Complete Arcane

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Complete Arcane
Abbreviation: CAr
Author: Richard Baker
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Item Code: 179250000
Release Date: November 2004
Format: Hardcover
Page Count: 192
ISBN-10: 0-7869-3435-2
Price: $29.95 ; C$44.95
Product Blurb:
Master Eldritch Secrets and Formidable Power

Myth and mystery surround those who wield the awe-inspiring might of arcane magic. Whether through ancient knowledge, innate talent, or supernatural gift, these formidable and versatile spellcasters command powers beyond measure.

This supplement for the D&D game provides everything you need to expand the power of arcane magic for characters of any class. Along with new base classes, prestige classes, feats, spells, monsters, and magic items, Complete Arcane provides guidelines for spell duels, arcane organizations, and other aspects of a campaign world imbued with magic.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.


Name Page Description
Warlock 5 Born of a supernatural bloodline, a warlock seeks to master the perilous magic that suffuses his soul. Unlike sorcerers or wizards, who approach arcane magic through the medium of spells, a warlock invokes powerful magic through nothing more than an effort of will. By harnessing his innate magical gift through fearsome determination and force of will,a warlock can perform feats of supernatural stealth, beguile the weak-minded, or scour his foes with blasts of eldritch power.
Warmage 10 Some spellcasters care for only one thing: war. They dream of steel and mighty blasts of devastating magic, the march of troops, and the unleashed destruction found on battlefields everywhere. Graduates of special arcane war colleges, those known as warmages are drilled only and utterly in the casting of spells most useful for laying down destruction, confusing an enemy, or screening an allied action. The utilitarian spells used by wizards and sorcerers have little importance to a warmage’s way of thinking. What are support casters for, after all? A warmage cares only for success on the battlefield, or, in some cases, in the series of smaller campaigns favored by adventuring companies.
Wu Jen 14 Wu jen are spellcasters with mysterious powers. They command the elements, spirit forces, and the powers of nature. They are seldom found living with the rest of human society. Instead, they live as hermits in the wilderness, purifying their bodies and minds to contact the various natural and supernatural powers of the world. From these entities they learn their spells—magical means to control the invisible forces of the world.

Prestige Classes[edit]

Name Page Description
Acolyte of the Skin 19 The temptation of power drives some people to extreme lengths, regardless of the consequences. Replacing your own skin with that of a living demon is a goal that most couldn’t even conceive of, let alone consider. But this ghastly fate is exactly what some spellcasters seek in their desperate quest.
Alienist 21 Alienists deal with powers and entities from terrifyingly remote reaches of space and time. For them, magical power is the triumph of the mind over the rude boundaries of dimension, distance, and often, sanity. With knowledge and determination, they pierce the barrier at the edge of time itself. In the Far Realm, outside time, Herculean minds drift, absorbed in contemplations of madness. Unspeakable beings whisper terrifying secrets to those who dare communication.

These secrets were not meant for mortals, but the alienist plunges into abysses of chaos and entropy that would blast a weaker mind. An alienist’s mad certainty is sometimes strong enough to sway others to believe in her own future transcendence.

Argent Savant 24 Of all the energies summoned or shaped by magic, force is perhaps the most pure. No analog for this power exists in the physical world; it comes into being only through the medium of spells, and therefore represents a perfection of intent that contradicts the imperfection of the everchanging world and its mutable elements. Sometimes referred to as the “force mage,” the argent savant regards spells that evoke or apply magical force as the noblest and most fascinating spells at her disposal, and she seeks to increase her understanding and control of this mystical power at every opportunity.
Blood Magus 26 Death is the ultimate risk that spellcasters, like all adventurers, must contend with. Some are cut down before they have a chance at true glory; others find true peace only in the afterlife; and others are brought back from death by companions with the powerful magical resources to perform such a miracle. For a rare few such arcanists, this trip to the great beyond and back brings a new enlightenment— a comprehension of the body and its individual parts that

transcends the understanding of those who have not experienced death and returned to tell the tale.

