Fairy Dragon (3.5e Creature)

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Fairy Dragon

Type: Dragon
Environment: temperate forests, tall grasslands
Organization: Wyrmling, Very Young:Clutch (2-4); Young, Juvenile, Young adult, Adult, Mature adult: Solitary or clutch (2-4); Old, Very old, Ancient, Wyrm, Great wyrm: Solitary (with sprite companions) or family (1-2 and 2-5 offspring)
Challenge Rating: Wyrmling 4; very young 7; young 9; juvenile 11; young adult 14; adult 16; mature adult 19; old 21; very old 22; ancient 24; wyrm 25; great wyrm 27
Treasure: triple standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Good
Advancement: Wyrmling 8-10 (Small) HD; very young 11-13 (medium) HD; young 14-16 (medium) HD; juvenile 17-19 (large) HD; young adult 20-22 (Huge) HD; adult 23-25 (Huge) HD; mature adult 26-28 (Huge) HD; old 29-31 (Huge) HD; very old 32-34 (Huge) HD; ancient 35-37 (Gargantuan) HD; wyrm 38-40 (Gargantuan) HD; great wyrm 41+(Colossal) HD
Level Adjustment: wyrmling +4, very young +5, young +6

Fairy Dragons by Age
Age Size Hit Dice (hp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Base Attack/
Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Breath Weapon (DC) Frightful Presence DC
Wyrmling S 8D12+6 (58) 13 18 12 15 17 16 +8/+5 +10 7 10 9 2D6 (15) -
Very young M 11D12+22 (93) 15 18 14 17 19 18 +11/+13 +13 9 10 11 4D6 (17) -
Young M 14D12+28 (119) 17 18 14 17 19 18 +14/+21 +16 11 11 13 6D6 (19) -
Juvenile L 17D12+51 (161) 19 18 16 19 21 20 +17/+25 +22 13 12 15 8D6 (21) -
Young adult H 20D12+80 (210) 23 18 18 19 21 20 +20/+34 +24 16 13 17 10D6 (24) 25
Adult H 23D12+115 (265) 27 18 20 21 23 22 +23/+39 +29 18 15 19 12D6 (26) 27
Mature adult H 26d12+130 (299) 29 18 20 21 23 22 +26/+43 +33 20 17 21 14D6 (28) 29
Old H 29d12+174 (363) 31 18 22 25 27 26 +29/+47 +37 22 18 24 16D6 (31) 33
Very old H 32D12+192 (400) 33 18 22 27 29 28 +32/+51 +43 24 20 27 18D6 (32) 35
Ancient G 35D12+245 (472) 35 18 24 29 31 30 +35/+59 +43 26 20 29 20D6 (34) 37
Wyrm G 38D12+342 (589) 39 18 28 31 33 32 +38/+64 +48 28 22 31 22D6 (38) 40
Great wyrm C 41d12+410 (676) 43 18 30 33 35 34 +41/+73 +49 30 23 33 24D6 (40) 42

Fairy Dragon Abilities by Age
Age Speed Initiative AC Special Abilities Caster Level SR
Wyrmling 60ft fly 100ft (perfect) swim 30ft +8 19 (+1 size +4 dex +4 natural), touch 15,
flat-footed 15
water breathing, immune to light, detect magic - -
Very young 60ft fly 100ft (perfect) swim 30ft +8 21 (+4 dex +7 natural), touch 14,
flat-footed 17
charm monster, ghost sound, dancing lights - -
Young 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 24 (+4 dex +10 natural), touch 14,
flat-footed 20
entangle, glitterdust 1st -
Juvenile 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 26 (-1 size +4 dex +13 natural), touch 13,
flat-footed 22
invisibility 3rd -
Young adult 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 29 (-2 size +4 dex +16 natural), touch 12,
flat-footed 24
Damage Reduction 5/magic 5th 16
Adult 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 31 (-2 size +4 dex +19 natural), touch 12,
flat-footed 27
major image, obscuring mist 7th 18
Mature adult 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 34 (-2 size +4 dex +22 natural), touch 12,
flat-footed 30
Damage Reduction 10/magic 9th 20
Old 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 37 (-2 size +4 dex +25 natural), touch 12,
flat-footed 33
animate objects 11th 21
Very old 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 40 (-2 size +4 dex +28 natural), touch 12,
flat-footed 36
Damage Reduction 15/magic and 5/evil, mind fog 13th 23
Ancient 60ft fly 150ft (good) swim 30ft +8 41 (-4 size +4 dex +31 natural), touch 10,
flat-footed 37
project image 15th 24
Wyrm 60ft fly 200ft (average) swim 30ft +8 44 (-4 size +4 dex +34 natural), touch 10,
flat-footed 40
Damage Reduction 20/magic and 10/evil 17th 25
Great wyrm 60ft fly 200ft (average) swim 30ft +8 44 (-8 size +4 dex +37 natural), touch 6,
flat-footed 39
commune with nature 19th 27
  • can also cast cleric spells and spells from the chaos, good, luck, and trickery domains as arcane spells.

The creature before you has a tail that constantly flicks and twitches. It bears a sharp-toothed smile as it watches you carefully. It takes a deep breath before breathing a brightly colored cone over you that leaves you feeling euphoric.

2 cute widdle fairy druid dragons playing in the woods. But seriously, are you sure starting a forest fire is a good idea?


Fairy Dragons have iridescent scales that alternate between reflecting the colors of the rainbow and a deep purple. Its butterfly like wings are a brilliant platinum with an almost translucent sheen. They often ally with pixies, sprites, and other fey creatures in their forest homes, as well as any creature that shows respect and/or a connection to nature. They can often be found near a dryad's tree, or a nymph's lake, as they get along very well with such creatures. They are incredibly mischievous, and love to play pranks. They take great care though, to ensure the targets of their tricks are not put in any real danger.


A Fairy Dragon would rather lead intruders away than confront them directly. If forced into combat, a fairy dragon tries to confound and bewilder opponents. They would rather embarrass an opponent and have them leave with their heads in shame. If this falls short, it summons allies and/or animates objects to assist it, using its entangle, charm, and glitterdust abilities to neutralize more dangerous foes. It will only use its more powerful abilities such as its spells, melee, and breath if its life or that of its allies are truly in mortal danger. However, Fairy Dragons despise undead with ever fiber of their being, and will without hesitation bring the full force of their powers to bear in an attempt to destroy them as fast as possible, not giving up the chase until the undead creature's final destruction.

Breath Weapon (Su)

A Fairy Dragon has two breath weapons, a cone of light (treat as force effect), and a cone of euphoria gas. Against undead, the cone of light deals d8's instead of d6 damage, and undead vulnerable to sunlight that fail their save vs the cone of light are destroyed. Creatures caught in the cone of gas must succeed on a will save or be dazed for 1D6 rounds plus 1 round per age category of the dragon.

Water Breathing (Ex)

A Fairy Dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged.

Immune to Light (Ex)

Fairy dragons are immune to any damage dealing light effect, including the breath weapon of other Fairy Dragons, and spells of the evocation school, such as searing light or sunbeam, and any effect that causes blindness. Fairy dragons may drop or resume this immunity at will, to receive a beneficial light effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp)

At will:--Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound; 3/day:--Charm Monster, Entangle, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Major Image, Obscuring Mist; 1/day--Animate Objects, Mind Fog, Project Image, Summon Nature's Ally IV; 1/month:--Commune with Nature. Use age category or caster level, whichever is higher as the caster level for these abilities.

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