Out of Date Factions (Dominaria Supplement)

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Dwarven Brotherhood[edit]

HISTORY: The dwarven warrior elite. They are responsible for guarding most dwarven citadels and ancestral treasures. Membership comes from all tribes, all tribes being intermixed within units. They are extremely passionate about defending the dwarven race from anything. They’ve made it their personal business to eliminate the Goblin Triad, amounting to something of a blood feud. During times of war they are the Dwarven Nations elite shocktroopers. Other than the triad they’re main concerns are raiding parties of mountain centaurs, infrequent barbarian raids, and Phyrexian groups. They are in good terms with the people of the Ruul Valley and have uneasy agreements with the Vampires and Lichens due to the fact they arbitrated the only Vampire/Lichen peace treaty ever (ages ago) - both races respect them. The Dwarven Brotherhood doesn’t have very many bases to themselves rather a cadre in every city or fortress. They’re bases are very centrally located within each dwarven province and have a very organized high commend and ultimately answer to the Dwarven King of Old who is elected for life from the leaders of the dwarven provinces. They have a high opinion of themselves but are not completely stuck up. Every dwarf wears a signet ring with they’re clans emblem and the honorguard wear the Kings emblem on they’re signet which is all one piece of cut ruby. They exist as the ultimate protectors of the dwarven race, and you most certainly do not want to mess with them.

Area of Influence: Misty Mountains

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: Chain of Command with the King on top

Patron Deity: Dwarven God

Symbol: Signet ring with the Kings emblem

Other: You must be a dwarf to join the Dwarven Brotherhood

Duskhan League[edit]

HISTORY: A cabal of very powerful magic users, fighters and planeswalkers who make it there duty to protect Domanaria and prosecute her interests across the planes. They’re an incredibly secret group who keep council with the most powerful rulers across the world (Kings of the most powerful countries, Guildmasters of the most distinguished guilds etc.) No one outside of this very powerful circle even suspects of the League’s existence. In other planes they are known as the “Domanaria Protectorate”. Its base is located in the House of Doors which is a gigantic manor in the Katarn Islands. Its called the “House of Doors” because it has a portal (door) to every known plane and demiplane as well as a large number of the layers of the Abyss. Each door leads to a room with other doors that lead to specific locations on that plane. The House is full of libraries, laboratories, magical experimentation chambers and stellar and planar observatories. It is constantly being added on to at random as new portals are being found or new rooms are being built. It appears to be a jumble of styles of architecture. No one on the Katarn Islands knows of the House’s purpose or care much, staying away from it, dismissing it as haunted. The House currently covers an entire Katarn Island and ground and partially under water. A network of crystal balls, connected by crystal tubes with enslaved spirits inside make a navigation system for the House. The Duskon League is renown across the planes for making Domanaria unassailable. They close and/or capture any gates that happen to open up on the prime. The originator of the Duskon League was a lover of the Lady of Pain and she taught him the secret of portal magic – that’s how the Duskon League is so good at it. Whenever there is a planar breach on the prime, they will warn the leader of that country and act as military advisors. The Duskon League is the sole reason why the Bloodwar hasn’t spilled over into the prime. They are made up of, by and large, epic level characters, although the army they maintain are elite or paragon level. They also maintain three interplanar battleships as well as a small fleet of very good seafaring ships.

Base of Operations: House of Doors

Area of Influence: Domanaria (unknown presence)

Leadership Style: Grandmaster, righthand man and a senate

Patron Deity: Arkon

Symbol: Blue circle on dominant palm, pendant of signet

Other: -Feared by high powered enemies -Membership is very diverse. Almost every species on Domanaria have a member in the Duskon League

Goblin Triad[edit]

HISTORY: A union of three major goblin tribes in the Misty Mountains formed sometime after the Dwarf War (Age?). Up until that point the goblins and dwarves had been in constant fighting because of they’re pathological hatred for the other species. During the Dwarf War the Dwarves united to fight the humans and because they were united it became increasingly difficult for the goblins to survive. When the dwarven armies returned from war they sacked many goblin cities and villages. At this point the goblins had lost much of they’re civilization and all they’re treasures. The three tribes (make names) that manages to escape mostly intact formed the Goblin Triad. They retreated to the vast network of caves and mines that carpet the Misty Mountains and they now fight a guerilla war against the dwarves or anyone in they’re perceived territory. They have a peace agreement with the people of the Ruul Valley. The Triad has several fairly large settlements in abandoned mines but are still largely barbaric and uncivilized. The goblins have discovered the vast Domanarian sub terrain and are currently engaged in a war with the ancient denizens of the sub terrain. They are trying to build an underground city that they can use as a safe haven and breeding ground.

Base of Operations: Ancestral Citadel in the Misty Mountains

Area of Influence: Misty Mountains

Leadership Style: Three Chieftains

Patron Deity: (goblin god)

Symbol: Three cut rubies forming a triangle

Other: N/A

Order of the Storm[edit]

HISTORY: The Order of the Storm has a hidden history. Its starts during the Flood Wars. Wave upon wave of Flood ravaged the land and its survivors. They stayed alive however they could. Several groups from disparate villages, hamlets and cities across three countries formed together into a caravan of about 1250 after a chance meeting in a river vale. They decided to strike out for the coast and escape. Long story short about 750 survived the hellish trek to the coast of southern Greece, upon which they boarded two boats and a barge for the ocean. They struck out on the high seas (suicide!) and braved storms, survivor raiding parties and seas monsters while skirting around the islands south of Rome. After this the people went out once again into the uncharted seas. Almost at the point of starvation, they found the Lonely Sandbar and went ashore. Seeing that the outer reef was desolate they portaged a boat and picked 150 hardened fighters and mages (out of about 600 remaining survivors) to explore the islands. They found them strangely devoid of life, though it was well supplied. Everything was kept tidy as if by Unseen Servants and indeed, inanimate objects were seen doing chores. After taking supplies the men erected a “We were here” standing stone at the highest point in the islands. They returned to the ships and left. They traversed lots of tropical ocean and eventually came across the Tern Islands. Again long story short they had to fight a dragon, lost about 150 people and the smallest ship then fled. After that they fought off a kraken while attempting to repair the barge at sea, losing it and another 50 people. The remainder of the original 750 people traveled across trackless ocean for another month. Eventually they came across the Dragon’s Eye (Maelstrom). To their extreme surprise they did not die – at the bottom of the huge vortex was an island upon which had a mountain. The island was surrounded with calm waters yet a whirl of falling water stretched up as far as the eye could see. The mountain was fairly normal except that it was more conical than most. At the peak was a temple/castle/mansion with many levels cut right into the mountain. The architecture was completely alien being a material that they had never seen before (crystalline arkanite and immaterial). They walked inside to find it completely empty of life (just like the Lonely Sandbar), strolling halls filled with various trophies and fantastic art. Any writing that they saw was completely foreign and unreadable even by the Tongue spell. They finally came to a large room in the temple area that was filled with doors. A strange humanoid was sitting in the middle wearing loose-fitting tunics. He explained that he was Arkon, the creator of Domanaria. All of the doors led to shattered and destroyed primes and demiplanes. He had been to all of them and knew what went wrong. He created Domanaria to be a prime where none of this would happen again. Arkon had closed all gates to these primes but these (there is at least one gate to every plane). Domanaria has a whole net of containment facilities to hold all the evil of those primes locked away (such as the Flood, Varkians, Thathrak’s Horde, the Wrath of the 3 Suns etc.) Then he asked them if they would like to be the guardians of the castle and make sure nobody else accidentally stumbled upon it. They said yes because they didn’t want to go back anyways. So Arkon rose up an island just to the west of the Maelstrom and called the fortress on it the Storm Keep. He also raised up two smaller fortresses to the north and east. All are connected by permanent circles of teleportation. The entire party was changed into angels and were equipped and tasked with defending the Maelstrom and keeping beings out. Anyone who comes near the Maelstrom is magically shipwrecked on the island and most choose to join the Storm Battalion. The Order of the Storm other duties include occasional venturing into the shattered primes and policing the series of containment fields.