Effigy Master 30 Fascinated by the animating force of life itself, the effigy master is an expert in the imitation of true life. Through long study and experimentation, he learns to infuse his creations with a pseudolife far more resilient and vital than that which animates similar creations of other spellcasters. The effigy master brings to life sculptures made of clay, snow, wax, or mud, and uses this ability to create guardians, defenses, and even companions and cohorts. At the same time, the effigy master continues to study the secrets of magic, albeit at a slower pace.
Elemental Savant 32 Elemental savants study the basic building blocks of existence— air, earth, fi re, and water—learning to harness their powers. Eventually they transcend their mortal forms and become elemental beings.
Enlightened Fist 34 Not all monks pursue metaphysical perfection to the exclusion of all other study. Some monks combine a rigorous discipline of academic study with martial arts and development of the body. For these monks, that study includes the practice of magic and the implementation of certain arcane tricks into their unarmed combat styles. These enlightened fists master the use of touch spells, creating new forms of combat where their fi sts strike with blinding speed, phenomenal power, and magical energy.
Fatespinner 37 Some people are lucky; others are not. A few make their own luck. A fatespinner (also called a “mage of many fates”) has pulled back the curtain of chance, circumstance, and chaos to glimpse a deeper truth: probability. When one event occurs, innumerable possible ones do not as the universe blindly seeks balance. Through his newfound

understanding, the fatespinner satisfies that blind seeking—with prejudice. He can increase the probability of events in his favor.

Geometer 39 Runes, glyphs, sigils, and symbols hold great magical power. The geometer is the master of written magic and spells inscribed within a perfectly rendered diagram. While other spellcasters must record their spells in pages upon pages of cryptic formulae, the geometer knows that every spell has a perfect geometrical design, a figure whose angles and intersections hint at the secrets hidden in the structure of the multiverse.
Green Star Adept 41 Once each generation, the comet Alhazarde—the legendary Green Star—visits the night skies, a portent of great and terrible events. Beneath its emerald light, kings rise or fall, weird monsters and magical plagues appear to scour the land, and strange and ancient secrets are revealed. Glorious and sinister auroras glimmer in the dusk for weeks on end, and from time to time shooting stars of burning emerald fall from the sky. These fallen stars are the only known source of starmetal, a rare and precious ore infused with mighty magical power.
Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 44 Colors are imbued with their own magical properties. Just as

exotic substances and mystic words have the power to repel certain creatures, colors also harbor innate properties that can be brought forth by the skilled mage, culminating in the perfection of the prismatic wall or prismatic sphere. Few spells match the beauty and power of these potent abjurations. They are perfect defenses, representing a union of magical lore and keen insight into the workings of nature.

