Spear Master (5e Subclass)

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Spear Master

Unrivaled is their skill with a spear. The Spear Master is agile and quick to such a degree that witnesses say they are but a blur. It takes patience, strength, an iron will and many years of training to become a master of the spear. Spear Masters frequently take the front line, striking fast and accurately, aiming for weak spots, slits and gaps in enemies' armor. They are aggressive, but can be defensive if the need arises.

Generally a Spear Master has started their training early enough to reach the level of master in their physical prime. Spear Masters can be found as captains of a royal guard, or the personal guard of a merchant, or even a leather worker in a small town who wants to lead a simple life. Not all Spear Masters aim for wealth and glory, but rather a meaningful life, they tend to keep their skills unknown to strangers. . . if possible.

When you take this subclass, you gain the following benefits:

Wind Stance

Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, if you are not wearing any armor, your Armor Class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus. You may use a shield and still gain this benefit.

Swift Strike

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you can add your dexterity modifier to attack and damage rolls instead of your strength modifier when making a melee attack with a spear.

Improved Critical

Starting at 3rd level, you can accurately determine where weak spots are in your enemy's armor. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Defensive Presence

Starting at 7th level, when an enemy within 10 ft of you makes an opportunity attack against an ally, that opportunity attack is made with disadvantage.

Agile Movement

Starting at 7th level, you can use the Disengage action as a bonus action.

Powerful Strike

From 7th level onwards, when using a spear its damage die increases from d6 to d8 while wielding it with one hand, and d8 to d10 while wielding it with two hands.

Quick Blows

Starting at 10th level, you can use this ability once per short or long rest. As a bonus action you can make 2 consecutive spear attacks, roll to hit for each strike.

Advanced Critical

Starting at 15th level, you understand the fighting style of your opponent and know where gaps, chinks, and other weak spots in their armor is. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.

A True Master

From 18th level onwards, you gain the following benefits:

  • You can use the Quick Blows ability twice between short or long rests.
  • You can add you proficiency bonus to damage rolls.

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