Area of Influence: The Dragon’s Eye and Containment Facilities

Base of Operations: Storm Keep

Leadership Style: Hierarchy

Patron Deity: Arkon

Symbol: Blue Vortex

Fagmilia Ducale[edit]

(Fag-Mee-Lia Doo-Cal)

HISTORY: The Duke’s Guard or Fagmilia Ducale in Old Norman is first order, tier one shock cavalry. They are among the best nonmagical horse cavalry in the west. As single knights, the Guard are terrifyingly good fighters and a formation of these horsemen can break any ranks. The term Duke’s Guard came into being after the Cabal War when the Norman Kingdom fell into many different fiefdoms. Each fiefdom was usually under the control of a duke. Each duke fielded an army and cavalry according to the size of his fiefdom. Since royalty was believed to mean increased fighting prowess, dukes would usually form their extended family into Honor Guard units. These units were very well equipped and were fearsome fighters. These groups became known as Duke’s Guard. As attrition took out more and more families, dukes eventually started to form their guards out of their best knights who were asked to join the guard after achieving a certain status of renown by proving themselves in battle. Dukes and Lords would usually outfit their guards with the best weapons and armor that could be had out of their personal stocks. A normal Duke will have a unit of Fagmilia Ducale, anywhere from 30-40 knights. The average Duke’s Guard will wear masterworked full plate and use a long or bastard sword, heavy steel shield and a lance. Duke’s Guard are always used en masse as a “game changer” in battle. When not doing battle, the Fagmilia Ducale will train at tournaments, jousts and sometimes in the lists (enclosed free-for-all brawls, or team battles). They are also given manors and small areas of land similar to, but far smaller than, a Lords property. In most Duke’s Guard, rank is determined through seniority, while family members of the Duke have the highest authority. A brother or favorite cousin will usually command the Guard. Strangely (due to some obscure Norman custom) guards are never magic users – magicians are organized into separate units in Norman armies. Occasionally clerics or paladins will make it into the ranks but normally they are fighters. The wealthiest and most powerful of Dukes will often try to outfit some, if not all, of their guards with beast mounts, although very large mounts like dragons and dinosaurs are very rare in this area (they have been mostly killed off in the west – dragons have mostly migrated to the Tern Islands, mountains and desert – wild dinosaurs have been mostly hunted or captured).

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: Seniority/Familial

Patron Deity: God of war/valor

Symbol: Duke’s Cote of Arms


HISTORY: They are an ancient Domanarian order that predates Prothian elves. They’re five Invokers at every one time – one for each of the five Prothian sources of mana. The Invokers were originally five warrior druids who were experts at their forms of mana. They are the ones that crafted the armor, swords and rings of the Invokers. Those five originals created a new class – Invoker. It was like a cleric only there were five domains; fire, water, air, earth and death. The Invokers were each a master of one of those domains and their powers were amplified by the Invokers equipment. The Invokers will usually have mounts that fit with their personal disposition – fire is to dragon as death is to nightcrawler. They will usually surround themselves with small covens of followers who share powers like their own. Succession comes from about half chosen followers and half someone who kills the Invoker. When the successor dons the armor, wields the sword and wears the ring they will slowly become an Invoker. The teachings/memories of previous Invokers are stored in their signet ring. To become an Invoker, one must don the equipment but once an Invoker, level progression is normal. If an Invoker is alive there is a rite by which an Invoker can give his or her equipment to his or her successor and may then train them. Most of the Invokers stay independent although they will sometimes work with people who interests they share. For example, the Smokespew Invoker currently works with the Cabal. One new wrinkle in the story of the Invokers is the newest Invoker – the Mirari Invoker or Invoker of Chaos, a twisted result of the Riptide Project. This Invoker can somehow tap directly into the Prothian source of mana – raw Mirari.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: N/A

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: The Flamewave Invokers symbol is a mountain The Stonewood Invokers symbol is a tree The Starlight Invokers symbol is a sun The Smokespew Invokers symbol is a death’s head The Glintwing Invokers symbol is a teardrop

Hill Tribes[edit]

HISTORY: Unaligned tribes of people who left civilization when they were abandoned during the Mongol Invasion. They usually have a deep resentment for countries that used to be part of the Empire. All they really want is to be left alone but most countries don’t like independent groups roaming free or even existing within their borders so the Hill Tribes are frequently at war. They are extremely independent, not having extensive relations with other Hill Tribes although they do trade with each other but make no permanent alliances.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: Tribal Chieftain

Patron Deity: ?

Symbol: N/A

Other: Think nomadic gypsies who can defend themselves

The Gears[edit]

HISTORY: The Gears are the Phyrexian Deathtroopers – the highest caliber, most advanced and augmented troops. During the Phyrexian Invasion they were the scourge of western troops because one unit was often enough to defeat a small army of human troops. Phyrexian soldiers are elevated to the Gears only after killing a certain amount of enemies and fighting in a certain amount of battles. They’re given new armor, weapons and augmentations when they join the Gears – the best equipment the Phyrexian war machine can get (not a pun). The Gears are often trained to be much more independent than normal Phyrexian foot soldiers and as such can undertake much more specialized missions.

Area of Influence: Phyrexia

Base of Operations: The Grand Phyrexian Juggernaut

Leadership Style: Military Chain of Command

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: A gear

Were Tribes[edit]

HISTORY: The Were Tribes of the Northlands are rather unorganized. Their nominal leader is Orpheus Samael, who has taken on the title of Were King. The rest of the Lichen leaders are organized into tribal structures usually based around were-type. Within the tribes, leadership is by dominance and the only authority over the tribes is the Were King and his sons who are widely feared for their battle prowess. Orpheus and his sons all lead groups of fanatically loyal werewolf soldiers to enforce their will and keep the tribes in line. The only thing that keeps the tribes loyal to the King (other than brute force) is a common enemy – the Vampires. They follow the King and his sons because they are brilliant tacticians and excellent leaders. In the deep past, the Were King was the Caliph of the Northern Caliphate and fought against desert peoples, barbarians, elves and the Vampires that already lived in the north. He had a remarkable battle record against all of them and was renowned as a strategical genius. Aside from the Vampires the King also has to keep up with the war against the Barbarian Horde and the Phyrexians. The Phyrexians consider the Lichens to be abominations of nature and fight them with a genocidal hatred. The barbarians, while they consider the Lichens to be unnatural, fight them because Were Tribes often raid barbarian encampments. The Were Kings air to the throne, and best fighter, is Marcus Corvenus-Samael.

Area of Influence: The Northlands

Base of Operations: Castle Argharna

Leadership Style: King

Patron Deity: werewolf god

Symbol: A full moon

Vampire Lords[edit]

HISTORY: There are three Vampire Lords who rule over a very organized vampiric group. Because each vampire controls other vampires/spawns there is a very clear chain of command. This way it is possible for a single vampire to become very powerful by creating underlings of his or her own. Under the three Vampire Lords there is somewhere around twenty houses at any given time, each controlled by some very ancient vampire. Most people that get converted into vampires find their way to the Northlands as many vampires are indirectly in control of one of the Vampire Lords because of the lines of control. If a line of control is ever broken because a vampire dies, the pieces are quickly grabbed by other powerful vampires. For example: I control three vampires. Each of those three controls more. If one of the vampires I control dies, the vampires that it controlled and whatever vampires they controlled are completely under their own power. But I would go to the highest vampire(s) among the breakoff and say “swear a magical oath of command to me or I’ll kill you”. In this way I pick up the pieces and retain my power. If a vampire is more powerful than it maker/controller they can make a will check and attempt to revolt. In rare, but not unheard of cases, vampires somehow become independent from the Lords and manage to escape coming under control. These vampires take their progeny and set up somewhere else – they are known as Rogue Houses and tabs are kept on them, if possible. Complete escape is possible, but rare. Rogue Houses exist throughout the Misty Mountains and secluded areas of the west. Desert vampire groups do exist but large groups are hard to maintain because desert people all live together in huge cities. The Vampire Lords war against the Lichens, the Phyrexians and the Barbarian Horde. They are also spreading into the Ruul Valley. They fight the Lichens as a general rule of thumb – it is not questioned, almost instinct by now. The Phyrexians hate the vampires as an abomination of nature, but respect them for their order. The barbarians fight the vampires because of frequent raids on encampments. The vampires fight with European tactics because all three Lords are from the west.