Mage of the Arcane Order 48 Also called a “guildmage,” a member of this prestige class is a spellcaster who belongs to an academy and guild known as the Arcane Order. The academy is called the Order in casual conversation, or sometimes just “that college of wizardry.” It is both a school for fl edgling spellcasters and a guild for those of advanced knowledge and power.
Master Transmogrifist 51 Perhaps none of an arcane spellcaster’s mighty powers is so versatile, useful, or spectacular as the ability to change into something else entirely. The master transmogrifist is a sorcerer or wizard who has chosen to specialize in spells that change his form. The polymorph spell and other shapechanging transmutations offer the master transmogrifist the ability to become a fearsome juggernaut of physical battle, a swiftflying traveler, or the perfect spy.
Mindbender 54 Mindbenders seek to control the thoughts and dreams of others. From an early age, those destined to walk this path learn little tricks of manipulation to get their way. Later, they turn to spellcasting to enhance their already impressive skills at bluffi ng, intimidating, and otherwise dealing with people to their own advantage. Magic holds the promise of complete mental domination, and the mindbender realizes it spectacularly.
Seeker of the Song 56 Beyond magic, beyond sound, beyond good or evil, lies music so profound and powerful that even deities quake at its sound. This primal music—of unknown origin and with no limit to its power—is incomprehensible to the mortal ear. To some who hear a fragment of this music, it becomes beauty incarnate, and they devote their lives to its discovery. These seekers wield the power of music in ways that amaze even the most skilled bards.
Sublime Chord 60 Music is not just a pleasant sound; it is also the expression of mathematical relationships fraught with signifi cance. A member of the sublime chord prestige class sees music, even the powerful music of a skilled bard, as nothing more than a stepping-stone to true universal insight into the legendary song of creation heard at the dawn of time. Music and magic are actually one and the same, and an astute student who unravels the riddles of meter and pitch simultaneously reveals hidden secrets of great power.
Suel Arcanamach 63 The ancient Suel Empire was known for the great and terrible power wielded by its mighty archmages. Suloise sorcerers delved deep into arcane lore that other folk avoided, unearthing many dark and dangerous secrets in the process. The Suel Empire was ruled by noble families headed by mages of unsurpassed power, and the countless rivalries and vendettas between these families led to the rise of an elite school of combat training: the way of the arcanamach. Conditioned for loyalty, determination, and absolute obedience, arcanamachs were skillful warriors who studied arcane magic for the express purpose of learning how to slay powerful wizards.
Wayfarer Guide 65 The wayfarer guide focuses on honing her skill at instantaneous magical transportation. Unlike spellcasters of other prestigious associations, a wayfarer guide need not devote years of her life to the art of teleportation nor focus her attention overmuch on the pursuit of perfection. Still, she learns secrets of the trade that are available only through employment with the Wayfarers Union. The Union is, at its heart, a transportation service that specialty spellcasters provide for those willing to pay.
Wild Mage 68 Magic is one of the most capricious and unpredictable of all natural or supernatural forces in the universe. Attempts to codify spellcasting through arcane formulas, or to impose order on magic through the force of will, are essentially pointless—or so wild mages believe. Instead, those who would truly master magic must forget what they know and abandon their willful control of the arcane. Within this paradox lies the awesome power of wild magic.


Page Class Level Name Description
87 Assassin 1st Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in poor illumination.
87 Assassin 2nd Fire Shuriken Find Magical shuriken deal 3d6 fire damage.
87 Assassin 2nd Ice Knife Magical shard of ice deals 2d8 cold damage plus 2 Dex damage, or deals 1d8 cold damage in 10-ft.-radius burst.
87 Assassin 4th Heart Ripper Kills living creatures with less than 4 HD.
87 Bard 2nd Force Whip Whip of magical force keeps animals at bay and can frighten animals as ranged touch attack.
87 Bard 2nd Whirling Blade Hurled slashing weapon magically attacks all foes in 60-ft. line.
87 Bard 4th Resonating Bolt Sonic energy deals 1d4 damage/level (max 10d4).
87 Bard 4th Unluck Target remakes all rolls, uses worse result for 1 round/level.
87 Bard 5th Blink, Greater Controlled blinking between the Material and Ethereal Planes grants defenses for 1 round/level.
87 Bard 5th Leomund’s Hidden Lodge Creates sturdy cottage camouflaged to blend into natural surroundings.
87 Cleric 3rd Resist Energy, Mass Targeted creatures ignore damage from specified energy type.
87 Cleric 3rd Ring of Blades Blades surround you, damaging other creatures (1d6+1/level damage).
87 Cleric 4th Assay Resistance +10 bonus on caster level checks to defeat one creature’s spell resistance.
87 Cleric 5th Blistering Radiance Sphere of light blinds creatures, deals 2d6 fire damage in 50-ft.-radius spread.
87 Cleric 6th Energy Immunity Subject and equipment gain immunity to damage of specified energy type.
87 Cleric 7th Withering Palm Touch attack deals 1 point Str damage plus 1 point Con damage/two levels.
87 Cleric 8th Brilliant Blade Weapon or projectiles shed light, ignore armor.
87 Cleric 9th Summon Elemental Monolith Calls powerful elemental creature to fight for you.
87 Druid 1st Animate Water Turn Small or smaller quantity of water into animated object.
87 Druid 1st Animate Wood Turn Small or smaller wooden item into animated object.
87 Druid 2nd Animate Fire Turn Small or smaller fire into animated object.
87 Druid 2nd Chameleon Subject gets +10 on Hide checks.
87 Druid 2nd Swim Subject gains swim speed, +8 bonus on Swim checks.
87 Druid 3rd Resist Energy, Mass Targeted creatures ignore damage from specified energy type.
87 Druid 3rd Thornskin Your unarmed attacks deal +1d6 damage; natural and unarmed attacks against you take 1d4 damage.
87 Druid 4th Arc of Lightning Line of electricity between two creatures (1d6/level damage).
87 Druid 5th Wood Rot Destroy wooden items or deal 3d6 + 1/level damage (max +15) to plant creatures.
87 Druid 6th Energy Immunity Subject and equipment gain immunity to damage of specified energy type.
87 Druid 9th Summon Elemental Monolith Calls powerful elemental creature to fight for you.
87 Druid 9th Transmute Rock to Lava Transforms one 10-ft. cube with subsequent fire damage and effects.
94 Hexblade 1st Backbiter Wooden-hafted weapon strikes wielder.
94 Hexblade 2nd Phantasmal Assailants Nightmare creatures strike target for 4 Wis damage, 4 Dex damage.
94 Hexblade 2nd Whirling Blade Hurled slashing weapon magically attacks all foes in 60-ft. line.
94 Hexblade 4th Assay Resistance +10 bonus on caster level checks to defeat one creature’s spell resistance.
94 Hexblade 4th Unluck Target remakes all rolls, uses worse result for 1 round/ level.
88 Ranger 1st Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in poor illumination.
88 Ranger 2nd Blades of Fire Your melee weapons deal +1d6 fire damage for 1 round.

