Witcher, 2nd Variant (5e Class)

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<!-Introduction Leader->

Creating a Witcher

Quick Build

You can make a Witcher quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity or Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the Urban Bounty Hunter background. Third, choose two swords one silvered and one not

Class Features

As a Witcher you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Witcher level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Witcher level after 1st


Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy
Weapons: Short Swords, Great Swords, Long Swords, Hand CrossBows,
Tools: Alchemist Tools and Playing Cards
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Constitution
Skills: Perception, Survival, Nature, Investigation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Short Sword or (b) Long Sword or (c) Great Sword
  • (a) Silvered Short Sword or (b) Silvered Long Sword or (c) Silvered Great Sword
  • (a) Crossbow with 20 silvered bolts or (b) {{{item3b}}}

Table: The Witcher

Level Proficiency
1st +2 Witcher Senses
2nd +2 Signs, Oils
3rd +2 Witcher Specialization
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Witcher Specialization
7th +3 Evasion
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Oil II
10th +4 Witcher's Resolve
11th +4 Witcher Specialization
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Oil III
14th +5 Mutant
15th +5 Witcher Specialization
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Oil IV
18th +6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Witcher Specialization

Witcher Senses

You have advantage on Intelligence checks to recall information on monsters, Survival checks to track monsters and Perception checks when you are aware of a nearby monsters presence


As an action you can cast any of the following signs, the number of times each sign can be used is equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum 1), you regain all uses at a short/Long rest. You can only have 1 sign prepared at at time and gain an addition prepared sign at levels 5,10,15 and 20. You can also switch which sign you have prepared at a short/long rest. Sign DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Wis Mod


A directed blast of telekentic energy that staggers opponents. Each creature in a 10 foot cone in front of you must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Sign DC. On a failed save a creature is pushed back 5 feet, if a creature fails by 5 or more they also fall prone


A directed fiery blast that damages enemies. Each creature in a 10 foot cone in front of you must make a Dexterity Saving Throw on a failed save a creature takes XD8 Fire damage where x is half your level . If the creature fails by 5 or more they ignite on fire and take 1D10 damage at the start of their turn until they use an action to douse the flames.


Magic Trap that slows enemies who enter its area of effect. A ring around you forms in a 5 foot radius, the area is considered difficult terrain for all enemies, and enemies cant use abilities that would allow them to transform. The ring lasts for 3 turns


Protective shield that lasts until you take damage. The shield ignores the next source of incoming damage. The shield lasts until you take damage or for one minute.


Charms an opponents mind, temporarily eliminating them from combat. You force a creature to make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Sign DC on a failed save the target is stunned until the start of your next turn


You can use your alchemist tools to make specific oils that can be applied to your blade to enhance your effectiveness against certain types of creatures. When making the oil you must designate a creature type (ie:Dragons, Monstrosities, ect) that the oil is effective against. Applying oil to a blade takes 1 minute. A blade with oil on it deals an extra 1D4 damage to the designated creature type each time they are hit with that weapon. Basic oils have 20 charges before the oil must be re-applied. You can make a number of oils per short rest equal to your intelligence modifier

Witcher Specialization

At 3rd level, you chose a Witcher Specialization. Choose between Caster, Alchemist, or Bomber . Your choice grants you features at 3rd Level and again at 6th, 11th, 15th and 20th Level

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a Fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.

Poisoned Blades

At 9th Level When you hit a creature with a weapon coated with the corresponding blade oil they must make a Constitution Saving Throw DC = 8 + Prof + Int Modifier or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned they can make the save again at the end of each of their turns. Blade oils now have 40 charges and deal an extra 1D6 to the chosen target

Witcher's Resolve

Beginning at 10th level you have advantage on all saving throws against non-humanoid creatures and you are immune to being frightened by non-humanoid creatures.

Protective Coating

At 13th Level you are resistant to damage from the creature type of the oil your weapon is coated with. Blade oils now have 60 charges and deal 1D8 damage to the target


At 14th Level you are immune to poison and disease


At 17th Level Blade oils now have 120 charges and damage to the selected target from critical hits is doubled


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Witcher Specialization (Alchemist)

At 3rd level when you choose this specialization you gain expertise in alchemist tools. During a short/Long rest you can brew witcher potions and decoctions. These potions and decoctions only work on witchers, Decoctions are a stronger form of potions that last longer and have more toxcicity. The number of potions/Decoctions you can make per rest is equal to your Level in this class and when you finish a rest the potions/decoctions you made during previous rests become ineffective.You cannot have more than 5 of one potion on you at one time. When a potion/Decoction is imbibed your toxicity increases by an amount shown described in its description. If drinking a potion/Decoction would cause you to go over your toxicity limit you do not gain the effects of that potion. Your toxicity limit equals 10 times your Constitution Score. At the start of each turn reduce your toxicity by an amount equal to your Constitution Modifier but if you have taken a decoction, toxicity cant be reduced by the total amount of toxicity gained by Decoctions. Potions last for 1 minute and Decoctions last for 1 hour removing all their toxicity when their duration ends. The potions that can be created are listed at the end of this subclasses description


At 6th Level while your toxicity is above 0 you add your intelligence modifier to your AC

Tissue Transmutation

At 11th level While a decoction is active your maximum health is increased by 10 for each decoction

Fast metabolism

At 15 Level Your toxicity drops by an additional 5 points per round

Killing Spree

At 20th level whenever you kill an enemy while your toxicity is above 0 reduce the number required for critical hits by 2 for the remainder of the fight.