Area of Influence: The Northlands

Base of Operations: Three castles

Leadership Style: Triumvirate

Patron Deity: god of vampires

Symbol: A pendant with five sapphires creating a cross

Bindo Monks[edit]

HISTORY: The Bindo Monks are the only large, well respected monk society in the Northlands. They’re fairly universal healers, arbiters and mediators. Their true purpose is unknown to all outsiders; only babies dropped off at the monastery can become a Bindo Monk. People traveling through the area can seek shelter at a monastery. Over the years, they’ve solved many disputes with the combatants of the Fourway Northern War (Phyrexia, the Barbarian Horde, Vampire Lords, and Were Tribes). They’re beginning was after the Barbarian Invasion of the 1st Age, since then people have been traveling to them from far and wide for healing and prophecies on a regular basis as well as arbitrating disputes.

Area of Influence: Domanaria

Base of Operations: The Bindo Monasteries

Leadership Style: Monk Priest

Patron Deity: Unknown

Symbol: A crystalline star – the Northern Star

Other: Think Buddhist monks

Sacred Band[edit]

HISTORY: The Sacred Band is among the best fighting force in the Greek City/States. They include infantry, cavalry and auxiliaries and are based in Thebes which is currently under the control of Athens. They fight all up and down Greece and are used to patrol Athens borders or all of Greece in times of alliance. They’re main rivals are the Spartans. The Sacred Band is widely feared and respected throughout the west because they are chosen from among the best soldiers under Athens rule. Any part of their equipment they can guild with gold, they do.

Area of Influence: Greece

Base of Operations: Thebes

Leadership Style: Chain of Command

Patron Deity: greek god of war

Symbol: The banner of Thebes

Old Guard[edit]

HISTORY: The Old Guard is a military force that exists in the Old Empire (Illeria, Cormyr, Colovia, Dacia/Thracia, Onea). It is a remnant from the days of the Empire when the Old Guard was the elite sentries of the realm. In the Empire, each country had to donate a certain percentage of its best troops to the Royal Army. Now in the Old Empire, these units are a continuation of that tradition, just used for every individual country. In each country they are the best of the best and are considered tier one nonmagical soldiers. The Old Guard forces of Illeria and Cormyr are better than those of the other countries (better trained and maintained). The Old Guard units in the other countries are akin to the Republican Guard of the modern day Iraq (flashy and impressive to look at, but really no better than any other elite force). Old Guard units include infantry and cavalry and are recruited from the best soldiers in each of the countries. They are used as the mailed fist of army units, placed in the center and used to deliver the crushing blow. They will frequently employ magical armor, weaponry and mounts although the smaller nations are not able to field this as extensively. They will burnish they’re armor to a reflective sheen then paint the colors of their nation on their pouldrons.

Area of Influence: The Old Empire

Base of Operations: Each countries capital

Leadership Style: Under the direct command of the King

Patron Deity: God of valor and war

Symbol: Their countries flag

Other: Think Imperial Stormtroopers

The Oracles[edit]

HISTORY: The Oracles are a group of priest mystics in the Spine (mountains of Greece). They maintain an extensive spy network in the west and other scattered areas. They use this to gather information and relay it through a broad system of crystal balls back to the Temple of the Oracle. Here it is analyzed and used to make “predictions” to anyone who can pay the entrance fee. The Oracles maintain an air of magical secrecy that has convinced most of Greece that they receive visions directly from the Gods.

Area of Influence: Greece (Athens, Thebes, Sparta, Rhodes, Halicarnassus, Thermon, Macedon, Thesolonika, Corinth, Troy, and Delphi)

Base of Operations: The Temple of the Oracle

Leadership Style: Five “Oracles” who control the whole scam

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: The Oracle at Delphi’s crest

Skirk Commandos[edit]

HISTORY: The elite fighting force of the Skirk Goblins. They specialize in hit and run, shock and awe, and ambush tactics – they will rarely be seen fighting in open combat. They’re leader is the womanizing, hard-swearing, alcoholic badass Ephant Mon. Mon is highly intelligent and a brilliant tactician, the product of a long series of breading and genetic experimenting meant to create a ruling warrior caste within the goblin race. Statistically he is about one in 250,000 for his intelligence within his race (which, while impressive, is not psychotic because goblins bread like plague rats). All Skirk Commandos are high caste, veteran warriors. Since most of what goblins fight is bigger than themselves, any veteran goblin warrior would have to be adept at escape and evade, and force multiplying weaponry (explosives). Mon formed the Commandos because he believed he could be more effective leading a small force of intelligent fighters than a huge force of cannon fodder. When they were formed their main enemy was the barbarians of the Pardic Foothills and units of the Daru army making incursions into the Pardic Mountains. The Commandos rarely have to fight Paladonic forces because the Paladins have learned to steer clear of the mountains. The goblins excel at setting traps, explosive and using guerilla tactics. Goblins are recruited form the Skirk armies on the basis of individual initiative, intelligence, bravery and fighting prowess. Goblins with only fighting prowess are often recruited to special berserker units. An adventuring party attacked by Commandos or berserkers would be hard pressed to survive such an engagement. DM”s Note: Goblins of the Skirk clan generally have less of an intelligence penalty than other goblins.

Area of Influence: The Pardic Mountain Range

Base of Operations: Fort Narglefimble in the Skirk Ridge

Leadership Style: Chain of Command

Patron Deity: goblin god

Symbol: Skull and crossbones with a knife in between the teeth and the crossbones are lit sticks of dynamite

Other: Think Vietcong

The Daru[edit]

HISTORY: The Daru are the native inhabitants of the plains of Otaria. Before the Paladins arrived, the Daru people were mainly a farming people, although they did craft several wonderful cities of stone from the few natural quarries of Otaria. Carthag was their capital (now Central Paladonia or Constantinople), Ashkan was their great eastern trade city (now Aphetto), and Nârthus was their ancestral city (is now a pile of rubble being slowly transformed into a necropolis). There were other cities of course; small cities and towns dotted the land and farming communities sprung up in the fertile land. When the paladins came, the Daru welcomed them as allies and worked together with them to build a shining empire on the Otarian Plains. Together they weathered several small wars until the advent of the Cabal. During the course of time spanning Paladonic Wars (as well as numerous other conflicts) all of the Daru major cities were destroyed or lost. Today, the Daru are a warrior plains people who fight with the ‘good’ Paladins against the Cabal (‘Good’ because Lawful Good doesn’t always mean Lawful Nice). Currently their king sits on the high throne in the rebuilt Castle Carthag in Central Paladonia (area shared by North and South Paladins. They are very good mobile fighters and horsemen.