Sorcerer/Wizard Spells[edit]

Page Class Level School Name Description
88 Sorcerer/Wizard Cantrip Trans Repair Minor Damage Repairs 1 point of damage to any construct.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Conj Orb of Acid, Lesser Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 acid damage + 1d8/two levels beyond 1st (max 5d8).
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Conj Orb of Cold, Lesser Ranged touch attack deals 1d8 cold damage + 1d8/two levels beyond 1st (max 5d8).
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Conj Orb of Electricity, Lesser Ranged touch attack deals 1d8

electricity damage + 1d8/two levels beyond 1st (max 5d8).

88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Conj Orb of Fire, Lesser Ranged touch attack deals 1d8

fire damage + 1d8/two levels beyond 1st (max 5d8).

88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Conj Orb of Sound, Lesser Ranged touch attack deals 1d6

sonic damage + 1d6/two levels beyond 1st (max 5d6).

88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Necro Backbiter Wooden-hafted weapon strikes wielder.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Trans Fist of Stone Gain +6 Str and natural slam attack.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Trans Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in poor illumination.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 1st Trans Repair Light Damage Repairs 1d8 +1/level damage

(max +5) to any construct.

88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Conj Blades of Fire Your melee weapons deal +1d6 fire damage for 1 round.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Evoc Fireburst Adjacent subjects take 1d8/level fire damage.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Illus Phantasmal Assailants Nightmare creatures strike target for 4 Wis damage, 4 Dex damage.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Illus Wall of Gloom Shadow barrier obscures vision and deters passage.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Trans Earthen Grasp Arm made of earth and soil grapples foes.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Trans Repair Moderate Damage Repairs 2d8 +1/level damage (max +10) to any construct.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Trans Swim Subject gains swim speed, +8 bonus on Swim checks.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Trans Whirling Blade Hurled slashing weapon magically attacks all foes in 60-ft. line.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 2nd Univ Familiar Pocket Garment or container becomes extradimensional safe haven for your familiar.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Abjur Sign of Sealing Magical sigil protects door or chest,

deals 1d4/level damage (max 10d4) if opened.

