Time and History (Teōdia Supplement)

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Time is a very important thing for Teōdians and the Teōdian culture in general.


Teōdian day is the 1.4 of Earth days. It's divided by 16 hours. Each hour divided by 72 minutes. Each minute divided by 56 seconds. 64 days are Celestes and 8 Celests are 1 year. For simplicity, 1 Celeste is divided by 8 weeks.


All history is divided by eras by remarkable events.

Era Important Event Duration
Before All Times (BAT)
After Arcane Revolution (AAR) Arcane Revolution 673 years
After Wizards' War (AWW) Wizards' War 494 years


Before All Times


In 18964 BAT, the Juvenia country was created.

Juvenian Expansion

In 18544 BAT, Juvenia started it's expansion. It was finished in 18349 BAT, when Juvenia became Juvenian Empire.

Great First Division

In 17909 BAT, Juvenian Empire divided by Saovia and Henecia. Soonly after, the war between them started. In 16554 BAT, Saovia won the war and annexed Henecia.

After Arcane Revolution

Arcane Revolution

Before 0 AAR, all magic was divine. All magic users prayed for deities to get power. One time, the Visen wanted to control the Weave. He started giving limited Weave control to some people, so they became Sorcerers. Then he gave magic to dragons and unicorns, and so on for now magical creatures. Soonly after, Warlocks and then Wizards appeared.

After Wizards' War

Wizards' War

In the 0 BAT, war between Norland and Polarium started. It was called the Wizards' War because it was the first war, where fought not only armed fighters, but also different types of casters (mostly wizards). In the 15 BAT, Norland won and made Polarium its colony.

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