Area of Influence: Paladonia

Base of Operations: Castle Carthag

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


Other: Think Rohan from LOTR

Southern Caliphate[edit]

HISTORY: The most powerful caliphate of the desert. They rule the entirety of the southern trade coast and almost one third of the desert measured north/south. The army of the southern is nigh uncountable and their coffers are unimaginably deep. The Southern Caliphate, Khaleed Al-Assad is the most powerful man in the desert, both politically and martially. He leads his country with a strong and nationalistic hand. Al-Assad is constantly looking to empower his Caliphate and makes treaties and deals all over Domanaria, including extraplanrilly. His royal navy controls the seas and his army is rightly feared. His most fearsome forces are the Sardyynias, his royal guard. It is split up into cavalry, infantry, magical and beast riding units. All are to be considered tier one units. Outsiders are officially welcomed by the state as they bring money, trade and power with them but they are barely tolerated by the people who see their ways as strange at best and demonic at worst. Of course, there are neopolitans (accepting people) in every culture, but in the Southern Caliphate, they are few and far between, mostly people that have a lot of contact with random strangers (bartenders and shop keepers). One last thing the Southern Caliphate is famous for are its savage Barbary pirates, fierce pirates that operate out of small, uncharted coves and caves.

Area of Influence: The Southern Caliphate

Base of Operations:

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


The Cabal[edit]

HISTORY: The Cabal is the evil group that controls roughly one half of Paladonia. It was formed in secret in the sewers beneath Ashkan as a necromantic and pit fighting ring. Soon after the Paladonic-Roman war, they decided that they had amassed enough power to rise up. They killed the then-good Eastern Paladin and took over the eastern part of Paladonia. In a series of wars and upheavals, the Cabal took over both the extreme east and west of Paladonia and killed the Western Paladin as well. They have warred against the good paladins for ages and show no signs of stopping. Their overall leader is Phage, a cursed half-celestial. The rest of the Cabal High Council include: Braids, Dementia Summoner; Greel, Dementia; Scion, Bitch-Ass fighter; and the Eastern and Western Paladins. Their goal is the control of all of Otaria and one day of Domanaria and the rest of the multiverse. To control the population and spread their vision of ‘manifest destiny’ for Dominaria and, of course, themselves, they’ve created the Orzhov Church with Phage as the God-head/high priestess. Their main fighting forces are all forces that cannot disobey or betray: undead, constructs and mind-controlled beings of all kinds. Their legions also include conscripts and mercs and blackguards (anti-paladins, their best troops). The cabal is famous for the gladiatorial fights in The Pits of Aphetto and the general havoc they’ve cause throughout Paladonia and Dominaria. Area of Influence:

Base of Operations:

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


Ice Brigade[edit]

HISTORY: The Ice Brigade is the last remnants of House Illuňa, one of the royal houses of the Old Empire. When Lord Illuňa’s final Keep fell to Sadrukar Legions, the Illuňan Guard (7,000 men strong left over from 2 legions) led the royal family, as well as the populace of the surrounding barony (35,000) away through the Misty Mountains. The group took three years to cross the mountains mostly on foot, fighting goblins and giants the whole time (Dwarves gave safe passage with toll). When they emerged into the Northlands they were 16,000 strong with 4,600 of the royal guard left. Over the next age or so, inbreeding and martial training as well as western technology and smithing have produced a nomadic fighting force the likes of which Dominaria has never seen. They fought and were armored like western knights and soldiers but were adept at open-space fighting as is common in nomadic peoples. Their fighting earned them the respect of the barbarian nations and the Phyrexians. Another thing was that due to inbreeding and only a few new people added to the gene pool, they still look remarkably western and all have some sort of royal blood. Additionally, the Lord’s line has been kept pure. After years of searching, the peoples of lost Illuňa built an immense castle (“So we may never again be forced to leave our homes!”) as well as a city within it’s outer ring wall on a plateau overlooking a vast lake (same local as original royal keep). The Ice Brigade is the legion of soldiers that protect the city and enforce its interests. They guard the city itself, as well as the mines and farms and jealously patrol Illuňa’s perceived territory (most territory in the Northland can be considered ‘perceived’). The Brigade still wears the same colors as the original royal guard – blue and silver and the same cut of armor. The people of Illuňa and the Ice Brigade have a hatred for constructs, using them only for slave labor (they are realistic and realize that they can be used for unlimited free labor) and a deep resentment for ‘the southern folk’ (people of the West). On the flip side, they respect the Dwarves and trade with the barbarians and the people of the Ruul Valley. They are too far away from Phyrexians, lycan or vampire territory to be overly threatened. In the Northlands, they are known for raising horses (rare in the Northlands), growing Western crops and mining (their secret alliance with the Dwarves gives them Dwarven mining tools and agricultural technology far beyond their years).

Area of Influence:

Base of Operations:

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


Dragon Tribes[edit]

HISTORY: The first thing one must know about the Dragon Tribes is that there is a major division between the Elders and the younger Warrior dragons. Also, their numbers are sufficiently reduced from what they used to be which gives many of the dragons a very low outlook on the rest of Domanaria. There are ten major tribes of dragons: Five each of Elders and Warriors, as well as one independent dragon tribe although the leader of this one isn’t technically a dragon, rather a Wyrm. The five Elder dragon tribes are lead by Palladia-Mors, Arcades Sabboth, Chromium, Nicol Bolas and Vaevictis Asmadi. The five Warrior dragon tribes are led by Rith the Awakener, Treva the Renewer, Dromar the Banished, Crosis the Purger and Darigaaz the Igniter. While Chromium is half construct, the most power of the Elders lies with Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. On the flip side the Warriors are all relatively close in power, with the most muscle being either Darigaaz or Crosis (being a former Elder who sided with the Warriors). Each of the Dragon Lords controls an army of drakes, wyvern, half-dragons, dragon kin, dragon disciples and other servants. These other servants differ according to each Lord’s preference – Crosis uses undead, Chromium uses constructs etc. Apart from their armies, each Dragon Lord holds the loyalty of a sizable percentage of the remaining dragons. Dragons in general prefer cliffs or high perches as well as forests, lakes or deserts to conceal their immense bulk. For example the Krayt dragons who reside in the Great Eastern Desert, moving on all fours after losing their ability to fly after a long evolutionary process. Or the dragons of the Orient called Dragon Spirits, who are still part of the dragon family, just a different species; they have snakelike bodies and fly or swim around using nothing but pure magic. There is one place with a surprising amount of dragons however, and that is the Tern Islands. The Elders and Warriors wage a struggle for these islands, the lines of control never being very clear (in the large island chain each Dragon Lord controls an isle or so and the rest of the 30 isles are contested. Most of the dragons cannot be classified as good or bad, mostly just concerned with their own interests. The spectrum does range from the lawful good Treva to the chaotic evil Daarigaz with most others being inside that. That said, its very dangerous to try to predict a dragons actions or motives based on their alignment. Being a highly intelligent, exceedingly powerful and magical entity and yet retaining their wild and unpredictable beast instincts makes dragons a paradox. Hearing all this about dragons, one might wonder how they affect PC’s and adventures. Since they have an animal instinct to control their territory any dragon will constantly have various schemes and plots unfolding whereby it seeks to gain control over its locale. PC’s may encounter a plot to take over a town, subvert the ruler or discover a secret group of dragon disciples. Of course good aligned dragons are less likely to violently overthrow an area but they will still seek a measure of control for their territory. Due to their animal nature, all dragons are continuously trying to proliferate their kind because there are so few left. Aside from their schemes, they try to mate as well as marshal the remnants of the dragon kin. The dragon riding orders usually make treaties with tribes for eggs or every so often buy one. Although many of the Dragon Lords lair in the Tern Islands, some have their main lair on Domanaria proper. For example Chrosis lairs in the sewers beneath the ruins of Central Paladonia.

Area of Influence: Tern Islands, other scattered regions

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: Ten Lords

Patron Deity: Tiamat or (metallic dragon)

Symbol: N/A

Praetorian Guard[edit]

HISTORY: These are the Roman Elite soldiers. They include foot, magical and cavalry units. They are an extension of Caesars will and are just like the real-world namesake plus magic. Based in Imperial City along with all major cities, fortresses and palaces.