88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Conj Bands of Steel Metallic bands immobilize or entangle target for 1 round/level.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Conj Corpse Candle Ghostly hand and candle sheds light, affects incorporeal creatures.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Conj Mage Armor, Greater Gives subject +6 armor bonus.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Div Discern Shapechanger Penetrates disguises and identifies shapechanging creatures.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Evoc Resonating Bolt Sonic energy deals 1d4 damage/ level (max 10d4).
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Illus Shadow Binding Ribbonlike shadows daze and entangle creatures in 10-ft.-radius burst.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Trans Repair Serious Damage Repairs 3d8 +1/level damage (max +15) to any construct.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Trans Stony Grasp Arm made of soil and rock grapples foes.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 3rd Univ Enhance Familiar Your familiar receives +2 bonus on saves, combat rolls, and AC for 1 hour/level.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Abjur Anticipate Teleportation Predict and delay the arrival of creatures teleporting into range by 1 round.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Abjur Otiluke’s Dispelling Screen Targeted dispel magic on any creatures and unattended items, +10 max on caster level check.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Abjur Resist Energy, Mass Targeted creatures ignore damage from specified energy type.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Blast of Flame 60-ft. cone of fire (1d6/level damage).
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Orb of Acid Ranged touch, 1d6/level acid damage and target might be sickened.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Orb of Cold Ranged touch, 1d6/level cold damage and target might be blinded.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Orb of Electricity Ranged touch, 1d6/level electricity

damage and target might be entangled.

88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Orb of Fire Ranged touch, 1d6/level fire damage and target might be dazed.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Orb of Force Globe of force deals 1d6/level damage (max 10d6).
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Conj Orb of Sound Ranged touch, 1d4/level sonic damage and target might be deafened.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Div Assay Resistance +10 bonus on caster level checks to defeat one creature’s spell resistance.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Div Unluck Target remakes all rolls, uses worse result for 1 round/level.
88 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Evoc Blistering Radiance Sphere of light blinds creatures, deals 2d6 fire damage in 50-ft.-radius spread.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Evoc Defenestrating Sphere Cloudy gray sphere knocks enemies prone, hurls them upward for subsequent falling damage.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Necro Burning Blood Target takes 1d8 acid damage plus 1d8 fire damage/round.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Trans Darkvision, Mass Creatures in 10-ft. radius gain ability to see 60 ft. in total darkness.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Trans Repair Critical Damage Repairs 4d8 +1/level damage (max +20) to any construct.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 4th Univ Fortify Familiar Your familiar gains 2d8 temporary hit points, +2 to armor, 25% chance to avoid extra sneak attack and critical hit damage.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Abjur Aiming at the Target +10 bonus on Concentration checks for previously cast spell.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Abjur Duelward +4 on Spellcraft checks, counterspell as an immediate action.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Abjur Reciprocal Gyre Creature or object takes 1d6 damage/level of spell affecting it (max 25d6).
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Abjur Refusal Spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities are prevented from entering an area.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Conj Arc of Lightning Line of electricity between two creatures (1d6/level damage).
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Conj Freezing Fog Fog slows creatures, obscures vision, hinders movement.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Conj Leomund’s Hidden Lodge Creates sturdy cottage camouflaged to blend into natural surroundings.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Conj Servant Horde Create 2d6 unseen servants +1/level (max +15).
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Conj Vitriolic Sphere Potent acid deals 1d4/level damage (max 15d4) plus possible damage in following two rounds.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Evoc Fire Shield, Mass Creatures attacking allies take damage; allies are protected from fire or cold.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Evoc Fireburst, Greater Subjects within 10 ft. take 1d8/level fire damage.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Evoc Prismatic Ray Ray of light blinds target, deals random effect.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Evoc Sword of Deception Blade of energy attacks independently,

deals 1d4 damage, penalizes subsequent save.

89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Necro Spiritwall Wall of spirit-forms causes panic, deals 1d10 damage if touched, can bestow negative levels if passed through.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Trans Blink, Greater Controlled blinking between the Material and Ethereal Planes grants defenses for 1 round/level.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 5th Trans Fly, Mass creature/level flies at speed of 60 ft.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Abjur Sign of Sealing, Greater Magical sigil protects door, chest, or open space, deals 1d6/level damage (max 20d6) if opened.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Ench Transfix Humanoids freeze in place until condition you specify is met.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Illus Illusory Pit Creatures in area are stunned or knocked prone while believing they’re falling.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Necro Arrow of Bone Missile or thrown weapon gains +4 bonus, target takes 3d6 +1/level damage (max +15) or is slain.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Trans Brilliant Blade Weapon or projectiles shed light, ignore armor.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Trans Fiendform Assume form and abilities of fiendish creature, demon, or devil.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 6th Univ Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability You transfer spells and casting ability into your familiar.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 7th Abjur Energy Immunity Subject and equipment gain immunity to damage of specified energy type.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 7th Abjur Otiluke’s Greater Dispelling Screen Targeted

dispel magic on any creatures and unattended items, +20 max on caster level check.

