Way of the Wuxia (5e Subclass)

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Way of The Wuxia

Way of the Wuxia The Way of the Wuxia focuses on the manipulation of ki along with the art of archery to create an new form of combat. Each time they draw their weapon, the ki within them runs rampant, leading to a more wuxia-based fighting form.

Starters Path

Upon following this Monastic Tradition at level 3, you have truly started your journey on the way of Wuxia, but first you need to select the weapon you will conquer the heavens with. Select a weapon (melee or ranged). Once selected, you cannot change it. You gain proficiency in a weapon of your choice and is considered to be a Monk weapon. If you choose a weapon you have proficiency in, you double the proficiency bonus when using that weapon: You also gain the benefits of one of the following feats, dependent on your Weapon selection. The weapon you select is considered to have of the weapon property that the feat this feat, even if it would not normally, but not the effect of the weapon property. Otherwise, you must meat the prerequisites for this feat, if there are any. (Ex. If you selected a long-sword as your weapon and Great Weapon *Master as the feat, the long-sword is considered to be heavy for the purpose of using the feat, but does not gain the Heavy properties effect. Similarly, if you selected a long-sword and defensive duelist, the long-sword counts as having the finesse weapon property for the purpose of using the feat, but does not you do not get the benefits of a finesse weapon (choosing to use Str or Dex for attack & damage rolls.).

  • Melee: Blade Mastery, Charger, Defensive Duelist, Dual Wielder, Fell Handed, Great Weapon Master, Flail Mastery, Mobile, Polearm Master, Sentinel, Spear Mastery, Savage Attacker, War Caster
  • Ranged: Crossbow Expert, Elemental Adept, Sharpshooter, Spell Sniper

Flurry of Blows

You gain the benefit to perform flurry of blows with the weapon you selected.


At level 5, when your selected weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. If you selected a ranged weapon, you are allowed to perform a stunning strike at the cost of 2 ki points. In addition, you have begun to master your Ki and the elements of the world. You can spend 1 ki point as an action to change the damage type of your selected weapon. The damage types you can choose from increases as you gain in character levels in the Monk class.

  • Level 5: Bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, poison
  • Level 8: fire, acid, cold lightning
  • Level 11: Radiant, Necrotic, Poison
  • Level 17: force, Thunder, Psychic

In addition, while wielding a ki- empowered weapon, as an action you can spend ki points to gain a bonus in one of the following: Attack roll, Damage, AC or Reflex throw. This bonus is equal to the number of ki points spent and last for a number of minutes equal to the number of ki points spent. The effect last for 1 minute per Ki point spent. You after using this ability, you can change the selected bonus as a bonus action


You are experiencing a breakthrough in the profound ways. Yo let the tribulation thunder guide your cultivation. At 11th level, you gain the ability to create an strike of celestial lightning that engulfs the surrounding area. As part of the Attack action, summon tribulation thunder at a point of choosing within 150 feet, where it strikes down with the fury of the heavens. Each creature in that 20-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. A target takes 2d6 thunder damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You can increase the sphere's damage by spending ki points. Each point you spend, to a maximum equal to your Wisdom modifier, increases the damage by 2d6. You can also spend an additional 2 ki points to deny the targets of a reflex save. You can use the ability to deny targets a reflex save once per short rest.


At level 17, your journey on the path of cultivation is nearing its end. You have previously mastered both the physical and elemental realms, and now have obtained enlightenment after mastering yourself. Your ability to manipulate ki grants you armor against the elements. You can spend up to 5 ki points to the ability to deflect the elements .Whenever you take any type of elemental specific damage (acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder, poison, radiant or necrotic), you can further reduce the damage by 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier + your monk level. If the damage is reduced to 0, you instead absorb the energy and gain 1d4 of ki points in return, up to your maximum amount. This ability last for 1 minute per ki point spent.

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