can cast Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion without using any material components once per every 1d6+1 days. That d6 turns into a d4 at 13th level, and again to once per long rest at 17th level.

Artistic practice improvement

Starting at thirteenth level you can choose one artistic practice to improve through extensive practice and study.

  • If you choose to improve the artistic trickster study, each time you roll damage from one of your paintings you can reroll a number of damage dice equal to half of your intelligence modifier rounded down and choose to use either roll.
  • If you improve your restorative paintings, your paintings are powerful enough to soothe yourself as well as those around you, and whenever anyone gains hit points from your paintings you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your artificer level.
  • If you improve your quickened infusions and you give an object infused using that feature to someone else to attune to, it still counts in your number of attuned items for the purpose of your class abilities. If you choose to enhance your charming paintings, your talent is mighty enough that merely the presence of your art warps the mood of the room it’s in. Each creature within 15 feet of your enhanced object must make a charisma save whether or not they’re looking directly at it.
Restful artistry

Starting at 17th level, each short rest you regain enough expended paint to cover 1d4+1 x 100 square feet.

Artistic initiate

Starting at 20th level you automatically regain 1d4+1 expended uses of any of your artistic practices except your quickened infusions whenever your roll initiative.

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