Area of Influence: Roman Empire

Base of Operations: Imperial City (Rome)

Leadership Style: Military Chain of Command directly under Caesar

Patron Deity: Mars

Symbol: They don a blue color scheme instead of Rome’s notorious red

Pardic Barbarians[edit]

HISTORY: A fierce barbarian tribe who live in the Pardic Mountains of southern Otaria. They live in closely knit villas surrounding a central Bakka or meeting place. All families ultimately answer to the Grand Bakka Council and the Warlord of Parthica, their fort-like capital city. They constantly war with the Skirk Goblins for control of Skirk Ridge. The conflict is fought with an Arab/Israeli kind of savagery. The Pardic Barbarians are generally peaceful toward Southern Paladonia and respect the Southern Paladin greatly as a master warlord. They have little knowledge of life outside of Otaria and just don’t care. They aggressively attack most outsiders who don’t give good reason not to. To historians very knowledgeable in old obscure lore, it is known that the Pardic Barbarians are the long lost Tiger clan of the Kjeldons of the Northlands.

Area of Influence: Pardic Mountains

Base of Operations: Parthica

Leadership Style: Warlord and Grand Bakka Council

Patron Deity: Thor

Symbol: Tiger claw

Barbarian Horde[edit]

HISTORY: The title Barbarian Horde is a misnomer, it implies some semblance of unity within the barbarians where there is none. The barbarians of the Northlands are split into three loose groups, the Nord, the Kjeldons and the Boldous. These Hordes are groups in which loose northern territories, or ‘countries’, pledge their allegiance to; the Horde can be thought of as the overall ruling force with each ‘country’ that pledges allegiance to it being a province of the Horde. The Nord and the Boldous are fairly straight forward Hordes. They each control an area of the Northlands and are ruled by a High Thane (Boldous) and a Warchief (Nords). Both Hordes have several cities, each Horde’s ‘capital’ having a castle and stone wall. The third group, the Kjeldons, is slightly more complicated. It holds much more land than the other two but is divided into four main clans: Bone, Claw, Fang and Bear. All four clans rule an area roughly the size of Boldous or Nord and all constantly seek dominance over each other. Dominance is achieved through the control of the Ancient City of Taypol, a citadel like city which is the biggest in the Northlands. Whichever clan is in control of the city, symbolically rules the Kjeldon Horde and can technically form Grand Councils and dissolve warbands. This is a rare practice though. Also, when one clan is in control of Taypol, the others assume its name; since the Fang clan rules at present (after usurping Bear who usurped Claw who usurped Fang etc.) the other clans are Bone-Fang, Claw-Fang and Bear-Fang. Interclan warfare is not uncommon and clans have been completely wiped out before (Kjeldon started out with 20 clans). Defeated clans have their names erased from everything and are forgotten. Many clans were lost in the Barbarian Invasion of the West. Nord is a clan that broke away long ago. One defeated clan lives on – the Boar clan lives in extreme secret as a cult of necromancers and assassins and blackguards seeking to remake their long lost clan. No one knows of their existence. The Nord, Kjeldons and Boldous fight each other, the Lycans, the Vampire Lords, the Phyrexians and the Dwarves. The usually trade (instead of raid) with the people of the Ruul Valley.

Area of Influence: The Northlands

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: ?

Patron Deity: Varies (See ‘Northlands’ section)

Symbol: Kjeldons: self explanatory, Nord: Hammer and lightning, Boldous: silhouette of a muscular man (Think ‘Slayer” logo from Halo)

Imperial Academy[edit]

HISTORY: The magical academy of the Old Empire, where the Empire trained mages for the Army. The Academy is still used today as a prestigious school for the magical and militant arts. New students are accepted through tryouts and must practice Arcane magic. The Academy itself managed to survive the Great Magical Purge and was later refurbished and reopened as a shadow of its former self. The building itself is grandiose but shows signs of conflict. Of the magicians there when the attack hit only a handful survived. For this reason the Academy is heavily hauted by ghost, spirits and other apparitions. This is why students are quarantined to their dorms after nightfall. Currently, repairs are still being made and the student number is slowly being brought back up. The Headmaster and professors intend to produce students to the Academies original caliber, so students must attend for a longer time. Students are instructed in all fields of Arcane magic and Metamagic Feats.

Area of Influence: Centrality

Base of Operations: The Imperial Academy

Leadership Style: Headmaster

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: The Imperial Crest

The Avatars[edit]

HISTORY: The Avatars are not really an organization in that each Avatar is not related to one another although some do know of each other. An Avatar is anyone who posses the Seal of Protection from a God. An Avatar has the personal protection of the God whose seal they posses and can manifest certain powers of that deity as well as call down angelic (or the equivalent) aid. Other benefits include increased ability scores and HP. The Seal of Protection is given to a person after that person has done incredible acts in the service of that deity (Master Campaigns, Epic Quests etc). The deity only has one Seal to give out so candidates are carefully chosen. Seals are given to beings across the Multiverse but the Prime currently has the highest percentage of Avatars. Avatars are certainly not invincible and can be killed, they just become that much more difficult. When an Avatar dies his Seal will automatically disappear and return to the deity; likewise when a deity dies and has its Seal given out, the Seal will explode with roughly the force of Tsar Bomba, releasing an incredible amount of bottled up divine power give or take depending on how powerful the deity is. Currently Avatars are Marco Ragnos from the Fire Demigod for building the Epic Temple in the city of Terranteo in Rome; The Wandering One from Necrul for perpetrating slaughter on an immense scale in his genocide against the Paladins, his planar campaign and his participation in the Blood War; the Northern Paladin from Arkon for being renown as the single best one-on-one warrior in all of Domanaria; Baalzephon, Lord of the Dark Eight, from Erythnul for being the sole survivor; Thornburg Stonehart, King of the Dwarves, from Moradin for being the single most influential dwarf in history.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: N/A

Patron Deity: Varies

Symbol: The symbol of the Avatars God



HISTORY: A religious order of assassins based in the Southern Caliphate, although its origins are farther north in Kwazarmia. They mostly follow the Egyptian Pantheon, and hold Anubus in high regard. They maintain a series of guild dens (old forts and such) that they use for bases of training. The vast majority of members are assassins but some highly skilled fighters are allowed entrance if they can be trained in the ways of stealth and subtlety. Masters who have proven themselves take a number of apprentices under their wings and take orders directly from the regional “Guildmasters”. The ruling council is made up of highly skilled assassin’s called “Guildmasters” that watch over individual dens. They are all cross-leveled as powerful clerics. They carry out most of their work in the Great Eastern Desert, sometimes in Arcadian Selucia and Paladonia, and are occasionally contracted for work in the Dark Kingdoms. There is a major feud going on between them and the Geno Huradon. It is popular with the Hash’Osh-Ym to shapechange into animals such as a falcon. They like to smuggle themselves around on ships and or hide in caravans rather than taking more direct measures.

Area of Influence: The Great Eastern Desert Base of Operations: Karnac Leadership Style: Council Patron Deity: Anubus Symbol: A crescent moon ringing a falcon

Heroes Guild[edit]

HISTORY: The Heroes Guild was formed soon after the humans established themselves. It was originally a way for powerful fighters and wizards to coordinate against the Beast Nations. It soon became a place for the most powerful or influential people to congregate, share secrets and stories and teach. The tradition has continued not-very-much changed throughout the course of Domanarian history. You can find a Heroes guildhouse in almost every large western city. The easternmost guildhouse is located in the capital of Paladonia. Members of the Heroes Guild have participated in every major war throughout Domanarian history – they are well known. There are so many ex-Heroes Guild members that have a Heroes Guild signet ring or pendant and that alone is enough to get you favors at many places; the respect is enough to get you a little extra advice, and hints here and there (street credit). To get into the Heroes Guild you only have to prove yourself, although once you’re in level is a way of ranking. When one is at a guildhouse, one will always learn of quests and adventures from the local Guildmaster. It is the oldest guild on the map.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: The Grand Guildhouse at Athos.