89 Sorcerer/Wizard 7th Evoc Emerald Flame Fist Touch attack deals 3d6 + 1/level fire damage (max +20); target can be engulfed by flame for additional damage.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 7th Necro Sword of Darkness Blade of negative energy attacks independently, deals 1d4 damage, bestows one negative level.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 7th Trans Ghostform You assume incorporeal form and gain some incorporeal traits and bonuses.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 8th Abjur Anticipate Teleportation, Greater Predict and delay the arrival of creatures teleporting into range by 3 rounds.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 8th Necro Blackfire Target is engulfed in black flame, takes 1d4 Con damage and becomes nauseated; flames and effects can spread to adjacent living creatures.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 8th Necro Heart of Stone Exchange your heart with stone heart to gain damage reduction, resistance to energy for 1 year.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 8th Trans Flensing Pain and trauma deal 2d6 damage, 1d6 Con damage, 1d6 Cha damage for up to 4 rounds.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Abjur Absorption You absorb targeted spell energy to power spells of your own.
89 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Abjur Reaving Dispel On a targeted dispel, steal spell power and effects for yourself.
90 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Conj Sphere of Ultimate Destruction Featureless black sphere moves 30 ft./round, disintegrates on ranged touch attack.
90 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Conj Summon Elemental Monolith Calls powerful elemental creature to fight for you.
90 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Ench Programmed Amnesia Destroy, alter, or replace memories in target creature..
90 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Illus Superior Invisibility Subject is invisible to sight, hearing, and scent for 1 hour/level, and can attack.
90 Sorcerer/Wizard 9th Trans Transmute Rock to Lava Transforms one 10-ft. cube with subsequent fire damage and effects.

For a complete list of Warmage and Wu Jen spells, see page 90 and on in Complete Arcane.


