Expanded Variant Paladins (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

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Expanded Variant Paladins

Why should the extremes get all the fun? Introducing paladins for LN, NG, CN, N, and NE.

Class: Paladin

Level: 1-20

Replaces: Normal Paladin Progression

Paladin of Justice

The Paladin of Justice is a LN paladin focused on the promotion of law and order. They often act as police fighting against the world of crime. Paladins of Justice are identical to the standard paladin with the following exceptions.

Replace Smite Evil with Smite Chaos. Detect Evil becomes Detect Chaos, and all aligned spells "against evil" become "against chaos".

A paladin of justice may choose between gaining the powers of a good or evil paladin, such as the good paladin's Lay on Hands or the evil paladin's Deadly Touch ability. Once chosen, this decision cannot be altered. Likewise a paladin of justice gains the Aura of resolve or Aura of Despair, Turn or Rebuke Undead, Diplomacy or Intimidate, and Cause or Remove Disease as appropriate. The powers gained match their original choice of what to channel.

Paladin of Darkness

The paladin of darkness is a corrupt soul who follows the path of evil. He gains powers similar to the paladins of tyranny and slaughter. He gains the powers of them with the following exceptions.

Any aligned spells against law or chaos are removed from the spell list, and replaced with spells which oppose good.

A paladin of darkness must choose between gaining the lawful-themed powers of the paladin of tyranny, or the chaos themed powers of the paladin of slaughter. Once chosen, this decision cannot be changed.

Paladin of Anarchy

The paladin of anarchy upholds the powers of chaos. He is often creating trouble and attempting to tear down established governments. Some extreme forms of them are called mad. They are identical to the paladin of freedom with the following changes.

Replace Smite Evil with Smite Law. Detect Evil becomes Detect Law, and all aligned spells "against evil" become "against law".

A paladin of anarchy may choose between gaining the powers of a good or evil paladin, such as the good paladin's Lay on Hands or the evil paladin's Deadly Touch ability. Once chosen, this decision cannot be altered. Likewise a paladin of anarchy gains the Aura of resolve or Aura of Despair, Turn or Rebuke Undead, Diplomacy or Intimidate, and Cause or Remove Disease as appropriate. The powers gained match their original choice of what to channel.

Paladin of Light

The paladin of light is a kind being who understand goodness is not restricted to law or chaos. He gains powers similar to the paladins of honor and freedom. He gains the powers of them with the following exceptions.

Any aligned spells against law or chaos are removed from the spell list, and replaced with spells which oppose evil.

A paladin of light must choose between gaining the lawful-themed powers of the paladin of honor, or the chaos themed powers of the paladin of freedom. Once chosen, this decision cannot be changed.

Paladin of Balance

The paladin of balance is an equinox, understanding that balance is the best path to righteousness of any kind; he is not governed by moral opinions. He gains powers similar to the paladins of justice, chaos, light or darkness. He gains their powers with the following exceptions.

Any aligned spells are removed from the spell list.

A paladin of Balance must choose between gaining the lawful-themed powers of the Paladin of Justice, the good-themed powers of the Paladin of Light, the Chaos-themed powers of the Paladin of Chaos, or the evil-themed powers of the Paladin of Darkness. Once chosen, this decision cannot be changed.

Benefit: These variants allow for those adhering to other alignments other than LG, LE, CG, and CE.

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