Leadership Style: Hierarchy

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: A sword inside of a round shield, crossed by a wand shooting sparks and an arrow

Other: N/A

Cartaan Bladerome[edit]

(cart-on blade-rome)

HISTORY: The Cartaan Bladerome began late in the Second Age as a monastery in the Verge along the west coast of Cartaan. Soon it got a reputation for being a top-notch fighting academy where on could learn martial arts or weapon mastery. Many weapon masters of the day were trained by Cartaani monks. The monastery where the Bladerome housed its order became a safe haven during the Cabal War. With the advent of the Third Age, the order moved into a much larger castle that had been abandoned in the Cabal War and its numbers and reputation grew rapidly. It became more of a knightly order and expanded its sphere of control into most of what is now Valmora – the country soon became renown for their warriors. When the West became the First Imperium, the Cartaan Bladerome became a significant amount of the Imperial Guard. After the empire fell apart the Bladerome became independent from the country of Cartaan and degraded back into a warrior monastery. Many of the monks volunteered to fight the Wandering One when the Paladins called for help. During the Great Magical Purge, the Cartaan Bladerome opened up their doors to magicians as a safehouse. If you go to the monastery and follow the code along with paying certain dues then you can join the order.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: Cartaan Bladerome Chapterhouse, Valmora

Leadership Style: Grandmaster

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: Scroll with a longsword painted on it.

Acadamia Necromancia[edit]

HISTORY: Started by Headmaster Sythis back when Ravenloft hadn’t yet been ripped into the prime. It was started in Darkon, the realm of the Arch Lich Azalin as a school where the dark arts could be perfected. Originally it was a place to be recruited but over time it has become fairly well known in powerful dark circle. Teachers do really teach but all in all if your there you’re on your own. It’s always a good idea to watch your back because people are always looking to advance and/or steal knowledge. Teachers will usually guard secrets until they feel the student is loyal to them, holds favor with the current Headmaster or needs them. To graduate from a class one must often take on some strange or horrific act in the more “interesting” areas of the Dark Kingdoms. Once you are ready to graduate the school you must pass several trials. First, is the Test of Knowledge which includes rolling certain scores in knowledge of arcane, the planes, and dark magic (special domains, plants and animals). Second, is the Test of Combat where one is forced to fight several evil, undead and aberrant creatures as well as (possibly) other students although usually by the time students are powerful enough to graduate the Academy they want to keep you alive. They usually only pit students against one another if they see inter-student loyalties forming – there is a great focus on individuality. The third is the Test of Magika, demonstrating proficiency with dark magic. Clerics are usually attracted to the Academy because they’re access to at least two domains gives them areas of study as well as Blackguards, wizards, and sorcerers. Very few druids come but the ones that do come are especially nasty. Once one graduates they’re not under any obligation except to pay certain dues and to do occasional gias/quests. The Academy is not concerned with creating an army; only advancing the amount of dark magic on Domanaria. One usually joins by invitation (which usually includes completing a quest – attaining a very rare poison etc). The invitations are sent out all over the prime and planes with 25% of all recruits coming from the Dark Kingdoms and 50% coming from the rest of the prime. The Acadamia Necromancia is renown as being the 3rd most prestigious academy of the dark arts in the multiverse. Other notable academies can be found in places like the City of Brass in the elemental plane of fire, the lowest plane of the multiverse, inside a bubble deep within the chaos of Limbo, or the most famous – inside a self-contained plane outside of the multiverse. The Academy has three permanent portals: one to Sigil, one to Mechanus, and one to the sewers under Aphetto. The area of land around the Academy appears to have come from a different place. Everything has a very stunted, cursed feel about it (Think shrine to Necrul from Fable). The sky appears to be an alien red sky in constant heat storm though it is actually quite cold. Acadamia Necromancia is a castle. It was torn out of a plane that was falling apart. The architecture has a gothic feel. Live gargoyles protect the castle.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: Acadamia Necromancia

Leadership Style: Headmaster

Patron Deity: Necrul

Symbol: The symbol in the Ancient Language for undeath

Other: This place is about survival of the fittest

Companions of Fury[edit]

HISTORY: The Companions of Fury were created during the Cabal War as a mercenary group whose inspiration was the infernal Companions of Wrath. They offered their services to whoever could pay, fighting their way across the Human Nations of the time in the southwest, and defending or assaulting (depending on who paid them more) artifacts in the ancient north and east. They were successful fighters and made a name for themselves as being worth the pay. Eventually, the hired-guns became one of the larger and more organized mercenary groups on Domanaria and made their base in southern Otaria, what they saw as the center of the world. Their first interplanar contract came from the Astral plane, to fight alongside the Gith. The combat was much more intense and dangerous but the pay was better. After that first war they fought in they started to seek interplanar contracts. Some of their legendary interplanar deeds include fighting for the Efreeti on the elemental plane of fire in the battle of the City of Brass, the failed invasion of the Tern Islands, and the Formian war across Mechanus. The mercenaries eventually found their way into the Blood War – in it they fought for both sides successfully (all things considered). Although at the end of their tour of duty in the Blood War they fought their idols – the Companions of Wrath – and were beaten quite badly. Seeking revenge against the Companions of Wrath they reentered the Blood War on the side of the Tanari (Demons). In an unexpected turn of events they ended up not fighting the Baatazu (Devils) or the Companions of Wrath, which were acting as mercenaries for them. They ended up getting drawn into an abyssal civil war between the Tanari and the Qlippoth. When fighting the Qlippoth, they were nearly destroyed – the fighting was unlike anything the Companions of Fury had seen before. They ended up having to retreat out of the plane as fast as they could, picking the first portal they found for a quick exit. They emerged first into the Demonweb Pits and then through several other random layers of the Abyss before they found their way back to the Astral plane and from there to the prime. After this they quit the business for awhile and began rebuilding, taking a couple of contracts on Domanaria which were of no challenge after their interplanar combat training. At this point they were some of the best troops in the prime (circa 3rd Age). As they were trying to rebuild, the Paladins bought their services out for the duration of the Paladonic War against the Cabal. They honor this agreement today, training new recruits in the brutal fighting in Otaria, keeping their reputation as the best mercenaries on Dominaria yet not as interplanar soldiers (humans never did great at that). They still have their old citadel but less than 20% of their original operation remain. The Companions of Fury is organized into Footmen, Captains and Commanders. Footmen are organized into warbands of twelve commanded by a Captain. A Commander oversees about twenty Captains. Currently there is one Commander. He is a half-fiend Tiefling fighter named Curk. Footmen are usually around level three and LT’s level six, while both Commanders are level fourteen. Grafts are usually a sign of “rank within rank”.

Area of Influence: N/A

Base of Operations: The Stone Citadel, Southern Paladonia

Leadership Style: Chain of Command

Patron Deity: Hextor (?)

Symbol: the symbol for wrath in Abyssal

United Western Merchants Guild[edit]

HISTORY: The Merchants Guild was formed almost as soon as the humans established civilization on Domanaria at Athos. Originally called simply the Merchants Guild, it was later formed into the United Western Merchants Guild after King John expanded it to the western coast and isles and merged remnants of the Imperial Merchants Guild from the Old Empire. It has the honor of being the oldest of all the merchant guilds. They don’t have many problems with large pirate groups since at present they have an agreement with the Geno Huradin, giving them a percentage of their profits in exchange for not plaguing their trade. Their major impediments are the Mad Wizard, Ixidor of the Dead Isles in the western sea and the Bloodwake in the south, too powerful to be kept at bay by the Geno Huradin. They have the largest fleet of trade ships of any guild and maintain several frigates and one iron-clad cruiser, the Fine Print, for defense and the occasional aggressive negotiation. They do extensive trading with the Arcadian Federation of Mercers and Spicers and Illunia above the Verge having two long range shipping barges. For this reason they maintain a fleet of privateers to protect their ships.