Name Page Description
Arcane Defense 73 Choose a school of magic, such as illusion. You can resist spells from that school better than normal.
Arcane Mastery 73 You are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the arcane defenses and spells of others.
Arcane Preparation 73 You can prepare an arcane spell ahead of time, just as a wizard does.
Automatic Quicken Spell 191 You can cast any of your lesser spells with a moment's thought.
Automatic Silent Spell 191 You can cast any of your lesser spells silently.
Automatic Still Spell 191 You can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.
Battle Caster 75 Building on your existing training allows you to avoid the chance of arcane spell failure when you wear armor heavier than normal.
Black Lore of Moil 75 Your study of the sinister knowledge and spellcasting techniques of the long-dead Nightlords of Moil makes your necromancy spells especially potent.
Born of the Three Thunders 76 You have learned to marry the power of lightning and thunder in your electricity and sonic spells.
Chain Spell 76 You can cast spells that arc to other targets in addition to your primary target.
Collegiate Wizard 181 You have undergone extensive training in a formal school for wizards.
Communicator 76 You possess a magical understanding of the essence of language.
Cooperative Spell 76 You can cast spells to greater effect in conjunction with the same spell cast by another individual.
Craft Contingent Spell 77 You know how to attach semipermanent spells to a creature and set them to activate under certain conditions.
Delay Spell 77 You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay of your choosing.
Double Wand Wielder 77 You can activate two wands at the same time.
Draconic Breath 77 You can convert your arcane spells into a breath weapon.
Draconic Claw 77 You develop the natural weapons of your draconic ancestors.
Draconic Flight 77 The secret of draconic flight is revealed to you, granting you the ability to fly occasionally.
Draconic Heritage 77 You have greater connection with your distant draconic bloodline.
Draconic Legacy 78 You have realized greater arcane power through your draconic heritage.
Draconic Power 78 You have greater power manipulating the energies of your heritage.
Draconic Presence 78 When you use your magic, your mere presence can terrify those around you.
Draconic Resistance 78 Your bloodline hardens your body against the energy type of your progenitor.
Draconic Skin 78 Your skin takes on the sheen, luster, and hardness of your draconic parentage.
Energy Admixture 78 You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to add an equal amount of another energy type.
Energy Substitution 79 You can modify an energy-based spell to use another type of energy instead.
Enhance Spell 191 You can increase the power limit of your damage-dealing spells.
Epic Spell Focus 192 Choose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are for more potent than normal.
Epic Spell Penetration 192 Your spells are tremendously potent, breaking through spell resistance with ease.
Explosive Spell 79 You can cast spells that blast creatures off their feet.
Extra Edge 79 Your ability to deal spell damage is particularly striking.
Extra Invocation 79 You learn an additional invocation.
Extra Slot 79 You can cast an additional spell.
Extra Spell 79 You learn an additional spell.
Extra Spell Secret 80 You learn an additional spell secret.
Fortify Spell 80 You cast spells that more easily penetrate spell resistance.
Guardian Spirit 80 Your watchful spirit is more capable than normal.
Heighten Spell-Like Ability 80 You can use a spell-like ability as if it were a higher spell-level equivalent than it actually is.
Improved Combat Casting 192 You heighten your ability to cast spells while threatened without fear of being attacked.
Innate Spell 80 You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now use it as a spell-like ability.
Insightful 80 You possess a magical understanding of the workings of arcane detection.
Lord of the Uttercold 80 Through careful study of the Elemental Planes and their interactions with the Negative Energy Plane, you have learned to wield the uttercold.
Mage Slayer 81 You have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly.
Master Staff 192 You can activate a staff without using a charge.
Master Wand 192 You can activate a wand without using a charge.
Maximize Spell-Like Ability 81 You can use a spell-like ability at its maximum effect.
Necropolis Born 81 You possess a magical understanding of the essence of mortal dread.
Night Haunt 81 You possess a magical understanding of the workings of the unseen.
Nonlethal Substitution 81 You can modify an energy spell to deal nonlethal damage.
Obtain Familiar 81 You gain a familiar.
Persistent Spell 81 You can make a spell last all day.
Pierce Magical Concealment 81 You ignore the miss chance provided by certain magical effects.
Pierce Magical Protection 82 You can overcome the magical protections of your enemies.
Practiced Spellcaster 82 Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast from that class are more powerful.
Precocious Apprentice 181 Your master has shown you the basics of a spell beyond the normal limits of your experience and training.
Ranged Spell Specialization 82 You deal more damage with ranged touch attack spells.
Reckless Wand Wielder 82 You can increase the effectiveness of spells cast from a wand.
Repeat Spell 82 You can cast a spell that repeats on the following round.
Sanctum Spell 82 Your spells are especially potent on home ground.
Sculpt Spell 83 You can alter the area of your spells.
Soul of the North 83 You possess a magical understanding of the nature of cold.
Spell Hand 83 You possess a magical understanding of the manipulation of force.
Split Ray 83 Your ray spells can affect an additional target.
Sudden Empower 83 You can cast a spell to greater effect without special preparation.
Sudden Extend 83 You can make a spell last longer than normal without special preparation.
Sudden Maximize 83 You can cast a spell to maximum effect without special preparation.
Sudden Quicken 83 You can cast a spell with a moment's thought without special preparation.
Sudden Silent 83 You can cast a spell silently without special preparation.
Sudden Still 83 You can cast a spell without gestures or special preparation.
Sudden Widen 83 You can increase a spell's area without special preparation.
Touch Spell Specialization 83 You deal extra damage with touch spells.
Transdimensional Spell 84 You can cast spells that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the spell's area.
Twin Spell 84 You can simultaneously cast a single spell twice.
Wandstrike 84 You can channel the magical energy of a wand through your melee attacks.

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