Black Blood

While active if a creature damages the witcher with a bite attack they take 1D10 acid damage (Toxicity 15)

Enhanced Black Blood (Level 11)

While active if a creature damages the witcher with a bite attack they take 1D10 acid damage and if they are a fiend or vampire they are knocked back 5 feet (Toxicity 25)

Superior Black Blood (Level 20)

While active if a creature damages the witcher with a bite attack they take 1D10 acid damage and if they are a fiend or vampire they are knocked back 5 feet. Additionally any fiend or vampire that starts their turn within 10 feet of the witcher takes 1D10 Psychic Damage (Toxicity 25)


After you kill an enemy your AC is increased by 3 until the start of your next turn (Cannot Stack) (Toxicity 15)

Enhanced Blizzard (Level 11)

After you kill an enemy your AC is increased by 4 for 2 turns (Cannot Stack) (Toxicity 25)

Superior Blizzard (Level 20)

After you kill an enemy your AC is increased by 5 for 3 turns (Cannot Stack) (Toxicity 25)


Grants dark vision while active (Toxicity 15)

Enhanced Cat (Level 11)

Grants dark vision while active and immunity to being stunned (Toxicity 15)

Superior Cat (Level 20)

Grants True Sight while active and immunity to being stunned (Toxicity 15)

Full Moon

Increase maximum HP by an amount equal to your level + your Intelligence Modifier (Toxicity 25)

Enhanced Full Moon (Level 11)

Increase maximum HP by an amount equal to your level + your Intelligence Score (Toxicity 25)

Superior Full Moon (Level 20)

Increase maximum HP by an amount equal to your level + your Intelligence Score also heals for an amount equal to your toxicity (Toxicity 20)

Golden Oriole

Grants resistance to poison damage (Toxicity 20)

Enhanced Golden Oriole (Level 11)

Grants immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition (Toxicity 20)

Superior Golden Oriole (Level 20)

When you would take damage from poison you instead heal for that amount, immunity to the poisoned condition (Toxicity 20)

Petri's Philter

Aard now pushes creatures back 10 feet instead of 5 Igni deals an addditional 1D6 fire damage Yrden has a 10 ft radius Quen shields wont break unless damage exceeds your level Axii - Creatures are stunned for 2 turns but can make additional saves at the end of each of your turns after the first (Toxicity 25)

Enhanced Petri's Philter (Level 11)

Aard now pushes creatures back 15 feet instead of 5 Igni deals an addditional 2D6 fire damage Yrden has a 15 ft radius Quen shields wont break unless damage exceeds twice your level Axii - Creatures are stunned for 3 turns but can make additional saves at the end of each of your turns after the first (Toxicity 25)

Superior Philter (Level 20)

Signs now apply their additional effect (If they have one) even if the creature doesn't fail by 5 or more Aard now pushes creatures back 20 feet instead of 5 Igni deals an addditional 3D6 fire damage Yrden has a 20 ft radius Quen shields wont break unless damage exceeds three times your level Axii - Creatures are stunned for 4 turns but can make additional saves at the end of each of your turns after the first (Toxicity 25)


Heals 1D4 +intelligence modifier at the start of each turn, Does not heal if you've taken damage since the start of your last turn (Toxicity 20)

Enhanced Swallow (Level 11)

Heals 1D6 +intelligence modifier at the start of each turn, Does not heal if you've taken damage since the start of your last turn (Toxicity 20)

Superior Swallow (Level 20)

Heals 1D6 +intelligence modifier at the start of each turn, even if you have taken damage since your last turn (Toxicity 20)

Thunder Bolt

Weapon attacks deal an extra 1D4 damage (Toxicity 25)

Enhanced Thunder Bolt (Level 11)

Weapon attacks deal an extra 1D6 damage (Toxicity 25)

Superior Thunder Bolt (Level 20)

Weapon attacks deal an extra 1D8 damage anad while in stormy weather attacks that hit are considered critical hits (Toxicity 25)

White Raffard's Decoction

Heals by 25% of your max hp rounded down (Toxicity 30)

Enhanced White Raffard's Decoction (Level 11)

Heals by 50% of your max hp rounded down (Toxicity 30)

Superior White Raffard's Decoction (Level 20)

Heals your hp to full (Toxicity 30)

Killer Whale

Grants Water Breathing and advantage on perception checks while underwater (Toxicity 15)

White Honey

Clears all potion effects and sets toxicity to 0

Arachas Decoction

Grants resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, piercing and Slashing (Toxicity 70)

Chort Decoction

Grants immunity to being knocked prone (Toxicity 70)

Doppler Decoction

Critical hits deal an extra 2D6 damage if behind the attacker (Toxicity 70)

Ekhimmara Decoction

You heal for half the damage you deal with melee weapons (Toxicity 70)

Grave Hag Decoction

At the start of your turn you heal for 1D4 for each enemy killed during a fight (Toxicity 70)

Griffin Decoction

When you take damage reduce the damage by 1 for each time you've taken damage of that type during the fight (Toxicity 70)

Katakan Decoction

Reduce the number needed for rolling a critical hit by 1 when attacking (Toxicity 70)

Leshen Decoction

When a creature damages you in melee combat they take 1D6 Damage (Toxicity 70)

Noon Wraith Decoction

You have advantage on saves against being knocked prone, blinded charmed or stunned (Toxicity 70)

Reliever Decoction

You are resistant to damage dealt by creatures with a spectral form (ie Ghosts, Specters) and you deal double damage to them (Toxicity 70)

Troll Decoction

During combat you heal for 1D4 at the start of each turn Outside of combat you heal for 1D6 every 6 seconds

Water Hag Decoction

When at full HP increase all damage dealt by 1D4 (Toxicity 70)

Werewolf Decoction

You cannot gain levels of exhaustion (Toxicity 70)

Wraith Decoction

When you take damage that exceeds a third of your health you can use your reaction to cast the quen sign (Toxicity 70)


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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