Area of Influence: The west

Base of Operations: Athos

Leadership Style: Council of magistrates

Symbol: White banner with an oak leaf cluster surrounding a gold piece

Other: Think East India Trading Company

Arcadian Federation of Mercers and Spicers[edit]

HISTORY: The Arcadian Merchants Guild as it is sometimes referred to, was formed by the Arcadian Republic shortly after its beginning so that its merchants could compete with the United Western Merchants Guild (at the time it was still simply the Merchant Guild). Within Arcadian borders it has no real competitors because it is government run. The prices within the Arcadian Merchants Guild are slightly higher but the quality is better. They have good relations with the Southern Caliphate and some of the southern islands surrounding Rome. Their overland trade routes reach all the way into the outskirts of Otaria and the Great Eastern Desert. The Arcadian fleet protects their ships from the Geno Huradin and organized pirates to the east. The guilds overland trade routes are protected by small cohorts of Roman Legionnaires.

Area of Influence: Arcadian Empire and parts of the east

Base of Operations: Arcadia City

Leadership Style: Senate

Patron Deity: God of trade, travel, and seas

Symbol: The symbol of the current ruling house of Rome

Southern Caliphate’s Royal Mercantilists (Pashas)[edit]

HISTORY: The Royal Mercantilists have existed as an extension of the Southern Caliphates power for most of history. During the period of the Grand Caliphate, the Mercantilists spread their trade all across the Great Eastern Desert to the elves and into Otaria. At present most of their trade is within the Southern Caliphate, Arcadia and the desert. However, all the old trade routes still exist and are infrequently used. Overland trade routes are harassed by raiders. Ocean-going trading fleets are armed to protect themselves from pirates. Trade with the Cimmerians occasionally happens and goods from that region are considered luxuries. Trade with the Dark Kingdoms is nonexistent.

Area of Influence: Southern Caliphate

Base of Operations: Grand Caliph Royal Admiralty

Leadership Style: Sub Caliphate

Patron Deity: Arabic god

Symbol: Grand Caliphates Royal Crest


HISTORY: The Independent Merchants Guild, or Independents, was formed during the 2nd Age to combat the monopoly of the huge merchant guilds. Most of the smaller independent merchants, miners, smithers, and many Island traders are arms of the Independents. They all help each other by increasing demand, finding new trade routes etc. They usually price their goods to undercut the larger competitors offering very good prices to each other for goods, supplies, and information; so although they don’t actually share capital they do work together. One of the most common jobs for a freelance fighter or ranger could be to protect a caravan or actually deliver goods. They supply most of the work for small, unknown mercenary groups. The Independents operate all across Dominaria. The main danger to them is inland bandit groups and mercenaries hired by larger guilds. All of their shipping is hired out; they have very few ships, sticking close to the shores so as to avoid danger from pirates.

Area of Influence: Dominaria

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: Partnership with larger groups coordinating regions

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: Four arms interlaced with a gold piece in the center (allstate)

Other: Think of the Independents as a union – more of a bunch of individuals working together than an actually organization

Greymare Academy[edit]

HISTORY: Established early on in human civilization in Athos by the earliest Arch Mages as a means to train people in the higher forms of magic. The Academy has existed throughout the ages and served as a stronghold during the Cabal War, the Phyrexian Crisis and managed to survive the Great Magical Purge mostly intact although many of its students were killed. Young wizards and sorcerers come from all over to try out for the Academy. Clerics are extraordinarily rare because most of them are devoted to a deity to receive their spells. Druids, rangers and paladins usually don’t have strong enough magic to gain entrance. At the Academy people learn herbology, history and the various knowledges as well as magical arts. All forms of magic are taught except for necromancy because it is not considered a “higher” form of magic. Each various school of magic has various classes, for example conjurers will be taught about beasts and demons, and the best way to summon them. Extensive potion making is taught as well as the use of weapons and magical items available to wizards and sorcerers. All languages relevant to the use of magic are taught as well as obscure dead languages useful for studying ancient texts and rituals. Prior to graduating the Greymare Academy, students must often go on many trips and expeditions to test what they have learned. Based on the skill of the student and their area of study these tests can be more and more deadly or difficult. Upon graduation students often apply to different guilds and their obligation to the Academy is that they have to pay off debts and share new knowledge gained. At present the Academy is rebuilding itself after the magical purge. People generally help each other at the Academy however there are occasional students (usually the most powerful) that only work for themselves and will take advantage of the other students.

Area of Influence: The magical community

Base of Operations: Greymare Academy, Athos

Leadership Style: Headmaster

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: A grey willow tree with no leaves

Order of the White Sword[edit]

HISTORY: These are the good Dragon Riders. They were formed out of several different groups of Riders in the (Age) as a result of the forming of the Order of the Black Sword. They fought as agents of law and good in most every conflict up until the Great Crusade. They also acted as arbiters in disputes all over western Dominaria, with most countries in the west and Otaria acknowledging their almost divine authority. Their base was in the ruins of the city of Cartaan in Cormyr. Their two most famous members were Kamahl and Ixidor. Kamahl was an escaped Cabal pit fighter and Ixidor a war hero from the Cabal War. The two became heroes all over Dominaria, Kamahl - strong and silent and Ixidor - sexy overspoken hero. When the two left for the Crusade, they took ten or so other riders with them against the rule of the council. Ixidor and Kamahl figured if they led the Crusade, the Order would get the lion’s share of the treasure. While they were gone, the council condemned them. Long story short, only Ixidor returned from the Crusade alive. When he found he had been condemned, he left for Otaria and commanded the Riders of the Northern Paladin/Daru combined legion until his (supposed) death at the hand of the Wandering One. The Mage’s council and the Empire finished up the breaking up of the White Hand and most of the remaining members found their way to Arcadia or Otaria to serve in their forces. Some rather disgruntled members sold their services to the highest bidders (invariably the bad guys) and wreaked havoc. These days, after the Purge, the White Hand is reforming in a new base in Illeria. They are recruiting any dragon riders (basically anyone who can get a Dragon mount) and training them in the Dragon Rider class (need to recreate).

Area of Influence:

Base of Operations:

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


Order of the Black Sword[edit]

HISTORY: Yep, you guessed it; these are the bad Dragon Riders. They formed out of many different beast and dragon riding groups that, before then, had existed solely for profit/mercenary/looting purposes. They existed on their own for awhile but eventually succumbed to the failing of many big merc/pirate groups: not enough work to go around. They eventually offered their services to the Cabal. The Cabal leadership leaped at the idea. During the first few battles they were used, the Cabal won ridiculous victories. As if legions of fighters, undead, mercs and constructs weren’t bad enough, now they were led by terrifying fighters on enormous mounts and dragons. Over time, the group became an exclusively dragon riding group as the other types of magical mounts were organized into other units. These days, their biggest rivals are the White Hand (as the riders of the Northern Paladin still call themselves). New riders are recruited from the best fighters the Cabal has. They are given eggs purchased from evil dragons and train their dragons from birth. All of the Black Sword’s riders wear all black and enamel their weapons black. The dragon’s armor is black only if it consents to it. The leader of the order wields the legendary weapon Blackrazor.

Area of Influence:

Base of Operations:

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


Pirate Brotherhood[edit]

HISTORY: The Pirate Brotherhood is a loose alliance of the pirates operating off of Corsica; the only ones powerful enough to resist the Geno Huradin. Black Romsca, Twinblades, The Bloody Nine, and Splitjaw Cairn hold this together. They agree to respect each other’s land on the island and to try not to attack each other at sea. They also agree that the lake in the middle of the island is neutral and owned by no one, just to be used for safe haven and inter-group trade. As for the seas, all the groups come together each month and decide which territories belong to whom. Impartial judges, called the Reckoners, make sure no one gets the good spots over and over and that everything is ‘fair’. To get a spot, any pirate group, no matter how large, must pay for it. The Reckoners use this money to buy out captured pirates out of jail (if you are part of one of the Pirate Brotherhood, most countries have the good sense not to execute you). There is a sizable fee to join the brotherhood and get berthing on the island (fee is so big because most of the big groups have large territories on the island and will only rent out births and towns), but the benefits far outweigh the cost. Groups not in the Brotherhood are fair game. The Brotherhood all share a healthy fear of the Black Romsca and Bloodwake and its fearsome crew. The last time a Brotherhood group pissed off the Bloodwake, it battered its way through several infamous ships and landed on the groups territory, proceeding to kill the chief and his whole extended family.

Area of Influence:

Base of Operations:

Leadership Style:

Patron Deity:


The Magi[edit]

HISTORY: The Magi are a group of neutral wizards that started up in the 4th Age after the Purge split the Arch Mage Council into two, those who sought vengeance (the Magus) and those who sought peace (Magi). They have remained neutral throughout Domanarian conflicts and tend to adventure out in the planes. Their goal is to collect artifacts and magical equipment to gain power. So far they have two notable items; the Shadowstaff and (…). For guildhouses they take old abandoned towers and way forts over restoring them from somewhat. They have a network of teleporters and crystal balls for communication. When the Great Magical Purge struck, they were better prepared than most yet still took heavy losses. Their four main guildhouses of Lacertus, Patientia, Devotio and Veneficus held up (and are now the last remaining guildhouses they oversee) but the other dozen or so bases were ransacked and destroyed. In the chaos after the Purge, the Magi made a fortress on the Ethereal Plane and linked the four remaining strongholds to it. It is a well guarded secret. Their four remaining strongholds are now very strong after redoubled efforts to fortify them have taken place. Most civilians have resentment towards open magic now and particularly “the Greys” because they are an order deeply devoted to magic and are often wrongly grouped in with the Magus. The Magi eagerly accept new wizards and employ them. They still adventure for artifacts and the now rather rare magic items. The Magi are also working to dissolve the Magus.

Area of Influence: The West

Base of Operations: The Ethereal Citadel

Leadership Style: Grandmaster

Patron Deity: Varies

Symbol: A gnarled staff with a nimbus of light

The Magus[edit]

HISTORY: The Magus are a semi-secret group of magicians that exist in the West. They are everywhere only under the radar. They meet in secret cultish groups in basements and sewers and the like. Their identifier is an enchanted, irremovable tattoo (no one else knows about it and it cannot be duplicated. It must be specially enchanted – through a Feat). The tattoo is usually inside the forearm. Their goal is to avenge the Purge. They create chaos and unorganized terrorist attacks in spectacular ways only a wizard could do then melt back into the city using minor adepts as their scapegoats. “The Greys” are feared by many and they enjoy the reputation. They were born from the remainders of the Arch Mage Council of the Old Empire. The overall objective is to eventually regain parts of the Old Empire and rebuild it how it was – nearly impossible for a relatively small group but still enough to be a threat. Depending on whether or not the PC is an adept (has control over magic) they may be secretly, overtly or through a proxy (might not even know they’re doing it) contacted by the Magus for aid. Or be asked to help root some out by local authorities. Leadership starts at the few remaining Arch Mages who have control over City Overseers who control their own cities Cult Leaders (numbers change based on size or influence in the city) who subsequently control their own portion of Cult Members.

Area of Influence: The West

Base of Operations: N/A

Leadership Style: Arch Mages (unknown number left, very secretive)

Patron Deity: dark god of secrets

Symbol: Tattoo (by city but all of them must bear the symbol of the Old Empire somewhere on them)

Other: Cult Leader Groups may have feuds with other Groups within a city

Imperial Academy[edit]

HISTORY: The Imperial Academy is a gigantic university built in the Centrality by the House Tionne when they ruled as the Imperial Family. It is a school of magic, warfare and knowledge: anything the Empire’s elite would have wanted to be schooled in. Its sprawling campus includes laboratories, classrooms, workshops, training facilities, several stadiums which include magically alterable landscapes as well as rather Spartan living quarters, dining centers and a palace with a grand banquet hall. The large campus also houses several divine colleges. The entire university is built in high Imperial style with sweeping corridors, columns, arches and mosaics. The House Saarkonnen, being the current Imperial Family, rules over the Academy. As the Empire is no longer an entity and the Imperial Family no longer has unlimited amounts of resources, the university though still functional has fallen on hard times. It still teaches first class and is still a hotspot for wealthy nobles but parts of the university have fallen into disarray and some parts are not even used. The Academy is currently mostly a school of knowledge and religion but magic and warfare are still taught. The most unused part of the campus are probably the grandiose fighting stadiums which have been derelict for many years now. The main problem with the stadiums is that the enchantments used to govern their vast magically alterable environments no longer have anyone controlling them, therefore the magical environments have grown out of control. Entering into any one of the seven stadiums can be incredibly dangerous and there is an immense standing bounty for anyone who can clear one of them out. Going into one is akin to entering Jurassic Park x10. Area of Influence: The West Base of Operations: Imperial Academy Leadership Style: Dean from the Royal Family Patron Deity: N/A Symbol: The royal crest of the House Tionne.

Monks of Chaos[edit]

HISTORY: The Monks of Chaos is an order of monks that reside within the depths of Mana Wastes in the Great Eastern Desert. They built they’re monastery long ago into the Howlers Craig which is all the remains of a gigantic ancient citadel. Rather than devote themselves to the pursuit of inner peace with which to focus their ki energy as most monks do, they devote themselves to meditation on pure, unadulterated chaos. They meditate daily, sitting on the shattered peaks of the citadel in the howling winds of the Mana Wastes, guarding this untapped goldmine of magic for purposes no one knows. When they’re not meditating, they’re studying knowledge or whatever their currently devoting themselves to be it martial arts, pottery making, archery etc. The Monks, while devoted to raw chaos, were pushed from Limbo to the prime by the evil actions of one of their Grandmasters many years ago. Overnight the monastery had been ripped from one plane to another. A group of the Monks have devoted themselves to returning their monastery to its ancestral position in Limbo and will often do good deeds for those who venture into they’re humble abode. The monastery itself is more of an enclave. There is an outer wall built all the way around the monastery, a literal bubble of stone imbued with magic to keep the chaos of Limbo from destroying the monastery. The magical effect works just as well in Pandemonium. The inside of the monastery contains a library, an entire farm for subsistence, sparing and reading rooms, a dormitory and lots of empty space filled with Zen-type rock gardens. The monks personal life is relatively peaceful because even though they study and draw power from chaos they know that nothing in the monastery would ever be finished if they let it intrude into their personal life.

Area of Influence: Cocytus

Base of Operations: The monastery

Leadership Style: Grandmaster

Patron Deity: fill in later

Symbol: A swirling vortex of the spectrum

Carthaga Nova[edit]

HISTORY: Carthaga Nova is a university built by the Daru when they first allied with the Paladins. They built it because the Paladins convinced them of the importance of the study of knowledge. It was erected in the original Daru capitol of Mirari; the city of Paladonis in the center of Otaria, the most likely choice for a grand university, was under siege. It is now renowned as the greatest center of learning in Otaria. Its closest rivals are the Greymare Academy and Imperial Academy. Due to its centralized location in Southern Paladonia, most Daru and Paladonic nobles are able to send their children to it and, when the roads are open, Arcadian nobles will also attend the university. It is mostly a university of higher learning although there are several arcane and divine colleges on campus. Size wise Carthaga Nova was originally nearly as large as the Imperial Academy but constant warfare, lack of consistent funding and barbaric raids from the Pardic Mountains have gradually weathered the university. It is currently a depiction of fallen grandeur; symbolic of all of Otaria. The education is still top notch, just enrollment and upkeep have been significantly decreased. The only new additions to the university since its inception have been a large castle and a garrison.

Area of Influence: Otaria and Arcadia

Base of Operations: Carthaga Nova

Leadership Style: Headmaster and Garrison Commander

Patron Deity: N/A

Symbol: The Grand Daru Crest

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